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In the midst of pleasure, I heard my door fly open, startling both Jett and I and that’s when I saw Kace.

“Ah, fucking Christ!” He threw his hands up as I screamed and Jett yelled.

“What the fuck, get out of here!”

Jett was like a fucking naked ninja as he grabbed a hold of me, flipped me off his dick and covered me up so fast I wasn’t sure if Kace even saw anything.

He was shielding his eyes with his arm as he held up his other hand in apology.

“Jesus, I didn’t fucking know you were in here,” Kace said as he tried to back out of the room.

Jett was out of bed and putting his pants on in no time as he walked toward Kace.

“What the fuck are you doing barging in her room like that? What if she was getting dressed, fuckhead?”

“She’s late for practice!” Kace spat back as he straightened his posture and averted his eyes from the bed. In an instant, Kace grew defensive as Jett charged after him. Sparks started to fly between them and the testosterone in the room grew thick.

“That doesn’t give you the right to come running in here. It’s called knocking.” Jett pushed Kace into the door.

Oh fuck. Rage poured through Kace’s eyes as he charged after Jett. I was out of bed in no time with the sheet wrapped around my body trying to break up the fight. As I went to stop them, I tripped on my sheet and flung forward so I slid right between them with my hands out as if I was trying to slide into second base. A loud thump and grunt escaped me while I landed on the ground, nipples first.

“Jesus!” Jett shouted as he bent down and gathered my blankets to cover me up and then picked me up. He held me in his arms as he looked at Kace. “This is your one and final warning, don’t you ever come fucking charging in here again. This is not your room.”

Kace got right in Jett’s face and spoke so close that I could smell the fresh soap of his shower coming off his body. I wouldn’t mind a Goldie sandwich right about now with these two men. Holy hell, that would be hot.

“Just because your relationship with Goldie is different now doesn’t mean she can let the other girls down.”

“Put me down, Jett. He’s right,” I said as I started to feel guilty. I shouldn’t let the girls down just because I was fucking the boss. Well, more than fucking.

“No, I will not put you down,” Jett retorted. “I will not fucking stand for the way he’s treating you right now.”

“Oh fuck off,” Kace said as he spun around and headed out the door. Before he left, he turned back around and said, “You know I’m happy for you two but, Jett, there has to be a line. If Lo is going to be a Jett Girl, then you are going to have to treat her like one.”

Jett was silent for a second as he pondered what Kace was saying.

“Well, then she’s no longer a Jett Girl.”

“What?!” Both Kace and I said together.

I tried to wiggle out of his grasp but Jett wouldn’t let me go.

“She’s no longer a Jett Girl, simple as that.”

Kace threw his hands up in the air and said, “Whatever,” and took off down the hallway, leaving me with the very overbearing Mr. Colby.

“Put me down.” I scrambled until he finally set me down. He shut the door and stood in front of it with his arms crossed.

I told myself not to get distracted by the way his muscles were flexing right in front of me or the way his angry stare was fucking hotter than hell.

“You can’t be serious,” I said as I gathered my sheet and threw it on the bed. I walked into my closet and threw on some lingerie and a shirt, then went to the bathroom where I started brushing out the rat’s nest that was my hair.

Standing in the doorway, Jett crossed his arms again and observed me.

“I’m dead serious. Your show days are over.”

“No, they’re fucking not,” I spat back.

Jett came up behind me and looked at me in the mirror, bringing up the memories of last night but I pushed them back and didn’t let them distract me. Point, Goldie!

Lifting his hand to touch my necklace, he said, “The moment I put this on you meant that you are for me and me only. That means no more showing your body off for members, no more strutting your stuff and no more fucking lap dances.”

“You’re insane!” I threw my hands up in defense and then spun around to look at him, hair brush hanging out of my hair. “What if I don’t want to wear this anymore?” I went to reach to the back to unclasp the necklace when Jett grabbed my hands and spun me against the bathroom wall.

His face was inches from mine as he spoke to me. “This is not a fucking game to me so don’t turn it into one. If you take that necklace off, then it means we are over, completely finished. I will not have you using that as a scare tactic, do you hear me?”

I nodded and gulped at the same time.

Taking a chance I said, “Jett, I want to be honest with you so I’m going to tell you something you probably don’t want to hear,” I repeated his words from earlier, he understood the honesty we were trying to show each other. “You’re being a possessive ass right now.”

His head pulled away from my words. I tried not to laugh at the confused look he was giving me.

“Just because there is something between us doesn’t mean you can control my entire life. I want to be up on stage, I want to be a team with the girls, it makes me happy.”

“But I don’t want…” I placed my hand over his mouth and stopped him from talking.

“I understand that you don’t want other men seeing me, I get that but what if we compromise?” His eyebrow lifted in question but he didn’t start yelling so I continued, “What if I take out all lap dances, save those only for you.” I winked at him and continued, “And what if I wore more tasteful lingerie like Francy? Stuff that’s not as revealing. Would that be okay?”

The tightness of his jaw and the tick of it that was going off like a firecracker had me nervous but he finally succumbed and said, “Fine, but absolutely no lap dances, that’s non-negotiable.”

“That’s fine,” I said while hope sprang through me.

“Fine, but I don’t like it.”

“I know.” I patted his face and kissed him on the lips. “But just think how great the sex will be after a presentation?”

I walked toward the door, to join the girls, when Jett stopped me and said, “The sex will always be great, little one.”

If the girls weren’t waiting on me, I would be jumping Jett’s bones right now. The man was too damn sexy, it was hard to pry myself away, but I did with a kiss blown in his direction and my best hip swag to leave him begging for more. When I glanced over my shoulder, I saw Jett running his hands through his hair as he paced my room. Job well done.


When I went to the Toulouse Room to join practice, it was empty so I took the chance and went back to Kace’s room to apologize and tell him the new restrictions on my Jett Girl contract.

Like usual, the hallway to his room was dark and creepy so I walked down it as quickly as possible. When I reached his room, I knocked twice and waited. I could hear him shifting around and then he called out, “Come in.”

I walked in and saw Kace sitting in a chair with his legs propped up on the window sill. There was a guitar in his hands and he continued to look out the window as I walked in. When did he start playing the guitar? God, his sex appeal was at death con one level. Well, I would give him two, Jett was at one now that he introduced me to his panty-melting smile.

“Hi, Kace.”

I wouldn’t have thought he was affected by my presence since he didn’t turn around from the sound of my voice but I did notice a slight stiffness in his shoulders when I broke the silence.

“What do you want, Lo?”

“I wanted to tell you—”

“Oh shit, Kace, I almost forgot my…” Pepper’s voice trailed off as she entered from the hallway and saw me standing in the middle of Kace’s room.

Kace stood up instantly and looked at Pepper with a death glare.