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Taking a long, deep breath, Jett gripped me tighter and said, “I’m sorry. Fuck, I’m so sorry this is hurting you. It’s hurting me too but please trust me. You trust me right?”

He pulled away to look me in the eyes as I answered. I swallowed hard and nodded my head.

“I trust you, Jett.”


He grabbed my suitcase and opened it up.

“Wow, you could at least wait to unpack me,” I semi-joked.

“I wanted to give you this,” he said as he handed me a wrapped present.

“Hey, when did that get in there?” I looked over the suitcase, trying to see if there were any more hidden presents in there.

“Don’t worry about it and just open it.”

Like a little girl during Christmas, I ripped open the present and gasped when I saw what was inside.

In a green frame, was a picture of Jett and me at our first event together. His arm was wrapped around my waist and he was leaning into my ear, saying something while a giant smile lit up my face.”

“This picture was sent to me after the first event we went to. I have the same one on my desk and I wanted you to have one, to put on your nightstand. I want you to remember this moment. I want you to remember the way my arm felt wrapped around you, the way my breath caressed your skin as I whispered into your ear and the way pure elation flowed through your body from it. Memorize it, little one, and carry that around with you because once I leave here, things are going to become complicated and I want you to know that no matter what happens, I will always be yours, always.”

“Jett, you’re scaring me.”

“I’m being honest.” He took a deep breath and caressed my cheek. “You’re my girl, Goldie. I don’t like titles but…” He paused for a second and then said, “You’re my girlfriend, you’re everything to me and I will do everything in my power to make sure it stays that way. Do you understand me?”

I nodded my head, so confused but understanding the gravity of the situation and having a heavy heart from his confession.

His fingers caressed the frame and he said, “Do you know what the color green means here in New Orleans?” I shook my head no so he continued, “It means faith. I put this picture in a green frame because I want you to have faith that everything is going to work out. Okay? Have faith in us, Goldie, and have faith in the fact that even though you might not like it, I know what I’m doing. I know what’s best for us.”

“Okay,” I responded as a tear dropped down my cheek.

Gently, he took the frame from me and placed it on the nightstand, next to a bouquet of green hydrangeas.

“Did you have Diego put those there?” I asked, trying to be brave and wiping my tears.

“I did. Hydrangeas are tricky flowers, they can mean a lot of things but there is an old saying that a bouquet of hydrangeas means that the giver is grateful of the recipient’s understanding.” He took a deep breath and continued, “I am grateful for you, Goldie, and for trusting in my decisions and having faith in the fact that I will be back and when I’m ready and everything has been fixed, you will be with me, fully. You will be back in my club not as a Jett Girl but as my girlfriend, as the one who has stolen my heart.”

Not being able to say much from the tightness in my throat, I nodded my head and acknowledged him.

Faith and trust, I could do that. It seemed so simple.

Chapter Twenty Three

“As We Are”


The smell of coffee pulled me from my bed. Jett made me pack pajamas and made me swear that I would wear them when in Diego’s place. I couldn’t blame him; I was known to wake up in the middle of the night and venture out, forgetting that I was naked. Jett clearly didn’t mind but in someone else’s place, he would have none of that.

I tried getting away with packing light camisoles and boy shorts but Jett threatened to make me wear turtlenecks and sweats to bed so we compromised with leggings and a tank top…with a built in bra. The man could be infuriating.

I looked at my nightstand and smiled at the flowers and picture frame that Jett gave me. He had to leave after he settled me in my new room which broke my heart but I understood. I didn’t know what was going on and I knew it was dangerous and he didn’t want to get me wrapped up in it but I was a little hurt that he wouldn’t tell me, especially since I technically was involved now. This would all be so much easier if he let me in but he said the less I knew the better.

I pulled my phone off the nightstand and checked for any messages and was surprised to see one from Jett. Squealing like a girl, I quickly opened it and read it as I sighed to myself.

Jett: Little one, it tore me apart to leave you last night but I know it’s a first step to making everything right for us. Don’t forget to have faith and trust. When you miss me, hold on to your necklace. I will be in touch. - J

After reading his text about five times, I pulled myself away and walked downstairs. In the morning light, the club actually looked clean compared to what I thought last night. It was such a neat concept. I was excited to see what else Diego had in store and what the dancers were. I didn’t forget about that little comment last night. If I was going to be here, I at least was going to make the most of it.

Following the smell of coffee, I was able to find the kitchen. There was a swinging door that I pushed through and was instantly met with Diego’s bare chest.

“Whoa,” Diego said while holding his coffee and trying to balance the hot liquid from falling over the sides.

I was too distracted by his mocha-colored bare chest and the way that his shorts rode dangerously low on his hips, showing a very attractive line of hair from his belly button to his waistline and a deep V that would make any woman weak in the knees. Fuck, he was hot.

I gulped and looked back up at him. He was now smiling like a damn buffoon from my perusal.

“See something you like?” He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

“Get over yourself,” I childishly said as I walked past him and went straight for the coffee. I had no clue where the mugs were so I started sorting through his cupboards. His body pressed up against mine, making me go stiff as he opened a cupboard I hadn’t explored yet and pulled down a mug.

He leaned over my shoulder, handed it to me and spoke too close to my ear, “Here you go.”

“You’re awfully close, you know, especially for someone who gave Jett his word.”

Smiling and holding up his hands, he said, “I was just being helpful.”

“Too helpful,” I said while I pulled away and made myself some coffee. It wasn’t the smooth brew I got when I was at the Lafayette Club but it wasn’t dirt piss either.

Sitting down at the little kitchen table he had set up, I crossed my leg and said, “I like your place. It’s kind of neat. Where did you get the idea?”

He turned around to grab some more coffee and that was when I saw a giant tattoo caressing his back. I couldn’t tell what it was because it was covered up by scars and lashings.

“Oh my God, what happened to you?”

His shoulders tensed from my question but when he turned to face me, his face remained neutral.

“How about we get to know each other first before we go diving into some serious stuff, eh?” he suggested while taking a sip of his coffee and sitting down at the table with me.

“Fair enough. Are you from the area?”

“Yup, born and raised, sweetheart. What about you?”

“Yes, I used to live over in the ninth ward until Hurricane Katrina came around.”

“That greedy bitch,” Diego said, shedding a little bit of humor on a horrific tragedy.

“You could say that. So, where did you get the idea for the club?”

Leaning back in his chair, he looked at me with those gray eyes of his that were not natural for a man of his color but it made him that much more intriguing.