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“Jett came home last night,” I said, keeping our conversation simple. I still felt a little awkward that the other girls were never called up to the Bourbon Room. Don’t get me wrong, I was ecstatic about it but I always felt awkward talking about my…involvement with Jett. It wasn’t a relationship, it was just an involvement.

“Ahh, I see. That’s why you have some steam to burn off. You’re no longer moping around the club because you got some man last night.”

“I wasn’t moping,” I replied, trying to hold on to a shred of dignity.

Babs saw right through me as she said, “Okay, Lo. Nice try. I know you better than that.”

I smiled and continued to run my warm-up as the other girls trickled in for our daily workout. We all knew the drill. We did ten minutes on the treadmill and then did whatever kind of plyometric crap Kace planned for us, then ended with either some weights or a little bit of yoga. It was a good hour and a half to two hours that we spent in the gym almost every day. I wanted to complain but when I looked in the mirror and saw how toned I was, I had to admit, well-fucking done, Kace, well-fucking done.

Once we wrapped up our warm-ups, we noticed that the man with the whip hadn’t shown up yet which was very strange, he was usually in the gym before any of us.

“Where’s Kace?” Tootse asked, confused as she wiped the sweat off her brow.

“No clue,” Francy replied as she put a stray hair behind Tootse’s ear. They were adorable together and sometimes had me wondering if at some point I should take a tour down Tuna Town because it seemed like they had it going on. I was jealous of their relationship, of seeing how affectionate they could be without a worry or care.

Pepper looked at her watch and said, “Well, he’s not here so that means our workout must be canceled. I have some massive school work I have to get done by tonight because I’ve been procrastinating and dreaming up new choreography so I’m going to peace out girls.” She slapped our asses and took off.

“I have some colors to review for my makeup line so I’m going to take off too,” Babs replied as she winked and ran out the hallway and up the stairs.

And then there were three.

Tootse and Francy smiled at each other and Francy pulled Tootse into her arms and asked, “Shower?”

A devilish smile spread across her face as she nodded. They entwined their fingers, gave my cheek a little pat and then walked up the stairs together.

“Must be nice,” I muttered as I lightly kicked one of the exercise balls in the room.

I had a lot of decisions to make when it came to my school work but I wasn’t in the mood to do that and I was only allowed on the third floor when Jett invited me so offering to take a shower with him would be looked down upon, so that left me with one other option that was probably the worst choice but I apparently love walking on the wild side, so I headed to Kace’s room.

I knew where his room was located but never actually been there. I was eager to see where he lived, what his room looked like, maybe catch a glimpse of the mysterious man.

Located in the back hallway, on the first floor, where there were no lights and was a little frightening, was Kace’s room. The hallway wasn’t in the best of shape like the ones upstairs and his door looked like it was made of the cheapest wood available. Talk about a servant’s wing, this was it for sure.

A pang of hurt soured through me as I thought about Kace living alone back here. It seemed so dreary, so sad that I kind of wanted to tell him he could move into my room if he wanted. There was plenty of room for him to do so. I laughed to myself as I thought of Jett’s reaction to Kace and I becoming roomies, it wouldn’t go over well that’s for sure.

The image of braiding each other’s hair and staying up late, eating popcorn…

“What the hell are you doing here?” Kace said behind me, making me jump right out of my damn bra.

“Jesus Christ!” I yelled as my heart pounded in my chest. “You just can’t scare people like that.”

“I asked you a question.”

I put my hand on my hip and said, “Well excuse me for wanting to check on you. You didn’t show up for the workout so I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

Kace stepped into the light and tried to move past me but not before I saw the bloody lip he was sporting and the bruises across his face.

I stopped him by pulling on his arms and said, “Oh my God, what happened to you?”

I went to touch his lip but he pulled away and sidestepped my embrace.

“Leave,” was all he said as he blew by me, opened his door and quickly shut it.

Well, that was rude.

My mind debated with itself as I tried to figure out what my next move was going to be. I could leave like he asked me to and go up to my room, maybe paint my nails, do some girly shit or I could do what was in my blood and defy the man and walk right into his bedroom. I never liked straying from being myself…so I puffed my chest, gave myself a quick pep talk and walked in his room.

The hallway that seemed like ghosts were popping out of the walls was a stark contrast to Kace’s actual room. His room was so cozy, so welcoming. He didn’t have much on the walls but the neutral tones that he used made the whole room feel inviting and warm.

As I looked around, I noticed there really wasn’t any kind of personal items hanging or on display. The only thing I assumed was a memento from his life was a pair of boxing gloves hanging on the wall and a picture of him and Jett that was framed and on his night stand. Other than that, it was a pretty bland room.

There was a door open next to the window in the corner of his room so I crept toward it, trying to be quiet. As I worked my way forward, I heard a shower running and stopped in my tracks.

Kace was showering. Kace, the brooding but oh so hot man, was showering! I needed to leave for many reasons but as I told myself that, my feet seemed to move forward rather than backward. My body was so defiant.

Curiosity won out as I walked forward and snuck a peak into his bathroom. It was a little smaller than mine but still updated and nice. There were a few male hygiene products on the bathroom counter and a green toothbrush but that was about it. My eyes wandered to the glass encased shower that was steaming up but not steaming up enough because what I saw had me panting like a damn dog in heat.

Kace stood in the middle of the shower, naked and totally lost in the water dripping down his body. His hands were running through his hair, showing off his well-defined muscles as well as the tattoo that was still a mystery to me. It was along his rib cage but was in such loopy cursive that I had a really hard time reading it. His muscles flexed as he moved with the water and droplets ran off his skin like the sexiest damn rain I’ve ever seen.

Cleaning his body with a bar of soap, I watched his hand run across each curve of his torso, which started a throb in the center of my core. I held on to the side of the door as my breathing started to hitch from the soft porn that I was watching.

I looked closer and noticed a deep v-cut in his waist that had my mouth watering as my eyes ran farther south, very south.


Holy fuck, at that moment I realized Kace was seriously packing, like those are some balls I want in my mouth. He was just as big as Jett and just as trimmed. I wondered what he might look like when he was erect. Every nerve in my body was set on fire as I tried to pry my eyes away but I couldn’t, I was fascinated. I was entranced; I was peeping at a penis that I shouldn’t be but yummy was he hot.

His hand ran down his body even farther and washed the length of his penis, making it stand slightly to attention from his touch. I heard a slight groan release from his mouth as his hand traveled back up his body and across his stomach. Even the little grunt coming from the steamy shower turned me on. Even though I knew my heart was saved for Jett, there was still a little part of it that was saved for Kace and right now, that little part was beating widely.