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Wiping frantically, I said, “It is not.”

Clapping his hand together loudly, he laughed as he sat down at the kitchen table and grabbed a piece of pizza. “God, you’re too easy.”

“You wish. If I was easy then you wouldn’t be popping a chubby every time I walked by, you would have me in your bed, panting and screaming your name.” I acted out what I would do as I held on to my breasts and put on a good show, rivaling Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally. When I straightened up and brushed my hair to the side, I smiled at the dumbfounded look on his face, grabbed a piece of pizza and took a big bite.

“Thank God I was able to record that. I’ll be using that later tonight.” He wiggled his eyebrows as he shoved his phone in his pocket.

Slapping my pizza back on the box and reaching for his pocket, I said, “You did not get that on your phone.” I fondled his pants for his phone as he sat back and let me try to find it.

“A little to the left sweetheart and you’ll hit gold.” A little to the left would have been his crotch and there was no way I was going there.

“Give me your phone.”

He laughed as he handed it over. “I didn’t record it. Paranoid much?”

I looked down at his phone and the picture on his wallpaper was of a melted fleur de lis, kind of like the one that was on his back that I saw, at least one of his tattoos.

“What’s this?” I asked, showing him the picture.

He grabbed the phone from me and said, “Nothing you need to worry about.”

“What, are you part of some kind of secret gang?” I joked.

Not making eye contact with me, he sat back and grabbed another piece of pizza. “Something like that.” My phone chimed, letting me know that Jett texted me back. He nodded at my now cracked phone and said, “You might want to see what lover boy wants. I’m going to go work on some things. I’ll catch you later.”

“You know it’s only going to eat you alive by holding it all in,” I called over my shoulder.

He turned and smiled at me. “The only thing eating me alive are those killer tits of yours. One flash, Goldie. I promise I won’t tell Jett.” He held on to his heart.

The serious moment was quickly removed from the air, and was replaced with humor and flirtation, classic Diego. That was his way of telling me to drop the topic because he wasn’t going to get into it.

“Get real. I would never give you the pleasure of seeing my tits,” I said while grabbing them.

His tongue ran around the outside of his lips as his heated gaze lit me up. “Don’t play with fire, Goldie. Cup your breasts in front of me one more time and see what happens. I would never cross Jett but there is only so much a guy can take.”

He got turned on from a breast cup? When I looked down, I saw that my shirt rode awfully low and he got a great view of about seventy five percent of my tits, yeah, that would do it.

“Ooops, didn’t notice the short neckline.” I smiled.

“Like fuck you didn’t.” He shook his head and walked away while calling out, “You’re driving me to an uncomfortable state, Goldie.”

“Get a woman!” I called out.

I looked down at my phone and tried to read Jett’s text but couldn’t see it so instead I called him.

The phone rang once before his smooth southern voice filtered through my ears.

“Hello, little one. What brings me such pleasure of hearing your voice in the middle of the day?”

“God, you’re so formal. Who says stuff like that anymore?” I teased.

“Only a true gentleman.”

“Is that what you consider yourself? I didn’t think gentlemen stuck their heads in between ladies legs and sucked on their clit for hours.”

“Hours?” He lightly laughed. “Don’t give yourself such credit. You know damn well when I have that little clit of yours in your mouth you’re coming in seconds.”

Zing, zap, flappity flap flap…my pussy was drenched and calling out for Jett’s cock.

“Down girl, self-respect,” I murmured as I patted my crotch.

“What’s that?” Jett asked.

“Nothing.” I covered up.

“Is there a particular reason why you’re calling or did you just want to hear me talk dirty to you?”

“As much as I love your sexy voice bringing me to the brink of orgasm, I wanted to let you know that I cracked my phone screen and can’t read your text messages so I won’t be able to answer—”

“I’ll have a new one sent over immediately,” he interrupted me.

“No, that’s okay. I’ll run out tomorrow to get one, I just wanted—”

Not letting me finish he said, “I’m having one sent over right now.”

“Is that necessary?” I grew a little frustrated.

“Yes, it is. I want to be able to get in touch with you anytime and anyway possible. I think you fail to realize that hearing from you, even if it is just a text message refuels me. It pushes me to keep moving forward. I crave to hear from you, little one. I need to hear from you in order to keep my head on straight.”

“Oh,” I said like an idiot. It was hard to follow up with an intelligent comment when he turned my head into mush.

“I’ll be sure to have everything transferred over to your new phone.”

“Thank you, Jett. You didn’t have to. I was more than capable of grabbing a new one tomorrow.”

“It’s my job to take care of you. When you wear my collar and call me yours, then that means I’m responsible for you no matter what happens. I’m glad you called to tell me. I would have been upset with you if you went out to get your own phone tomorrow. I know it can be difficult at times, but let me take care of you, Goldie. It’s all I have that I can truly give you.”

My gut twisted from his admission.

“That’s not true, Jett. I don’t need your money, I don’t need your protection, what I need is you. Your brain, your heart, your soul, that is all that matters to me, even if you want to believe differently. I just need you.”

“You’re so different,” Jett admitted as he let out a long pent-up breath. I could just see him now, leaning in his office chair, looking out his third floor window, contemplating what I said. “No one has ever wanted me for just who I am, besides my mother.”

“Well, I’ve been lucky enough to see inside the thick veneer that you cover yourself up with. I’ve been able to break into it and see you for who you really are and I’m addicted, Jett. I want more of you every day. I want all of you.”

“I know, little one. In time, you will have all of me. In time.”

I hated that. I hated that I had to continue to be patient. I didn’t understand why we just couldn’t’ be with each other. Because some jack off decided to make it his mission to threaten Jett? What a pathetic person. Like they don’t have better things to do with their lives?

Instead of running my frustrations through Jett, I took a deep breath and said, “Well, I’m going to finish my pizza and then head back to the gold room to paint. It’s so gorgeous, Jett, it’s my favorite room here.”

“Gold is your color, always has been,” he said. “Please take a picture for me. I would love to see the talented artwork you’re putting together for Diego. Your fine artistic touch has always amazed me, from the very first time I saw you.”

“I will,” I said, flattered.

“Thank you. Be good, little one. I’ll call you tonight.”

We hung up and I smiled to myself at the luck I had for landing such an amazing guy.

After I finished my pizza, I boxed up the rest and put it in the fridge. I started to head to the gold room when there was a knock on the back door. I looked around for Diego, but he must have been into whatever was going on earlier with him, so I went to the back door and opened it.

A courier held out a package to me and then walked away. I looked down and saw my name written in green lettering in Jett’s chicken scratch. I smiled to myself as I realized the man was on his game.

Inside the package was a new phone but this one had a slim green case on it and a screen protector. The green case was beautiful with encased jewels and was way too much for a phone case but I understood the message Jett was sending. I understood it quite clearly.