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“That wouldn’t be the worst thing,” Pepper said as she motioned to the bartender for more drinks. I wasn’t sure how much more I could take, I was at my limit. One more might be sending me down to tile town to meet up with the porcelain gods and that was a visit I really didn’t want to make.

“I think I want some water,” I said to the bartender who looked me up and down and nodded in agreement. Fucking judger. As If I was the worst thing that crossed Bourbon Street.

I caught my reflection in the mirror behind the bar and instantly understood why the bartender was handing me a tall glass of sober-inducing water.

My hair was sticking out at all ends thanks to my leather jacket turban, my makeup was smeared down my face from sweat and my bra was practically falling out of my shirt from being unattached. The only classy thing about me was the sign hanging out of my chest and that was bordering classy.

“Holy shit, I’m a hot mess,” I announced to the girls.

Babs looked me up and down while taking a sip of some kind of red concoction in her hand. “I’m surprised you just noticed that. You were at hot mess status an hour ago when you started pelvic thrusting one of the hobo’s dogs on the streets.”

My head snapped up to Babs in disgust. “Please tell me it was at least a German Shepard.”

“What is wrong with you?” Pepper laughed.

I shrugged and we all leaned against the bar to survey the dance floor.

“A lot of tuna flakes out there tonight,” Babs said.

“Tuna flakes?” I asked while sucking down my water.

“A nicer way of saying pussy ass hoes.”

“Oh.” I nodded as if that made complete sense.

“If they’re pussy ass hoes, what does that make us?” Pepper asked.

We stood there for a second until I raised my hand.

“Yes, Lo?” Babs called on me.

“We’re a trio of bitch-a-corns.”

“Bitch-a-corns?” Pepper and Babs asked at the same time.

“Bitches but by far superior. The most majestic and beautiful bitches you will ever meet. We shit rainbows and fart rainbow dust. Our tits are sparkling orbs and when a man sinks into our pleasure hole, he is touched by a leprechaun’s teat, blessing him with multiple orgasms in one night.”

“Well shit,” Pepper said as she took a sip of her drink. “I had no clue my pussy was so goddamn sacred. I would have wiped it with fucking sheets of gold if I knew the powers it had.”

“Common mistake,” I responded. “You never know of your pussy powers until one day, you’re just sitting and a little man in a green hat pops out of your pussy, waves and pops back in. That was how I found out.”

“Yeah, time to call Kace,” Babs said as she looked me up and down. “I’m calling it, you’re toasted.”

“Wait!” I held up my hand. “I need to go to the bathroom. I think I might pee my pants.” I held my crotch like a two-year-old and danced around.

Babs shook her head and said, “Go to the bathroom, I’ll text Kace to take you home.” She patted me on the head and continued, “It’s beddy bye time for Lo.”

I nodded and took off toward the bathroom. My legs wobbled in the three inch heels I was wearing as I tried to avoid the dancers that kept getting in my way to the bathroom. A couple that was one pair of underwear from being ripped off bumped into me while their tongues massacred each other.

“Blek, gross. Get a room,” I said maturely as I pushed them back. They remained unaffected by my assault. Someone else bumped into me, this time it was a frat boy with a neon light-up necklace wrapped around his face.

“Douche bag,” I called out as I walked past him, sticking my foot out to trip him which I failed at because what I thought was his leg was actually a bar chair. I stumbled forward from tripping myself and ran into a strong pair of arms.

“Well, hello.” I looked up but didn’t recognize the man holding my hands. “Ooops, sorry about that tall, dark and handsome.” I tried to pat his chest but he wouldn’t let go of my hands.

“Your hands are nice and moisturized, mister, but I’m pretty sure we passed that point of accidently holding hands and now we’re bordering creepy so if you don’t mind letting go…”

Before I could react, the man let go of my hand and lifted his elbow which connected right next to my right eye, pitching me into a plain of darkness. The last thing I remember was falling to the floor while saying, “Captain Throwin’ Bos!”

Chapter Thirty Two

“Ain’t it Fun”


“Yes, Jeremy. I would prefer to not look like a damn moron at the Mayor’s Ball.”

“Well, I just figured since you already had three tuxes that you wouldn’t want another one.”

“Assuming is never a way to conduct business, Jeremy. Have my measurements sent to Armani and make sure the tux is ready by Wednesday in case there needs to be any adjustments.”

“Yes, sir,” Jeremy said over the phone. “Do you want a town car or limo?”

I mulled over Jeremy’s question. Limo sent the sign of high importance but also was more intimate when it came to bringing a date and I didn’t want to give Keylee the wrong impression. It was bad enough that I had to go shopping with her for a damn dress. What woman couldn’t go shopping by herself? A town car would be less intimate but it was more reserved, less elegant.

“Can I offer a suggestion, sir?” Jeremy asked, sensing my hesitation.


“Maybe for appearances, you come in a limo.”

Jeremy was right. I was attending the Mayor’s Ball to obtain an image and I needed to stick with that. I ran my hand over my face as I thought about the night. It was the last fucking thing I wanted to attend, especially with the clingy Keylee but it was the finish line, the end to this madness.

“That’s fine.”

“Are you sure, sir?”

“Yes, book it Jeremy.”

I listened as he tapped away on his third appendage, his iPad, and waited until he was done.

“Do you want to send over anything to Ms. Zinc before the event?”

“No,” I said without flinching. “This is purely business. I don’t want her thinking anything else.”

“Okay, I just didn’t want to be rude…”

“Business, Jeremy, there is nothing rude about it.”

“Yes, sir,” he said weakly.

“Have you heard anything else about my father’s plans for Lot 17?” I’ve been dying to ask Jeremy for a while but I didn’t want to bombard him. He did just start up with his new group and I didn’t want him to feel like a spy but I couldn’t help it. I had to fucking know.

“Not about Lot 17 but about something else.”

“What?” I asked as my muscles tensed.

“According to some of the girls that work with him or for one of his companies, he’s started auditioning…women.”

“For what?” I was pretty sure I knew what but I wanted Jeremy to confirm.

“He has a new club that he is testing out in one of his hotels. It’s locked down security wise. Apparently you have to have some kind of clearance to enter and entry is only granted after a finger print and eye scan.”

A burst of laughter wanted to escape me but I kept my professionalism around Jeremy. “You have to be kidding me.”

“I’m not. It’s of the highest security. No one can get in unless your dad knows about it.”

“Interesting.” I ran my hand over my chin as I thought about what he was trying to plan.

“According to one of the girls I talk to in my group, he is asking the girls who are auditioning if they would audition nude. There is a privacy clause before they can even speak to your father.”

“Nude?” Fuck, he was most likely starting up an illegal sex club. I could only imagine what he had plans for.

“Yes, if any of the girls speak about it, they pretty much can kiss everything they have and all their future possessions goodbye. That’s how tight-lipped it is.”