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The thought of losing Kace was almost as painful as losing Goldie. We might fight, we might call each other some of the crudest names but in the end, we were there for each other. We would do anything for each other and my dad knew that. That was why he went after Kace as well.

My hand ran over my face as I shook my head. What a damn clusterfuck. All because my dad was suffering business wise. He pissed off too many people and was now feeling the loss of those connections. With Lot 17, he was convinced that he would be able to revamp his standing but I knew better. Once you tarnish an image, it’s practically impossible to make it shiny again.

Keylee’s small hand ran over my thigh. “You’re so tense. Do you need me to take care of that for you?” Her hand ran up the inner part of my thigh. I stopped her right before she got too close. She pouted, such a turn off, and huffed.

“What’s wrong? Don’t you want me to pleasure you, Jett? Isn’t that what your girls do?”

“Yes, but you’re not my girl, Keylee. You’re a friend and I don’t think it would be right to cross that line…yet.” I added yet at the end so she didn’t storm out of the car and leave me hanging. Even though she was a little touchy and pushy, I still needed to dangle a little piece of me in front of her.

“Mmm, I like the sounds of that…yet. Well, if it was up to me I would have that dick of yours in my mouth, sucking you dry.”


“We’re here,” I said as I straightened my tie and sat up in my seat.

The driver pulled up to the drop off zone and came around quickly to our door to let us out. I was by no means ready for this but it was time to get it over with. A couple of hours of kissing ass and then I would be stripping Goldie naked and holding her in my arms.

Lights flashed as I stepped out of the car. I held my hand out to Keylee who eagerly took it and we walked in tandem, down the red carpet that seemed a little extreme, took pictures together and then headed into the grand hall.

The walls were covered in gold and green wallpaper and I couldn’t help to think how ironic the colors were given my situation. I needed to take note from my own damn words. I needed to have faith that this was all going to work out, that the honest will prevail. One could only hope.

We made our way through the throngs of people, paid our respects to the mayor who was delighted to see two of the elite pedigree walking hand in hand together.

When we walked through the crowd, it was as if Prince William and Kate were walking through the room. People were delighted, excited and too damn happy to see Keylee and me together.

“Oh, Jett Colby, I knew that was you,” came the voice of Mrs. Steevers who was wearing the most god-awful headpiece I had ever seen. It was like she took a dead raccoon, turned it inside out and plopped it on her head.

“Mrs. Steevers, what a pleasure to see you. You look well.” I greeted her with two kisses on her cheeks. “You remember Miss Keylee Zinc, don’t you?” I asked while pulling Keylee forward.

“Of course I do. I just knew that you two would find each other one day. You’re just too perfect together.”

“I think so too,” Keylee added while wrapping both hands around my arm and pulling in tight.

“How long have you two been dating?”


Keylee cut me off and said, “Just off and on for a little bit but just last night Jett pledged his commitment to me. It was so endearing.”

Mrs. Steevers clapped her hands in glee as I glared at Keylee for lying. Commitment? To her? The only commitment she would be getting from me was a kick to her lying ass.

“Do I hear wedding bells?”

A sickening cough floated through my throat from the mention of being married to Keylee. Hell no!

Keylee rubbed my back but still spoke to Mrs. Steevers, “Oh, I don’t think so yet but we’ll see. We’re happy enough, that’s for sure.”

“Excuse me, I need to get a drink,” I said while motioning to my throat.

“Oh please do, dear,” Mrs. Steevers said. “It was so good to see you two.”

“You too, Mrs. Steevers.” I gave her a hug goodbye and made a beeline for the bar. I needed a bourbon and I needed one now.

I heard Keylee trailing behind me, trying to catch up and I made it a point to take a deep breath before addressing her.

The bartender must have known I was coming because he had a glass of bourbon already ready for me. He gave me a wink and I tipped him a twenty.

Once I turned around, I was met with Keylee’s glare. “You can’t just leave me stranded like that,” she said as she popped a hand on her hip.

“I can when you’re shooting off blatant lies.” My anger took over and I was no longer able to control my temper. I was already on edge, I didn’t need Keylee telling the most gossiping hen in the crowd that we were planning on getting married.

“I was just trying to help…”

I leaned forward and whispered in her ear while looking out at the crowd, “If you want to help, be quiet, sip some water and stand by my side without opening that…” My words stopped as my eyes locked on a honey-haired goddess in a black dress that just walked into the party on Diego’s arm.

My heart stopped, completely and my stomach bottomed out from seeing Goldie on someone else’s arm. Forget that, for even seeing her at the event at all. What the fuck was Diego up to?

“I don’t have to take this from you,” Keylee said while poking my chest.

Reluctantly, I tore my gaze off Goldie and looked down at her. “You want to be a Jett Girl? Well, that means knowing your role and right now, your role is to be pleasing to the men’s eyes while keeping your mouth shut. You think you can handle that?”

Her mouth hung in shock from my directness. I didn’t have time to fuck around, to care about her feelings. I needed her to comply immediately.

“You have three seconds to decide,” I continued. “Three…two…”

“Okay,” she said in a panic. “Just, let me collect myself first. I wasn’t prepared for this. May I go to the bathroom?”

Goldie crossed the room with Diego, whispered something in his ear and headed for the bathroom, this was my chance to talk to Diego without Keylee’s damn ears dropping in on my conversation.

“Yes, but don’t doddle,” I commanded.

She nodded, gave me one last look with those damn pouty lips of hers and then took off for the bathroom.

Diego must have sensed my anger because as Goldie crossed the room, he made his way to the bar where I stood. After he ordered a drink, I grabbed him by the elbow, tightly, and swung him around.

With a smile across my face but a menace in my voice, I said, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

“Do you think it’s smart to be talking to me right now?”

“Don’t fuck around with me. What is she doing here?”

The bartender handed Diego his drink and he followed with a tip. Surveying the crowd, Diego stood by my side but never looked at me as he spoke in a light tone, “She made me. I didn’t have a choice.”

“Are you insane? You’re like three times as big as her. Of course you had a choice.”

“She really knows how to pinch a nipple, man.”

“For the love of Christ. Please don’t tell me that you brought her here because she pinched your nipple. I swear to God, Diego, I will take everything away from you that you worked so hard for.”

Shaking his head, Diego said, “Low blow, man. Maybe you need to just let her be. She will do whatever the hell she wants, it’s about time you realized that.”

“You could have stopped her. What if something happens to her tonight?”

“Nothing is going to happen to her. We’re in the middle of the most politically acclaimed event in New Orleans. No one will try anything tonight so stop shitting your pants and do what you’re supposed to do. Get the job done, man.”

“Fuck,” I muttered, trying not to show the distress I was in by having Goldie at the event tonight. With her here, there was no way I would be able to focus on the task at hand.