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“I want you,” I say, closing my eyes to the sound of my shaking voice. I’m so damn turned-on. I’ve wanted him since day one. Feeling his arousal on my stomach, I open my eyes and look into his. The lust in them spurs me on. I lean in and grip his shirt. He pulls back slightly and his cheek lifts in amusement.

“Good. Now we have a plane to catch.” He leans backward, making it impossible for me to kiss him again.

“Jackson, you don’t want to play this game, do you?” I say, dripping with desire.

“What game, baby? I’m just following your wishes.”

“I don’t think so. I want you.” I snake my hand around his neck and yank as his eyes crinkle. I’m practically climbing my way to his mouth.

“You want me, huh?”

“I think I’ve said that already.” I inch closer to his mouth. He pulls back but shifts me up higher on his waist.

“Too bad.” He leans in and gives me a brief kiss.

It seems Jackson likes to play games. Good thing I never lose. He may not know it yet, but he has met his match.

* * *

I spent the entire flight keyed up from Jackson’s teasing and subsequent refusal to quench my desire in Virginia. Then, of course, he found any way he could to continue the torturous game. He’d brush against my leg or just barely touch my arm, fueling the hunger coursing through my veins. In order to avoid begging him, I spent the flight plotting a way to repay the favor. Payback is a bitch and he’s about to see how big of one I can be—in a nice way, of course.

We finally settle into the car and enjoy the comfortable silence. It’s nice not to feel as though you have to always talk. After ten minutes Jackson shifts over, putting his arm behind my seat and pulling me against his side. I look up and smile.

“It’s going to be a few days until I can see you again. I have a lot of shit to get settled at the office and there’s still the situation in Virginia.” He smiles and rubs my arm.

“I don’t expect anything.” If he feels like I’m going to be needy because we had sex, I need to squash that quickly. I need space to think about all that’s already happened, plus I have work to do too. When I’m around him I lose the ability to say no, so it’s a good thing we’ll have time apart.

“Never said you did. But I don’t want you to use this as an excuse to push me away again or get any ideas in your head that I’m avoiding you.” His brow rises as he somehow reads my mind.

“I understand your job, just as I hope you understand mine.”

The car stops once we reach my apartment, but Jackson’s strong arm still surrounds me. I haven’t addressed his last statement and I don’t intend to. Slowly he lifts my chin, placing a tender kiss on my lips. Without a word, he exits the car and I press my hands to my mouth. It’s tingling from the brief but warm moment. It’s astounding to me how much he affects my mind and body.

Standing there with my bag, he tells the driver he’ll be a moment. He grips my hand and pulls me into him, almost like we’re dancing. I gasp as I stumble into his solid chest. He stares intensely and my body begins to quiver under his gaze.

“Tonight, when I’m alone, I’m going to think about how good your legs felt wrapped around me, how your voice sounded when you screamed out my name. I’ll remember how it felt when my dick sunk into your hot, wet pussy.” He leans closely and whispers against my ear, causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand, “And I’ll be counting down the minutes until I have you again.”

I let out a low moan as he presses his lips to the spot right below my ear. Oh. Fucking. Shit. Without thinking, I grip the back of his neck and crush my lips against his. His chest rumbles as he returns the kiss, giving and taking as his words spur an undeniable passion. His fingers wrap around my arms and he pushes me back with a cocky smile before turning to leave.

What? No way!

I grab his arm before he can escape. “You can’t say shit like that and then freaking leave!” My eyes are wide and I’m practically panting.

“What? You don’t like my dirty talk?” His eyes are liquid, showing he’s affected as well.

“Oh, I like my Muff dirty, but you might want to remember two can play at this game.” I smile, trying to quell the desperation I’m feeling for him right now.

Jackson leans in close and his lips whisper across my cheek. “I can’t wait to show you how dirty I can get. That’s to make sure you don’t pull away.” His warm breath washes over me, heating every part of me, before his lips reach mine. “Until next time. Don’t miss me too much.”

He turns, leaving me standing there, stunned and completely turned-on. Bastard. I’m going to make him pay for that shit. I see a serious case of blue balls in his future.

Chapter Eighteen

I’ve been home for a week and haven’t accomplished a damn thing. The song for the Raven Cosmetics commercial is no longer legal to use. The approval I obtained beforehand expired, and now the music company is dragging their feet. Then Taylor told me the partners met yesterday about who would be given the promotion. It was a fifty-fifty split between Elle and me. So much for me being a shoo-in for the promotion once I landed the Raven account. They plan to wait until we both finish with our current clients to make a decision.

Jackson and I haven’t seen each other since he dropped me off after our trip. We’ve talked a few times on the phone about what he needs to do to get ready for the launch and we made plans for this weekend. But he’s not happy about the ad delay. Plus, Neil’s been calling again. Worse than all that, though, is how I have to go for the reading of my father’s will in three weeks. I keep trying to push it to the depths of my mind, but it keeps creeping up at the most inopportune times. In my life, when it rains it doesn’t just pour, no—it’s a full-on monsoon.

I grab my journal and decide to write again. It’s therapeutic and helps me get my thoughts together. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t really had much time lately. I miss it—I miss watching my heart bleed onto the paper.

I put the pen down when I hear a loud voice. “Biffle, time for a drink.” Ashton stalks toward me holding a bottle in her hand.

“Good.” I shrug and decide not to fight her this time. “I need one.” Or four.

“I’m not sure what to do with this attitude,” she says with a cat-ate-the-canary grin. “Usually I have to threaten you. By the way, just-fucked is a better look for you. Maybe you should call him and get that taken care of. We need to make sure frumpy, nasty Cat stays away.”

I groan and roll my eyes. She’s been pushing me to go to him, to not let him get away. I’m not sure why she’s so up my ass about it. “I don’t feel like calling him. I feel like having my best friend pour me a shot and get me drunk.”

“Well now that I can do. I’ve got bubblegum vodka or whipped. What’s your poison?”

“Whipped, baby!”

We grab some shot glasses and get comfy on the couch, laughing about the new doctor in Ashton’s lab. He’s been hitting on her and my crazy friend is feeding it.

“Well he’s ugly as all hell, but if he wants to keep buying me dinner, I’m not an idiot.”

“Ashton! That’s just so … so … wrong.” I slap her arm.

“Maybe I’ll tell him I’m a lesbian.” She shrugs, laughing, and hooks her arms around me. “Wanna make out?”

“Oh good God. Get off me, jackass.”

We’ve been drinking for a few hours. Ashton has analyzed my trip in great detail. I think she’s falling in love with Jackson. It’s kinda funny. We laugh and swoon, only stopping to refill our shot glasses. I know I’m three sheets to the wind since I can’t feel my tongue anymore.

“Ash, I gotta pee.” I practically fall off the couch and laugh as I try to stand straight. I’m completely shit-faced. I make my way to the bathroom and back by the grace of God. When I get to the living room, my eyes go wide. Either I’m hallucinating or Jackson is sitting on my couch.