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“You look so fucking sexy.” Jackson’s voice is strained as he slams into me. His fingers wrap around my hip, gripping me so tight. He shifts his position, hitting the sweet spot inside me. The sound of him slapping his body against mine only drives me higher. “I want to fuck you all day and all night, so all you see is me. When you walk, I want you to remember where I’ve been and how good it feels when I’m inside you.”

His words go directly to my core, reviving my previous orgasm. My mind is a sponge soaking up every syllable. Jackson reaches his hand around, finds my sensitive clit, and rubs it, bringing my orgasm closer.

“I’ll never get enough of you. Mine goddamnit. All fucking mine.”

That word: enough. Only this time he’s telling me I am enough. Telling me he wants more.

I shatter, crying out his name as he continues to hit every sensitive spot in my body. My bones are melting from the sheer force of it.

He pumps a few more times before following. “Catherine … My Catherine.”

We both crumple to the floor, exhausted and sated. I look up at him as he rubs his shoulder where I bit him. Oh my God, I bit him. I actually sunk my teeth into him because I was so far gone.

“Sorry about that.” I smile as my cheeks flame with embarrassment.

He smiles back at me. “You can bite me.” Jackson’s lips find purchase on mine. “Any fucking time.” He lies on his back and shifts me closer.

He’s everything I could have wanted but never knew to ask for. We enjoy and entertain each other. The one thing my grandma always said was to find someone who makes you laugh. We can be serious or playful, and either way it works. As scared as I am, right now I feel content, happy. I close my eyes and listen to the rhythm of his heart.

He kisses my head. “I’ve got you, baby.” The sound of his voice lulls me and I drift off, hoping we can handle whatever comes our way, because the thought of losing moments and days like this scares me.

Chapter Twenty-Two

It’s been the week from hell. Nothing has gone right. My car broke down and I spilled coffee on my shirt first thing this morning. Worse than anything, Jackson and I haven’t seen each other much. He’s coming with me today to the reading of my father’s will, which is also causing me extreme stress. Ashton wanted to be there for me, but she’s working on a breakthrough and it’s been keeping her in the city for the last week.

I’m working on the final version of Raven’s ad campaign today since the approvals finally came through. It’s been the only thing Jackson and I have argued about. I scheduled a few press releases, but he’s been fighting about getting in front of the camera.

“Cat,” Taylor’s sweet voice comes through the intercom.


“I have Neil on the line. He says it’s urgent.” Taylor sounds as irritated as I am at his calling.

He’s been relentless. He calls or texts almost every day, but this is the first time he’s resorted to calling the office. He’s wearing me down and my patience is already nonexistent.

“Tay, I can’t do this today. Tell him I’m out of the office or whatever.” I drop my head on the desk, making a loud thump. Fucking Neil. Will this ever end?

Taylor comes in after getting rid of my annoyingly persistent ex. “He said he would try again later.” She’s wringing her hands as she sits to go over the Raven account.

“I don’t want to take his calls, so don’t even let me know anymore. Just don’t put it through. Okay?”

“Sure, no problem.” She smiles and nods her head.

“I have a meeting on Wednesday that I need the video ready for, so let’s get to work.” I return her smile and open my folder.

We have so much left to do to get things to where I want them. I’m an overachiever by nature, but I’m borderline obsessive on this one. It’s different when you know the client, even more so when you know them intimately. My need to please people is always a problem, but with Jackson it’s kind of scary. I want him to be blown away by what I’ve done.

“It’s almost time for you to leave,” Taylor reminds me. “Do you want to finish up Monday?”

“Oh shit! Yes, let’s plan to be in the office late next Monday and Tuesday. I need to have a few meetings with some magazines and meet with the marketing team. Plus, I need the print ads done before the release and the photo shoot.” I stand and smooth my black dress. I figured black would be appropriate. Even though I’m not going to a funeral, in a way it’s my own personal version of one. I’m saying good-bye to my father today in more ways than one.

“Sounds good.” She shifts her weight and looks away.

“What’s wrong, Tay?”

She doesn’t say a word as she walks over and wraps her slender arms around me. After a moment of her squeezing, she inhales and swipes at her eye, looking forlorn. What the hell is going on?

“Are you quitting? Is that what this is?” I ask, panicking.

“No! I felt like you needed a hug. You’ve had a lot happen in the last few months, and I can’t imagine today is going to be easy for you. I know you’ve been trying to pretend this isn’t happening. I’m just glad you won’t be alone.”

I didn’t want to tell Taylor or anyone in the office about my relationship with Jackson, but I trust her. That, and she saw how happy I was after the trip, so she knew something was going on. She knows what a risk I’m taking, but she’s genuinely excited about Jackson and me. This is the kind of person I want in my life. People like her remind me not everyone is awful. I didn’t even put two and two together as to what had her bothered, and come to find out it was concern for me.

“Thanks. I’ll be okay. Maybe I’ll finally get some closure.” I muster a small smile.

I hear someone clearing their throat and turn to see Jackson leaning against the door of my office with a huge grin.

“Jackson! What are you doing here? I thought I was meeting you at the lawyer’s office.” I smile as he walks toward me, taking in his perfectly tailored suit. He brushes my hair off my face and stares at me. All I can do is smile back in wonder. I’m so far gone—I’d be a fool to think otherwise.

“I was close. I figured I’d ride there with you,” he says, wrapping his arms around me.

Suddenly aware that we’re in my office, I quickly step back out of his embrace. It’s so easy to fall into a pattern with him and forget he’s my client. He may not care about my rules, but the bottom line is I can’t risk losing my job.

“Jackson, not here please,” I whisper, looking over at the wide open door.

Hurt flashes in his eyes before he recovers. “You almost ready to go?”

I step forward but keep a professional distance, allowing my eyes to convey all I can’t show him physically. The thin line between being his publicist and girlfriend can hurt both of us if it isn’t clear.

“You know how badly I wish I could wrap my arms around you? But you’re still my client and you promised. My assistant is outside the door and my boss could walk in at any moment. So I’m not trying to push you away. I’m asking you to think about how it would look.”

My heart stutters when I think about how thoughtful he was to come here and make sure I’m not alone on the ride over. Once again he’s giving me something I didn’t know I needed. He knows me. He gets me. It baffles me that he’s wormed his way through all my layers without any resistance. Well, very little resistance.

A slow, sexy smile glides across his features. “It’s fine, baby. In about three minutes we won’t be in your office. Remember, outside of our business relationship I make no promises.”

Returning his smile, I can see he wants to kiss me, but instead he strides out of my office.