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“Do it,” he dared, a tight smile grazing his lips.

“Oh, I will, lover,” she replied saucily before lowering her mouth. She grasped his thighs to steady herself and immediately his stance widened, his tight muscles bunching under her hands.

She stroked his legs softly and breathed over the head of his cock, more than aware of the moisture coating his tip. Power thrived within her, a feminine energy growing with every beat of her heart.

Lowering her lips to his shaft, she sucked lightly, growing wetter as she absorbed his shattered reaction.

“Tessa, baby,” he rasped, pushing against her lips. “That feels so good. Yes, sertia, more,” he pleaded and groaned when her tongue stroked the underside of his shaft.

Tessa loved it. He was steaming, pure desire rolling off him in waves, lapping into her as if the two of them were one. She revelled in his scent and taste, and wanting to pleasure him, she took him deeper in her mouth.

With long, slow strokes, she worked him with her tongue, promising relief before easing the pressure off his shaft. She bobbed over him, letting the natural rhythm of lovemaking take over as she imagined riding him, not with her mouth, but with her body.

She was so wet, so on fire for him, her body melting at thoughts of him coming in her mouth. Just knowing she could bring him to such a state was as much a turn-on as the actual event.

He sighed her name and ran his fingers through her hair, tugging her closer when she tried to tease him again.

“Tessa, I wanted this to last.” He tried to sound stern, but the utterly enraptured look in her eyes must have been his undoing.

She withdrew from his cock and kissed the crown, making him shudder. “Oh, it’s going to last,” she promised, sliding her tongue along his pulsing flesh. “After you come in my mouth,” she whispered and breathed on him, watching him all the while, “you’re going to come inside me. We have the whole day ahead of us.”

His eyes grew steadily darker, and the room seemed to cloud, a cooling mist that both refreshed and made them slick against one another. He was rock hard against her cheek, and without another word, she engulfed him entirely.

He stilled, his body clenched tight, and when she took him in the back of her throat, working him with the passion she felt for release, she watched him uncoil, sliding into desire as hot, sexy words streamed from his mouth.

He began murmuring in that lyrical language she found so compelling. Again the word ‘affai’ sounded, but she was too caught up to press him on the issue.

“I’m going to come in your mouth, love,” he groaned and pumped, his cock so thick and hard it was a wonder he hadn’t already. “Swallow me, Tessa. Take all of me,” he said thickly as he shoved one last time through her lips.

Like a waterfall, he gushed down her throat, his hot seed like sweet cream as it cascaded past her lips. He held her head firm, still conscious to protect even as his body and mind rocketed to another plane altogether.

Giving him such pleasure, she couldn’t help feeling aroused and amazed at his constraint. When he’d brought her to climax, she’d been unable to think of anything but him and the pleasure. Yet he had the presence of mind to be gentle with her.

When he had thrust one last time, she swallowed the last bit of his essence and gradually released him, one glorious inch at a time.

His breathing heavy, he just stood there and gathered her to him. “Sertia, what you do to me,” he said and kissed her full on the mouth.

He must have tasted himself for he groaned again. “You are so giving,” he murmured and pushed her back to the bed. “Now it’s my turn.”

With every stroke of his hands and tongue, he brought her to peak but not quite over.

Her nipples grew hard and swollen as he nipped and sucked, teasing and tasting, until she wanted to cry for him to end it. And his hands. They flowed over her like water, until she understood he was using something more than the physical to bring her to ecstasy.

She watched through slitted eyes as his fingers parted her netherlips and entered her slick core, while a shimmer in the air caressed her arms, her shoulders, her thighs.

She saw nothing out of place but felt surrounded by his liquid heat, by the emotion he didn’t speak of that embraced her the more they touched.

“Please, Marcus.” She gasped as his mouth trailed the path his hands had taken, settling over her mound as he parted her folds and licked long and hard. His tongue pressed over her clitoris and she arched into him, unable to stop herself.

“That’s it, love, come all over me. I want to feel you shoot over my tongue,” he crooned and closed his mouth over her very centre.

“Marcus,” she cried as her world burst into a million fragments, like rings of pleasure flowing out from her core.

“Yes,” he groaned as he lapped her arousal, licking and sucking. “You make me so hard.”

Still enthralled in the rapture of his touch, she wasn’t prepared when he gathered himself over her and thrust deeply between her thighs.

The feel of him, so hot and pulsing within her, pushed her into another orgasm, so incredibly unexpected she felt almost faint.

He shot into her as her walls closed on him, their wet release mingling into an ocean of pleasure. “Take it,” he moaned as his seed continued to shoot. “Tessa, yes.” He pumped until he was dry, loving her body into exhaustion.

When she could catch her breath, she looked up into his face, so unguarded and true. And something within her clicked into place.

“Marcus.” She didn’t know what else to say, how to explain to him all she felt for a man she had only really just met.

“I know,” he said tiredly and leant down to kiss her softly. He withdrew from her body and pulled her into his arms, his voice husky with sleep. “We’ll talk later, love. Everything can keep. Just…later.”

She nodded, feeling tired as well. Stroking his hair and pulling him closer, she gave way to the exhaustion pulling her under.

Marcus lay back and crossed his arms behind his head, glad for the shady rilk trees protecting him from the sun. He stirred his fingers and cooling waters soothed his heated frame, a body still recuperating from Tessa’s extraordinary lovemaking.

“She’s special, that one,” King Faustus said from his left.

Startled, Marcus glanced over to see his father clad in a towel and nothing else, lying on a cushion of Tanselm’s thick grass as he gazed at the Quaren river beside his son.

“Do you have to be here, now?” Marcus asked, too sated to behave properly. In life he’d rarely talked to his father so, but Tessa had completely scrambled his brain. Besides, it was his dream, wasn’t it? Time to regain control of his subconscious.

“Now hold on a minute,” Faustus said hurriedly as an image of a very aroused and naked Tessa shimmered beside Marcus. “Let’s have a little talk before your af—friend returns.”

Marcus shrugged, and the image of Tessa faded. Why not? He could use the rest. Damned if Tessa hadn’t exhausted him. He could feel his toes tingling. His toes. He smiled and closed his eyes.

“Go ahead, Father. Say what you have to say. Nothing can ruin this moment.” He sighed in pleasure.

He heard his father chuckle and smiled. “She’s good for you, Marcus. You need to relax. About damned time.”

A ruffle of air soothed the two and a splash sounded.

Marcus opened his eyes to see his father playing in the river. He stared in surprise. “I don’t recall you ever acting so carefree before.”

Faustus grinned, his face and form so youthful it took Marcus a moment to recall his father had indeed passed into the Light. “You were always so wrapped up in the rules you missed a lot of the fun in being a prince.” A huge wave crashed over Marcus, leaving him drenched and curiously lighthearted as he watched his father splashing around.