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I dropped my arms and started to turn to walk away. He stepped in real close causing me to halt my next movement. His breath blew across my now cooling skin. “I’m going to tell you what you’re going to do to make this right, and I suggest you don’t make me repeat myself. My control is quickly fading Keegan. Don’t speak, but nod that you understand.”

His voice was low and threatening. All of the anticipation and build led me to this moment. He really was close to snapping, and I knew better than to push him again. I did what he asked.

“Good girl. Now I want you to go to that little machine over there in the corner, and I want you to take everything off. There had better not be a single scrap of clothing left on your gorgeous body by the time that I get over there or I’ll bend you over and spank you till your ass is flaming red. Nod if you understand.”

I swallowed hard and shook my head in understanding. Camden walked away from me, going into one of the rooms where they hold classes, disappearing behind the door. I turned and walked to where he said he wanted me. The machine he sent me to was called a leg adductor. It was one in which you sit down, and set your legs into two different leg rests. You could add or subtract weight according to what your tolerance was, but it was meant for you to be able to squeeze your thighs together and the weights would pull them back open. Holy shit, he wants me on this thing completely naked and spread eagle? But I would be totally open and exposed. Every part of my being was shaking with anticipation but, could I be this brazen in front of him and let him see me this way? Did I even have a choice? Of course I knew the answer to that question. If I didn’t comply, Camden would come up with something else that would be even worse. Despite my nerves kicking in, I was also curious about what he wanted to do with me. This machine had a lot of possibilities. With shaking hands I began to strip. I took off my tank top, shoes, and yoga pants. I was standing there in nothing but a pair of blue boy cut underwear. I covered my breasts with my arm. Looking up, Camden had stepped out of the room with something dangling from his hand. He had dimmed the lights while he was in the back so I couldn’t make out what he was holding. He paused when he looked over at me. He looked positively carnal.

“Everything Keegan. Do not hide yourself from me.”

Bravely I dropped my arms from my breasts but thankfully my hair was flowing over my shoulders and covered most of me. His eyes narrowed. Hooking my fingers in my underwear I turned around, giving him my back, and slowly slipped my panties over my hips, letting them fall in a pool at my feet. I heard a low rumble across the space.

“Happy?” I said in a seductive voice.

“Very. Now not another word. Do you understand?”

I glanced at him over my shoulder, licking my lips. “Yes.”

I stood completely still, waiting for him to come to me. I watched him move behind the desk and turn the music back on. Instead of the heavy beat of hard rock, it was the alluring sound of the bass. It was a sound that drew you in and made you want to sway your hips from side to side in a tantalizing dance. One that had I still be wearing clothes, I would have gladly removed them once more. Awolnation’s “Sail” carried through the speakers, and Camden started walking toward me. His dark brown eyes were feral. Every beat of the music that brought him closer to me, my heart kicked up another notch. He chose this song on purpose. He knew it would affect me in every possible way. The sound reverberated through my already high-strung body. He stalked toward me in slow motion. Like a wild animal sneaking up on its prey, and I was his next meal. My legs quivered, ready to give out. And they would, when he touched me, I wouldn’t be able to hold myself up a second longer. He was only a few feet away now. He glanced down my body. Everywhere his eyes touched was like a fire licking at my skin. I was already soaking wet with need, but him being just out of reach was unbearable. My need was too great. The sigh that came from my parted lips was more like a moan. His eyes shot up to mine. He shook his head so subtly I wouldn’t have seen it had I not been staring at him.

When he finally spoke, his voice was a full octave lower than normal. “You’re going to sit down and put your legs in the rests. I want your hands on the handles by your side and don’t even think about moving, or I’ll make this worse for you.”

“Worse?” My voice shook, giving away my anticipation.

He raised his eyebrow. “What did I say about talking?”

Gulping, I took a step toward the machine and sat down. Reluctance was kicking in in full force. If the music wasn’t so loud, I was certain he’d be able to hear my heart. My bare butt touched the cool plastic of the chair but quickly warmed. I put my hands where he instructed then hesitated. I felt like I needed to give myself a pep talk to do this. Camden didn’t say anything. He saw the indecision on my face, but stood there, allowing me to work through my discomfort on my own. I appreciated him doing that. It assured me that despite being on the edge, this wasn’t just about him. He wanted me to feel good too. He cared. I brought my eyes up to his when I felt that I was ready and watched him when I put my left leg up first. I wasn’t entirely uncomfortable just yet, but when I lifted my right leg and placed it in the holder, I felt like all the air had been sucked out of the room. I knew what I looked like right now. My pussy was completely exposed to him, and he could see every inch of me down there. I was slick with desire, and no doubt it was showing. Camden’s eyes left mine, and he looked down. I gripped the handles tightly, wanting desperately to cover up, but I wouldn’t do it. I wanted to be confident with Camden. I wanted to know that the mere sight of me brought him to his knees. I wanted to be the girl who could open herself up and feel like I owned him.

“Fucking perfect,” he whispered.

I broke eye contact and looked at the object that Camden had carried over. He was holding two resistance bands. They were each about three foot long, and my curiosity sparked. What was he planning on doing with those? I didn’t have to think about it too long. He took a step toward me, and squatted by my right side. Being this close to him, I could smell the underlying scent of his soap. It was mouthwatering. Camden started making short work of tying a knot around my wrist and securing it to the handle that I was holding. The rubber against my skin wasn’t exactly uncomfortable, but it wasn’t the softest material either. When he felt like it was tight enough, he went to my other side and did the same thing. I’d never been tied down to anything before, let alone a piece of workout equipment. My blood was scorching, and I could feel it thrumming through my veins. I didn’t like the idea of not being able to move. Other than being able to squeeze my legs shut, I had no mobility. I was trapped and unable to do anything to hide or protect myself if things went further than what I was okay with. I was about to tell Camden that I didn’t think I could do this when he looked up at me. Underneath the ferocity of his stare was something that I didn’t expect to see. There was understanding and gentleness. He was pleased that I was letting him take me this far. Bringing his hand up, his palm cupped my cheek. I leaned into his touch. With a subtle nod, I knew the tenderness was over.

He stood up over the top of me in a very domineering fashion. I could see the clear outline of his cock through his gym shorts. Camden was rock hard, and all I wanted to do was take him in my mouth. I had no idea what he was going to do, but the not knowing was part of the fun. Apparently he wasn’t done restraining me. I thought I’d be able to keep some mobility of my legs, except he leaned over and added enough weight to the machine that bringing my legs together was no longer an option. I glared at him.

“That’s right Blue, get pissed at me. But don’t worry, you’re going to enjoy this just as much as I am.”

Using one of his hands he reached up and pinched one of my nipples hard enough to make me cry out. Leaning down he took the sensitive peak into his mouth and soothed it with his warm tongue, rolling it between his teeth. The pain then pleasure sent a bolt of pleasure to my center. Camden was switching back and forth between pinching and sucking. He did this over and over, and my eyes rolled back. When he felt that he’d given my breasts enough attention he stood back up and looked down at me. Gripping his cock he rearranged himself. Was he trying to drive me crazy? Why wasn’t he getting naked too? I wanted to see him in all his magnificent glory. Camden had one of the most incredible bodies I’d seen on a man. I’d been around him plenty of times walking around the house, or here in the gym with nothing but a pair of shorts on. The tight corded muscle of his arms and back were solid. His abs had defined ridges that were made for a woman’s fingers to smooth over. And his V… it taunted me. Everything about Camden was a tease. I wanted my hands on him all the time. His tanned skin was smooth and flawless. He screamed sex.