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He chuckled. “What about me, am I anywhere in those plans?”

“Not sure.”

“Keegan,” he said in warning.

“I mean, you are sort of bossy, and you leave your sweaty gym socks in the middle of the floor for me to pick up.”

“And that’s a bad thing?”

I crinkled my nose. “Are you kidding? Have you ever smelled your own socks?”

“Sure I have.”

“Okay, I was kind of kidding, and ew!” I said on a laugh.

“You like it.”

“If you think so…”

“What about the rest of your life? What are you doing for the rest of your life?”

His question took me by surprise. “I don’t really know. Obviously I’ll be applying at UGA Medical, and I think I want to work in L&D, but we’ll see where the hospital can put me. I don’t think I’m in any position to be picky about place— ”

Camden cut me off. “No, I mean what are you doing, for the rest of your life?”

I cocked my head to the side, and I felt him brush his fingers through my long blond waves. I tried to understand what he was telling me but then it hit me. All of the air was sucked out of my lungs and I could tell he was reading me like a book and saw the realization in my eyes. Camden let go of me with one of his arms and reached into his pocket. He dug around and eventually pulled out a ring that was to die for gorgeous. It was cushion cut with diamonds surrounding the full carat in the center. The band was petite and feminine. As tears sprung to my eyes, Camden took ahold of my left hand and held it up to his chest. I could feel the steady rhythm of his heart as he started to speak.

“I can’t tell you how proud I am of you, Blue. You’ve accomplished your goals and achieved the first of many dreams. You inspire me every day to strive for more and do better. Not only in my own life, but in our lives.” His chocolate colored eyes dazzled with humor and love. “I’ve been waiting for this moment I think since you first walked into my apartment. You were the girl, the one who made me see everything differently. You’ve been defiant, stubborn, difficult, and an all-around giant pain in the ass.” I giggled and wiped my tear filled eyes. “But…you’ve also been challenging, beautiful, open, and the most amazing person I’ve ever met. You were made me for Blue. You’re my person. Marry me, let me show you how you should be loved for the rest of your life.”

Oh my God was this real? Camden Brooks just proposed to me, and I felt like I was living in some alternate universe. Things like this just didn’t happen to me. Nodding my head vigorously, I did the only thing that I knew I could. I screamed at the top of my lungs and said, “YES! Oh my gosh a thousand times, yes!”

Sliding the ring on my finger, Camden picked me up and spun me in a circle. His face was buried in my hair, and I was laughing with unrequited joy. Never in my life did I ever think that answering an ad for a roommate was going to lead me to the rest of my life. Camden filled me, every day, he showed me love, compassion, and humility. Over a year ago, I thought my purpose in life was going to be to help raise my sister, try and graduate with my class, and attempt to find happiness on my own. I’ve been blessed to find a man who selflessly supported me in every adventure I took on. It’d been quite the ride with Camden. Oh yes, he’d been full of surprises, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Crushing his lips to mine, he pushed his tongue into my mouth and swallowed a low moan that seeped out. His fingers threaded into my hair, and I stood on my tippy toes, allowing him to consume me in every way possible. I smiled against his mouth as he kissed me, and he grinned as well. Pecking my nose in the way that he always did, he looked down at me.

“I love you.”

“I love you too. So very much,” I said.

“Good I’m glad.”

“Hmmm…” I said contentedly. “Now what?”

“Well, now it looks like we have a wedding to plan.”

“Yes, looks like.”

The End

Be on the lookout for Turner’s book, Slider , releasing in early summer 2014.

To my family. You know my usual spiel by now. I love you all, and thank you for putting up with my usual crap!

To my editor Jenny, who dealt with my whining and extended deadlines, I think I scored big with you. You proved to me that you know your stuff, and this book is best I’ve ever written, and I definitely think that’s because of you. Thank you for helping me bring this book to the next level. I couldn’t have done it without you.

Shawn, you waltzed into my life like a tornado and blew me away with everything that is you. You helped make this book what it is, and I hope I did you proud. It still blows my mind that I found someone that fit the character I’d thought up in my head before I even knew who you were. You shaped and molded Camden for me as I went. Thank you for being so incredible, for giving me up-lifting words when I wanted to quit, for being a support that I never expected from a cover model. You were a huge surprise and one that I hope I have in my life for years to come. You’re special Mr.! I love you to pieces!

Bayli, gah…there aren’t words for what you mean to me. Your friendship is so important to me as I’ve travelled through the indie world, and outside of it. You critiqued this book and helped me remember to stay on point when I’d start to stray. I love that you loved my characters as much as I did. Best friends, critique partners, and table partners for life.

To my beta readers…you know, all 6 of you. Thank you for taking time away from your families and reading as I went along. Some of you got Bender in chapters, some of you got the book when it was done. I appreciate every single one of your kind words and pointing out things that I couldn’t see when writing. Beta readers are the back bones of my books, and I adore every single one of you.

To Golden, you mad genius you. I love the way we work together. All 3 times we have come together, you’ve taken my ideas and ran with them. I appreciate that you have let me come into your space and make little adjustments with the models as something new hit me. Your brilliance has given me some of the best photos that I, as an author, could ask for. You’re the very best in this business, and I can't wait to see what else we can come up with together.

To Kassi, you ma’am are the mastermind of my teasers. What an incredible person you are to have in my corner. Not only do you deal with my demands of being creative for me, you also format my books, created a cover for me for my other novels, and I tortured you with looking at my photos of my models. lol *winkie face* Seriously though, I’m so happy that I finally got to meet you, and you are just as sweet in person as you have been to me online. Here’s to more work together.

To the bloggers & readers that gave Bender a chance and helped me advertise it. THANK YOU! I am one person and I can only reach so far. Without your help, Bender might only end up in the hands of like…10 people. Lol. Your continued support is always appreciated.

Author’s Other Works

Ever Enough

Always Enough

Touching Scars


Slider (coming this summer)

Dodger (coming this fall)

Untitled in this series (coming this winter)

