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Flopping down on my air mattress, I curled under the covers. I looked around the still very empty space of my room. I was able to buy some curtains to cover the window, and a mirror to lean against the wall, but any other purchases would have to wait. I’d like to get an actual bed, because this blow-up bed was hurting my back, but it wasn’t a priority right now. What I needed was a laptop so I could do my school work from home, a dresser, and some hangers for my clothes. Then I’d get a bed. I figured it would take me a few months to make all of the purchases, but I was okay with that. It would be mine, something that I would have worked hard for and paid for with my own money. For now, this would have to do.

Lying there I ended up deciding that I’d live here like I was the only person. When my rent was due, I’d leave it on the counter, along with any of my other bills that needed to be paid. I would go out tomorrow and buy a lock for my door, so I could ensure that I had the privacy that I required. I didn’t need any of Camden’s bimbos wandering into my room thinking they could take whatever they wanted. I’d also keep any communication with him to a minimum. If I was nothing to him, then he’d be nothing to me. Feeling more settled in my plans, I scooted further down into my uncomfortable bed and drifted off to sleep.

The next day I woke up and took a deep breath in as I stretched my arms above my head. I smelled something that made my stomach growl. What was that, bacon? I got out of bed and rubbed my eyes with the palms of my hands. Throwing on my ratted pale yellow robe, I went downstairs. I was sure my hair was all over the place, but since I’d decided I no longer cared about Camden and what he thought of me, it didn’t matter what I looked like. As I hit the bottom step, I saw him in the kitchen with his back turned, and he was flipping eggs in a pan. He either heard me or sensed me because he turned around and saw me standing there. The chick who looked like a model was nowhere in sight. I wondered if he made her go home last night after he was done with her. It wouldn’t surprise me. I squirmed a bit at Camden’s perusal of me. His eyes went from my messy hair and traveled the length of my body, taking in the robe and my bare legs that showed. Wherever his eyes touched felt like a caress against my skin. Why was he looking at me like that? I shook my head. I was sure he was wondering how he got stuck with someone like me for a roommate. My appearance was less than fabulous this morning.

Unsure what to do, at first, I stood there chewing on my lower lip. I liked his eyes on me, but I also hated what I knew he saw and thought. He looked like he’d already run a marathon, or whatever the hell he did in the mornings. His hair was sticking up every which way, and he was wearing a black shirt with the sleeves torn off. His tanned arms flexed like they knew someone was watching. His blue shorts were long and went to his knees, the mesh material forming over parts of him that I shouldn’t be thinking about right now. Straightening my back, I moved forward toward the kitchen. Do not go there Keegan. Coffee was on my mind, and there was a fresh pot already brewed. I stepped around Camden as he stood in front of the stove and went to the cupboard that held the coffee mugs.

“Morning,” he said, his voice deeper than normal. I gripped the mug tighter.

I didn’t turn to look at him, nor did I reciprocate his greeting. I went to the coffee pot and filled my mug. Opening the fridge I grabbed the milk and poured a few splashes. The canister of sugar was next to the fridge, and I put two teaspoons in my cup and began stirring. I felt Camden’s eyes on my back, but I refused to look at him.

I heard him sigh and then he said, “I’ve made breakfast. Whole wheat toast, egg whites, and turkey bacon. I’ll put your plate on the breakfast bar.” I heard the clink of the plate as he set it down.

If he was waiting for an acknowledgement from me, he wasn’t going to get one. I was shocked he even thought to make me a plate. Then again, with what he made, he was probably trying to put me on a diet thinking I wouldn’t notice...or he poisoned it. Screw him. Despite my growling stomach I took my mug and started walking out of the kitchen. I’d get breakfast in town on my way to get Sarah. She was coming over to spend the day with me, and we were going to veg on the couch.

“You’re seriously not going to eat?” he asked before I could start upstairs.

This time I did turn to look at him. “Why cook me anything? I’m just the roommate right? Cook for yourself.” With that, I went upstairs. A few seconds after I closed the bathroom door, I heard a crash, and the front door slammed. Fantastic…I pissed the grizzly off.

After getting showered and dressed I headed downstairs. I looked in the sink as I passed by. The plate of food he made me was dumped and broken into a few large pieces. Sighing I took the broken glass out and threw them away, then shoved the food down the disposal. I wanted to feel bad for what I said to Camden, but I couldn’t. He needed a lesson on how to treat people, and I refused to be uncomfortable in my own home.

I’d gone to get Sarah after cleaning up the mess, and we’d picked up a few movies from the store as well as a bag full of candy. I had a serious sweet tooth, and I had yet to find an eight-year-old who didn’t have the same problem. She wanted to watch Despicable Me first. Popping the movie in, the previews were just starting when the front door opened. Dodger came walking in, and he got a load of the candy spread on the coffee table. He smiled big.

“Hey girls, whatcha doing?”

Dodger had already met my sister, and they got along well. “Watching a movie, wanna watch it with us?” Sarah asked.

He nodded.

“You can have Keegan’s Laffy Taffy, but you can’t have my Nerds. I don’t share those.”

He laughed and ruffled her wild curls as he sat down beside her. “I’m actually eyeballing those Snickers.”

She gave him a hard face. “You can have one but no more.”

“Fine, one is plenty. But what about the other candy?”

“Are you kidding? You eat more than that candy bar you’ll have a tummy ache!”

“Well, then I’d better just stick to the one.” He smiled at her.

I was grinning at their exchange. Dodger was very much like a kid. His carefree attitude and fun spirit was exactly why I loved having him over all the time. I saw him more than I saw Camden. I really wished it would have been him who lived here. The three of us watched the movie together and laughed when I did impersonations of Steve Carrell’s voice. When it was over, I put in the next one and let Sarah start it. I took advantage of her zoning out and grabbed a bag from the counter and headed up to my bedroom door. I’d bought a new door handle that had a lock on it so I could lock it from the outside. I’d assumed Dodger had fallen asleep when I started the next movie, but apparently I’d been wrong. I heard him behind me clearing his throat.

“What are you doing?”

I startled. “Gah! Could you not sneak up on me like that? I have a screwdriver in my hand.”

He smirked. “I see that. What’s wrong with the doorknob that was already on there?”

I looked at him for a few seconds before turning back to the task at hand. “I’m changing them out so I can make sure I’ve got complete privacy, especially when I’m not home.”