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But you don’t really like them.

She shrugged.

What do you like better?

I don’t know.

Would you want to look at these over here? the high school girl said.

Alice went back to the dressing room and took the new clothes off and came out again in her own clothes and then they went to another section even farther back in the store and Alice stopped to look at some black shorts and black tops with long red sleeves.

Aren’t they too hot for summer? Willa said.

If it’s what she likes, Alene said, that’s what matters. Do you like these, honey?

If you don’t care.

No. Now it’s not if we care or don’t care. It’s what you want. You have to say.

I like them, Alice said.

That’s better. Let’s have a look.

They took the shorts and shirt and another set of the same style, together with matching socks, and she tried them on in the back dressing room and came out carrying them to the register and the high school girl folded them neatly on the counter and put them in a store bag and rang them up. Alene paid for them while Alice watched and didn’t say anything or even smile and then the high school girl handed the bag to Alice and they went out into the sun on Main Street. The light glinted sharply off all the windshields of the cars parked along in front of the stores.

Thank you, Alice said. Thank you for these clothes.

You’re very welcome, Willa said.

A few cars were moving along in the afternoon, a few people walking in the crosswalk and on the wide sidewalks before the stores.

Well, Willa said. What shall we do now?

Let’s go across the street, Alene said.

What’s over there?

I’ll show you. Alice, would you care to go to the hardware store with us?

If you want to.

Do you want to put your things in the car first?

She set the bag in the backseat of the car and then together they crossed the street at midblock and entered the hardware store through the big open doors.

What are we doing? Willa said.

I was in here a few days ago, Alene said. Come back here. I want to show Alice something.

They followed her back to the far corner of the store through the aisles of paint cans and the display of paint chips and paintbrushes, past the cartons of washers and screws, little boxes of bolts and nuts, the bins of nails, and came to the bicycles. Five of them. One with training wheels and one full-size and three for young people. All hanging from hooks suspended from the ceiling, looking as if they would pull loose and crash and hurt somebody. They stood back looking up at them.

You don’t have one, do you? Alene said.

No, Alice said.

Would you like us to get you one?

I don’t know. She kept looking at the bicycles. I don’t know what Grandma would say.

What do you think she would say?

She’d say it’s too much.

What do you think yourself?

Maybe it is too much.

Do you want to call her and ask her?


So the two women and the girl went back to the front of the store. But when they got there no one was at the counter.

I’ll find someone, Alene said. She disappeared into a nearby aisle and came back with Rudy.

You’re asking to use the phone? he said.

It’s not for me, Willa said. It’s for this young lady.

I hope it’s not long-distance, Rudy said. He winked. The store can’t pay for no long-distance calls.

It’s my grandmother, Alice said. I need to talk to her.

Then that’ll be okay. Just go right ahead. She lives in town here, doesn’t she.

He handed the phone to Alice and she looked at the three adults watching her and then made the call. She stood up straight and spoke into the phone very quietly, almost whispering. Grandma, it’s me, she said softly. They want to buy me a bicycle. The ladies do. I told them I’d have to ask you. I don’t know. No, I didn’t say anything. I didn’t even know they had any bicycles. Yes. Here. She wants to talk to you. She handed the phone to Willa.

Willa carried the phone out of their hearing, into an aisle of electrical supplies, and stood and talked. Yes, this is Willa, she said. Yes, we do. Well, it was Alene’s idea. Your granddaughter selected a few clothes and then Alene brought us over here to the hardware. Well, Alice said we would have to speak to you first, to see what you thought. It is a lot, yes. But we would like to do this if you think it’s all right. Oh, I don’t think she will get the wrong idea. She’s such a nice girl. You’ve done so well with her. I just think she’s very dear. Well, Alene seems to want this very much. Yes. Well, all right. Thank you. We’ll be there soon. You’re welcome. Oh, Alice said so too, of course.

She came back to the front counter and handed the phone to Rudy. The other clerk, Bob, was there now too.

She said it would be all right, Willa said, if that’s what we want to do.

They looked at Alice. She wouldn’t look at them.

Let’s go choose one, Alene said.

They followed Rudy back to the corner of the store and stood below the suspended bicycles and watched as Bob stepped up on a stool and handed down the bicycles from the chained hooks, the three that would be the right size for her, and Rudy stood them on their stands on the old scarred wood floor.

Here you go. Now take a good look. You can’t go wrong with none of them. Any one of these here will do good for you. Which one do you like?

Don’t rush her, Bob said. Let her take her time. Nobody likes to be rushed.

I’m letting her. That’s what I’m saying. Take your time, honey.

Alene put her arm around Alice and they stepped forward and the girl touched the rubber handgrip of the handlebars of the one purple bike and Rudy said, You go right ahead and try the seat there. And that seat’s adjustable.

She sat on the seat and gripped the handles and gazed forward as if she might be riding, going someplace, and didn’t show a thing on her face.

You prefer this one? Rudy said. You don’t want to change your mind and try this red one?

I think she’s made up her mind, Alene said. Haven’t you, honey.


She climbed off the bicycle and Rudy wheeled it up to the counter through the aisles, all of them following again in single file, as in a ceremony, without talking, and then Alene paid and they all went out to the sidewalk in the brilliant hot light of midday and crossed the street and put the bike in the trunk of the car and Bob tied a piece of twine to the trunk lid to hold it down. The two store clerks shook hands with the Johnson women, in a formal way, and shook Alice’s hand too, and then went back to the hardware store and the Johnson women and Alice drove back to the west side of Holt to Berta May’s house and lifted the bicycle out onto the street.

Berta May had been waiting for them and had come outside now and was watching from the porch.

Is that it? she said.

Yes, Grandma.

Who’s going to teach you how to ride?

I don’t know.

I’m going to help, Alene said.

Why, do you know how to ride a bike?

They say you don’t forget. I used to ride out in the country on the roads.

Then I bet you do remember, Berta May said.

We’re just going to try anyway.

She and her mother held the bike and Alice sat down on the seat.

You know these are the brakes.

Alice squeezed the handles.

And this is how the gears shift, by twisting.

I know.

Okay. I imagine you do. Probably more about it than I do. Let’s give it a try.

Alice pushed off, pumping the pedals, and the two women stepped along beside her, walking fast, starting to trot, fumbling their hands out to touch her, and she went pedaling on, they couldn’t keep up and then she wavered and leaned sideways and tipped over but caught herself. She stood the bike upright. They tried again, Willa leaning and trotting alongside, Alene a little faster, their faces red and flushed by the hot day and the excitement, hurrying along in their soft summer dresses and summer shoes. The girl went a little farther and wobbled again but caught herself before she fell. Behind them, Lorraine had come out from the Lewis house and Berta May was still watching from her porch.