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Well, Dad, how are you doing today? said Willa. Are you doing any better?

If I am I can’t tell it. I’m better to have my daughter home, I can say that.

Yes, it said in the church bulletin she was here. Willa turned to Lorraine. You couldn’t stay away now, could you.

Not after Mom was in the hospital.

It announced that too, how she was admitted to the hospital. It was the first we heard of it. You might have called us, Mary.

I didn’t want to bother you, Mary said. You wouldn’t of either, if it was you.

Well, Dad could have.

I’m glad he didn’t.

Lorraine’s here now, Dad said. That’s enough.

All right, I’m going to be quiet, then. I can tell when to keep my mouth shut.

You don’t have to be quiet. It’s not that, said Mary.

That would be the first time if she did, Alene said.

Oh now my daughter’s attacking me too.

They all laughed a little.

On the couch Lyle watched them talk. After a time he said, I think I’ll have to go now. Before I do I wonder if we might pray together. And he bowed his head, they looked at him, at his dark head, and they all bowed their heads too and he prayed, O God, Our Father, we ask you to take particular care of this family and this man here. We ask in your infinite mercy that you bring him the comfort and peace that passeth all human understanding and the assurance of thy son’s own death and resurrection. While he prayed Lorraine looked at him sitting on the couch across the room with his head lowered and his hands folded together and she looked at her father and he was watching the preacher too. Then Lyle finished and said, May you hear our prayer, oh Lord. Amen. He stood and shook hands all around and touched Dad Lewis on the shoulder and Lorraine went with him out the front door onto the porch.

Thank you for coming, she said.

I don’t want to bother your father, but I’ll come again if that’s all right.

Yes. I think it would be.

I don’t know that he’s very religious.

No. Not in any orthodox way.

I understand that. In his own way perhaps.


Well. I’ll be going. He held out his hand to shake hers and instead she surprised him and hugged him. He was a good deal taller than she was.

Thank you for coming, she said again.

He went down the walk to his car parked at the street and she stood and watched him drive away. Then she sat down on the porch swing in the shade of the house and took out her cigarettes and smoked. The air was hot and dry and clear, but it was better in the shade. Then Alice, the girl next door, came up in front of the wrought iron fence. She turned and looked out at the empty street and then turned and looked at Lorraine.

Hello, Alice.

How do you know my name?

My mother told me. Why don’t you come up here and talk to me.

I don’t know who you are.

I used to live in this house. When I was a girl like you are.

I don’t know if I should, Alice said.

You can ask your grandmother, if you want to. Your mother and I used to play together.

The girl stood looking at her, then she looked out at the street again and finally she opened the gate and came up on the porch.

You can sit down if you want. Here, beside me.

The girl slid onto the swing and they began to move it slowly. Lorraine took out her cigarettes again.

Do you always smoke?

Once in a while.

My mother’s boyfriend smoked all the time.

Lorraine blew smoke out to the side and they rocked the swing in the hot air so that it felt a little cooler as if there were a breeze.

What did you play with my mother?

Well. She was younger than me. She was closer to my brother Frank’s age. We played at night under the streetlight at the corner up there and we played out back in the barn.

What was she like, my mother?

She was very nice. She was fun to be with.


That’s right, she was, and I’m so sorry she died like she did, so young, Lorraine said. I’m very sorry. She was a good person. I miss her.

Grandma says I’m lucky to have someone to take me in.

Yes, I guess so. I guess you are. And you can come over here and see us if you want anytime.

He’s dying too, isn’t he.

My father?

He’s dying, isn’t he.

But you don’t have to be afraid of him. He’s just an old man who’s sick. He wouldn’t hurt you. You can come over and see me. We can do something together.

Like what?

I don’t know. We’ll have to think of it.

Are you done smoking now?

I’m done with this one.

Alice got up and brought the ashtray from the porch rail and held it for her.

Thank you, Lorraine said and stubbed out the cigarette.

You’re welcome.

She put the ashtray back and sat down again and they swung in the hot afternoon.

In the house the women were still talking.

Is he Mexican, did anyone ever say? Willa asked. He’s so dark.

No, Mary said. I don’t think so.

On his mother’s side, I mean.


Or Italian maybe.

Not if he’s in the Community Church. A Mexican wouldn’t be a preacher in a Protestant church. He’d be a Catholic.

He’s kind of good-looking, Alene said.

Her mother turned toward her, her eyes seeming overlarge behind the thick lenses.

He is, Alene said.

He’s married. He has a wife and a teenage son.

He can still be good-looking.

They sent him here from a church in Denver, Willa said. He was an associate minister there.

We heard he was, Mary said.

I doubt if he’s accustomed to small towns.

He better start getting accustomed to them, Dad said.

The women turned and looked at him. They’d thought he was asleep. His head was turned toward the window and he wasn’t looking at them when he talked.

Nothing goes on without people noticing, he said.

They waited. But he said no more.

After a while Willa started talking again. He had some kind of trouble in Denver, I heard. I believe that’s why he was sent here.

What kind of trouble? said Mary.

I heard he was disciplined by the church for supporting some other preacher who came out homosexual in Denver. I believe it was something of that nature.

Wherever did you hear that, Mother?

A woman friend. Somebody from out of town told me about it.

Well, they’re people, Alene said.

Well, of course. I know they’re people. I’m not saying that. I’m only saying as an example of the kind of man he is. What we might expect.

The room was quiet then. They could hear Lorraine and the young girl on the front porch, the soft talking and the regular small complaint and recover of the porch swing. The hot sunlight streamed in through the window beyond Dad.

I think I’ll go outside, Alene said. Excuse me, please.

There’s more coffee, Mary said.

No thank you. It’s good to see you, Dad. He looked over at her and nodded.

She rose and straightened the skirt of her dress and went out to the porch. Willa and Mary watched her leave.

I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, Willa whispered. You see how she is. She’s been this way ever since she came home.

She’s not happy, Mary said.

Nobody’s happy. But she doesn’t have to be unpleasant in somebody else’s house.

We’re glad to see her, Mary said, and stood and went back through the dining room to the kitchen. She looked out the window to the west. The backyard was in shade from the trees, and beyond, the corral and barn were in hot bright sunlight. She brought the pot of coffee and poured some into Willa’s cup.