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denazification of German culture

four-power occupation of Berlin

German currency destabilization

liberation strategy

protesting Soviet postwar brutality

Treaty of Versailles

withdrawal from Berlin

See alsoAir raids


Alternative Liste (AL)

Altes Museum

American Armed Forces Radio Network (AFN)

Amerika: Bildbuch etnes Architekten(Mendelsohn)

Amerika Haus

Anderson, Sascha

Andreas-Friedrich, Ruth

Anglo-Russian Entente


Antifascist Protective Barrier. SeeBerlin Wall


as election issue

attacks on Einstein

blame for economic bust

Bruno Walter’s response to

Olympic games ouster of Jewish journalists

postunification neo-fascists

riots and pogroms(fig.)

Anti-Socialist Law (1878)

Antiwar sentiment




Bauhaus movement




Holocaust memorial and Jewish Museum

New Chancellery

1945 urban renewal

Pariser Platz

Potsdamer Platz





urban renewal

urban renewal

Weimar-era housing

See alsoConstruction; Monuments; Urban renewal

Arts, plastic

commemorative sculpture

currency collages


Eastern dissidents

rebuilding Prussian Academy

Russian plundering of Berlin’s treasures

under Nazi control

war effort

Weimar Republic

See alsoMuseums


Asean Brown Boveri (ABB)

Ash, Timothy Garton

Ashkenazy, Vladimir


at Berlin Wall

attempts on Hitler

Franz Ferdinand

John F. Kennedy

Kaiser Wilhelm I

neo-Nazi hit list

Night of Long Knives

Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht

Attlee, Clement

Auden, W. H.



Baader, Andreas

Baarova, Lida

Bach, Johann Sebastian

Bachmann, Josef

Bacon, Francis

Bad Kissingen

Baeck, Leo

Baedeker, Karl

Bahnhof Friedrichstrasse

Bahro, Rudolf

Baillet-Latour, Henri de

Baker, Josephine

Ballet Celly de Rheydt

Bamberger, Ludwig

Bancroft, George

Bandemer, Karl


Barenboim, Daniel

Barlach, Ernst

Barnes, Djuna

Barter system

Barzel, Rainer

Basic Treaty

Battle and Victory(Werner)

Bauhaus movement

Baum, Herbert

Baumgarten, Klaus-Dieter

Bayreuth Festival

Beauvoir, Simone de

Bebel, August

Becher, Johannes R.

Beck, Ludwig

Becker, Jurek

Beckmann, Max

Beer Drinkers’ Union

Beer Hall Putsch

Before Dawn(Hauptmann)

Behnisch, Gunter

Behrens, Peter


Benjamin, “Red Hilda,”

Benjamin, Walter

Benn, Gottfried

Berber, Anita

Berg, Alban

Berg, Fritz

Beria, Laventi

Berlin, East

Berlin Wall construction and destruction

cultural dissidents

demand for reform

East-West rapprochement


enforcement of socialist ideology


response to unification

squatters’ movement

urban renewal

Berlin, West

attracting tourists

cosmopolitan population of

cultural and urban renewal



postwar political status

response to reunificationߞ

Soviet attempt to reunite Berlin

squatters’ movement

struggle against isolation

student protests

visitation to East Berlin

Berlin Declaration (1945)

Berlin Ethnographic Museum

Berlin Film Festival

Berlin in the War(musical)

Berlin Operations Base (BOB)

Berlin Philharmonic(fig.) Berlin tax

Berlin Tunnel operation

Berlin under the New Empire(Vizetelly)

Berlin Union Commission

Berlin University

Berlin Wall

as metaphor

construction and destruction

GDR’s political isolation

murders at

squatters’ movement

tourist attraction

Wall in the Head

See alsoReunification Berlin Zoo

Berliner Dom (Berlin cathedral)

Berliner Ensemble

Berliner Symphonie

Berliner Tageblatt

Berliner Volks-Zeitung

Berliner Zeitung am Mittag

Berlins drittes Geschlecht(Hirschfeld)

Bernstein, Eduard

Berzarin, Nikolai

Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald von

Bevin, Ernest

BfV. SeeOffice for Constitutional Protection

Bie, Oscar

Biermann, Wolf(fig.)

Big Three. SeeChurchill, Winston; Stalin, Josef;

Truman, Harry

Bilse, Benjamin

Birchall, Frederic T.

Birkenfeld, Günther

Bismarck, Herbert

Bismarck, Otto von

African colonialism

blaming Jews for economic bustߞ

campaign against SPD

choice of capital

Congress of Berlin

Eastern Question

opposition to Berlin as capital

opposition to naval bill

postunification European relations

resignation ofߞ

search for wealth and status

Three Emperors Meeting

on Wilhelm I assassination attempts


Blake George

Blech, Leo

Bleichröder, Gersonߞ

Bloch, Ernst

Block, Willi

Blockade, Soviet

Blomberg, Werner von

Blood-and-soil writersߞ

Blücher, Princess

The Blue Angel(film)

Blüm, Norbert

Blumenthal, W. Michael

BOB. SeeBerlin Operations Base

Boddien, Wilhelm von

Bode, Wilhelm von

Boer War

Bohley, Barbel

Böhme, Ibrahim

Böll, Heinrich

Bonhöffer, Dietrich


Bormann, Martin

Borsig, August Julius Albert von

Borsig Company

Borsig Palace

Bose, Herbert von

Böss, Gustav

Bourke-White, Margaret

Boveri, Margret

Bowie, David

Bowles, Paul


Bradley, Omar

Brahm, Otto

Brandenburg Gate


Nazi victory over France

official opening

Olympic Torch

removal of Berlin Wall

Soviet war memorial

symbolic value

victory parade

war memorials site

Brandes, Georg

Brandt, Heinz

Brandt, Willy

Adenauer’s attacks on

Berlin Wall

Bonn versus Berlin as capital


Braun, Eva Braun, Otto

Brecht, Bertolt

flight and exile

June labor uprising

quality of postwar theater

return to Berlin

on Wall street crash

Bredow, Kurt von

Breitscheid, Rudolf

Breker, Arno

Breuel, Birgit

Brezhnev, Leonid

Brezhnev Doctrine

British Daily Mail

Brod, Max

Bronnen, Arnolt

Die Brücke (expressionist group)

Bruijn, Pi de

Brundage, Avery

Brüning, Heinrich

Brunner, Alois

Buback, Siegfried

Bubis, Ignaz

Büchner, Georg

Büchner Prize



Bernard von Büow, Hans von

Bund Neues Vaterland

Bundestag Bundestag resolution (1949)

Bundesverfassungsschutz. SeeOffice for

Constitutional Protection