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Bündnis party

Bundy, McGeorge

Buruma, Ian

Bush, George



The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari (film)(fig.)

Calatrava, Santiago

Camus, Albert

Carow, Heiner

Casablanca Conference

Cassirer, Bruno

Cassirer, Paul


CDU. SeeChristian Democratic Party

Celibidache, Sergiu


Center Party

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Cézanne, Paul

Chadwick, Edwin

Chamberlain, Neville

Charette, Herve de



Checkpoint Charlie

Children, in the Berlin airlift

Chirac, Jacques

Christian Democratic Party (CDU)

Christian-Social Party


Christopher and His Kind(Isherwood)


Churchill, Winston

CIA. SeeCentral Intelligence Agency

Clare, George Clay, Lucius(fig.),

Clergy, opposing Hitler

Coalition governments

Cocteau, Jean

Cody, Buffalo Bill

Cold War

aftermath of Berlin assault

Berlin Wall construction

dividing Germany

espionage and defection

GDR labor uprising

Soviet occupation of Berlin

struggle for control of Berlin


Colonialism in Africa

Columbushaus Communist Party. SeeGerman Communist Party

Communist resistance movement

Concentration camps

Congo Free State

Congress of Berlin

Conrad, Joseph

Conservative Party

Constitution, of federal German state

Construction See alsoUrban renewal

Corinth, Lovis

Coup attempts. SeeRevolutions, attempted


Cowley, Malcolm

Cozy Corner (bar)

Cremer, Fritz Crime

during assault on Berlin political

resistance commemoration

Russian mafia

theft, fraud, and bribery

See alsoEspionage

Cultural League for the Democratic Renewal of Germany


as morale booster

denazification of

East Berlin dissidents

Nazi response to

philosophy and ideology of WWI

Russian reconstruction of

under reunification

West Berlin renewal

See alsoArts, plastic; Music; Opera; Theater


after reunification

foreign currency

in occupied zone

introduction of Rentenmark

introduction of single national currency

single European currency

Weimar-era destabilization of



Dadaist Central Committee of World Revolution



Daluege, Kurt

Daniels, Hans

Darkness at Noon(Koestler)

Darnton, Robert

Dawes Plan

De Gaulle, Charles

Death camps

Death toll

Berlin air raids

Berlin Wall jumpers

Communist putsch

June GDR uprising

WWI losses

WWII losses


in post-war Berlin

night life

of Fritz Lang

Third Reich

Weimar Republic

See alsoHomosexuality

Declaration of Notables

Declaration on the Assumption of Supreme


Defections(fig.) See alsoEmigration

Delbrück, Rudolph

Demnage, Bernard

Democratic Party

Demonstrations. SeeRiots and demonstrations


Department stores

Deportation, of Jews

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung

Deutsche Gramophon

Deutsche Oper

Deutscher BundestagߞPlenarbereich

Reichstagsgebáude (formerly Reichstag)

Deutsches Theater

Deutschkron, Inge

Deutschnationale Volkspartei (DNVP)

Dibrova, Pavel

Diels, Rudolf

Diepgen, Eberhard

Dietrich, Marlene

Dimitroff, Georgi

Diplomacy Disease

Disraeli, Benjamin

Distinguished Air(McAlmon)

Dittmann, Wilhelm Dix, Otto

DNVP. SeeDeutschnationale Volkspartei

Döblin, Alfred(fig.), Ill

Dodd, William Domröse, Angelica

Dönitz, Karl

Döring, Willy

Dorsch, Kathe

Dr. Mabuse the Gambler(film)

Dregger, Alfred

Drenckmann, Gunter von

Drums in the Night(Brecht)

Dulles, Allen

Dulles, John Foster

Düsterberg, Theodor

Dutschke, Rudi “Red Rudi,”

Dymschitz, Alexander

East Germany. SeeGerman Democratic Republic

East Prussia

East-West Axis

Eastern Question

Ebert, Friedrich

Eckart, Dietrich

Economic restructuring Economy

after unification

assistance to West Berlin

austerity programs

effect of Wall Street crashs

1870s boom

industrialization of

of divided Berlin

of Wilhelmian working-class Berlin

Ulbricht’s economic plan

war economy

Weimar-era destabilization

See alsoCurrency


Edward VII

Ehrenburg, Ilya

Ehrhardt, Hermann

Ehrhardt Freikorps

Ehrlich, Paul

Eichhorn, Emil

Eichmann, Adolf

Eiermann, Egon

Einstein, Albert

flight to US

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

Eisenmann, Peter

Der Eiserne Gustav(Fallada)

Eisler, Hanns

Eisner, Kurt


anti-Semitic movement of

first postwar elections

first unified government

first West German


Nazi gains in 1930

Nazi representation

1928 Reichstag elections

1991 Bundestag vote

1995 Berlin House

Social Democratic victory

special election of

Weimar-era elections

Eloesser, Arthur

Embree, Edwin


cultural exodus from East Berlin

cultural exodus from Nazi Germany

East-West movement,

from West Berlin

Nazi encouragement of

rules applying to Jews

Enabling Act

Engel, Otto

Ensslin, Gudrun

Entente Cordiale


See alsoCabarets

Enzensberger, Hans-Magnus

Eppelmann, Rainer

Erhard, Ludwig

Ernst, Karl

Ernst, Max

Ersatz foods

Erzberger, Matthias


Eulenburg, Philipp zu

Europa Center

European Union


Exhibition of Degenerate Art

Expansionism Expressionism


Fabrikaktion (factory purge of Jews)

Fallada, Hans

Fasanenstrasse synagogue

Fassbinder, Rainer Werner

Fatherland Party


Fechter, Peter

Feder, Gottfried

Fellgiebel, Erich

Fest, Joachim

Feuchtwanger, Lion

Feuerbach, Ludwig


Film industry

The Blue Angel

East Berlin dissidents

A Foreign Affair

Nazi control

Olympic Games documentary

postwar Berlin

propaganda films

West Berlin renewal

WWII war news

Final solution

Finck, Werner

Fink, Heinrich

First International Dada Fair

Fischer, Fritz

Fischer, Joschka

Fischer, Tex

Fischer, Werner

Flak towers

Ein Flaneur in Berlin(Hessel)

Flannery, Harry

Flierl, Bruno

Fontane, Theodor


cafeterias and vending machines


inadequacy of East German