lack during WWI
Weimar-era shortages
Forck, Gottfried
Forckenbeck, Max von
A Foreign Affair(Wilder)
Foster, Sir Norman
Four Powers. SeeFrance; Great Britain; Soviet
Union; United States
absence at Potsdam Conference
African colonialism
Berlin airlift
concerns over 1871 unification
declaring war on Germany
denazification of German culture
Eastern Question
GDR uprising
German popular response during WWI
Locarno Pact
Nazi victory over
occupation of Ruhr Valley
reaction to Berlin Wall
reaction to unification
Franck, Arnold
François-Poncet, André
Frank, Charlotte
Frankfurter Zeitung
Frantz, Constantin
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke
Franz Josef, Kaiser
FRG. SeeGermany, Federal Republic of
Frederick the Great
Free Stage movement
Free University of Berlin
Fretzer, Max
Freud, Sigmund
Frey, Alfred
Frick, Wilhelm
Friedenburg, Hans-Georg von
Friedman, Michel
Friedrich, Gotz
Friedrich III, Kaiser
See alsoFriedrich Wilhelm
Friedrich Wilhelm, Crown Prince
Friedrich-Wilhelm Universitat
Friesler, Roland
Fromm, Bella
Fromm, Friedrich
Frost, Robert
Fuchs, Jürgen
Fuchs, Nikolaus
Fuchs, Wolfgang
Fulbright, William J.
Funkturm Fürstenberg, Max von
Furtwángler, Wilhelm(fig.)
Garasimov, Gennady
Garsky, Dieter
Ein Garten im Norden(Kleeberg)
Gauck, Joachim
Gay, Peter
GDR. SeeGerman Democratic Republic
Gehlen, Reinhard
Geissler, Heiner
General Electric Company
Genesis (rock group)
Genocide, Nazi plan for
Genscher, Hans-Dietrich
George, Heinrich
Gerard, James W.
German Communist Party (KPD)
conflict with Nazis
formation of SED
June 17 uprising
1932 general strike
1930s elections
postwar activities
reaction to dada
vilification of Boss
See alsoSoviet Union
German Democratic Republic (GDR)
Berlin Wall construction
choice of capital city
demands for reforms
East-West rapprochement
enforcing socialist ideology
espionage forcing industrialization
labor uprising
political isolation
response to unification
urban renewal plans
See alsoReunification
German Social Democratic Party (SPD)
German State Library
Germania, Berlin as
Germany, Federal Republic of
acceptance of GDR regime
buying political prisoners
choice of capital city
East-West emigration
East-West rapprochement
GDR labor uprising
resentment of West Berlin
response to unification
squatters’ movement
student protests
urban renewal
See alsoReunification
Germany and the Next War(Bernardi)
Gide, André
Gilbert, Felix Glasnost
Goebbels, Joseph
air raids
arrival in Berlin
Battle of Stalingrad
boosting morale
control of culture
ethnic cleansing
Hitler and
last weeks of Reich
luxurious lifestyle
martyrdom of Horst Wessel
1936 Olympic Games
political purges
Rosenstrasse Jews
Goldberg, Simon
Goldberger, Paul
Golden Seven
Gollwitzer, Helmut
Goodbye to Berlin(Isherwood)
Goodman, Benny
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gorchakov, Alexander
Goring, Hermann
air raids on Berlin
arrest of
Berlin’s urban renewal
cultural control
KPD financial woes
neutralization of enemy factions
1936 Olympic Games
Gorki, Maxim
Goschen, Edward
Bonn to Berlin
postwar Berlin
post-WWI political situation
See alsoBismarck; Bundestag; German
Democratic Republic; Germany, Federal
Republic of; Third Reich; Weimar
Republic; Wilhelm I; Wilhelm II
Grant, Ulysses S.
Grass, Gunter
Grassi, Giorgio
Great Britain
African colonialism
air raids
anti-German relations
Congress of Berlin
contempt of Berlin
declaring war on Germany
GDR uprising
Hess’s bid for peace
naval expansion
occupation of Berlin
punk rockers
reaction to Berlin Wall
response to unification
Great German Art Exhibition
Green Party
Grey, Edward
Gropius, Walter
Grosz, George
Grosz, Karoly Grotewohl, Otto
Gründerzeit(foundation era)
Gründgens, Gustav
Grüttke, Lutz
Grzesinski, Albert
Guard Cavalry Rifle Division
Guderian, Heinz
Gueffroy, Chris
Guérin, Daniel
Giinstlingsjuden(favored Jews)
Gysi, Gregor
Haber, Fritz
Haeften, Werner von
Hagen, Eva-Maria
Haldane, Richard Burdon
Hall of the People
Hamilton, Gerald
Hanneles Himmelfahrt(Hauptmann play)
Harbou, Thea von
Harden, Maximilian
Harden, Sylvia
Harding, Charles
Harlan, Veit
Harnack, Adolf von
Harnack, Arvid
Harriman, W. Averell
Harris, Arthur “Bomber,”
Hartwig, Hella
Hasenclever, Walter
Hasselbach, Ingo
Hassemer, Volker
Hauptmann, Gerhart
Hauptverwaltung-Aufklárung. SeeHVA
Havemann, Robert
Heartfield, John
Hebbel, Friedrich
Hegel (café)
Helldorf, Wolf Heinrich von
Helsinki Final Accords
Hemingway, Ernest
Henderson, Neville
Hennig, Rudolf
Hensel, Sebastian
Henselmann, Hermann
Hermann-Neisse, Max
Herrnstadt, Rudolf
Herter, Christian
Herding, Georg Friedrich von
Herzfelde, Wieland
Herzog, Rudolf
Herzog, Werner
Hess, Rudolf
Hessel, Franz
Hesterberg, Trude
Heuss, Theodor
Heydrich, Reinhard
Heym, Stefan
Hilpert, Ernst
Hilpert, Heinz
Himmel über Berlin(film)
Himmler, Heinrich
Hindemith, Paul
Hindenburg, Paul von
as replacement for Ebert
Hitler and
replacing Papen with Schleicher
Hindenburg Program
Hirschfeld, Magnus
Hitler, Adolf
Beer Hall Putsch
Berlin’s urban renewal
cultural control and exploitation
defense of Berlin against Allies
dreams of retirement
last weeks of
maneuvers toward power
1936 Olympic Games
preparations for war
on wartime morality in
Hoffmann-Axthelm, Dieter
Hoffner, Hedi
Hoffner, Margot
Hohenau, Wilhelm von
Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Chlodwig zu
Holbrooke, Richard
Hollánder, Friedrich
Holocaust commemoration
Honecker, Erich
arrest and trial
cultural dissidents
enforcing socialist ideology
resisting glasnost
Horse Guards