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Hotel Adlon

Hotel Kaiserhof

Hotel Kempinski


House, Edward M.

Housing shortages

after unification

East Berlin shortage and decrepitude

rebuilding West Berlin

WWII shortages

Howley, Frank

Hugenberg, Alfred

Hülsen-Haeseler, Dietrich von

Human rights violations

Humboldt, Alexander

Humboldt, Wilhelm

Humboldt University


Humphrey, Hubert

Huneker, James


Hurd, Douglas


I Am a Camera(Isherwood)

IBA. SeeInternational Building Exposition

Ibsen, Henrik

I. G. Farben

Iggy Pop


See alsoEmigration

Immorality. SeeDecadence

In the Jungle of Cities(Brecht)

Independent Social Democratic Party (USPD)

Industrial Exposition


Inner emigration

Institute for Sexual Research

International Building Exposition (IBA)

International Olympic Committee (IOC)

Investment industry

IOC. SeeInternational Olympic Committee

Irrungen Wirrungen(Fontane)

Isherwood, Christopher

Isozaki, Arata

Israel, Wilfrid


Jahn, Helmut

Janácek, Leos

Jannings, Emil


Jedermann sein eigener Fuss ball

Jelavich, Peter

Jessup, Philip

Jewish Museum


as pollutors of Berlin

blame for economic bust

commemorative monuments

East German attitude

1870s economic boom

ethnic cleansing

Friedrich Ill’s sympathy towards

Goebbels’s antipathy towards

Hitler’s last words

immigration to unified Berlin

Nazi-controlled culture

opposing immigration to Berlin

reaction to Disraeli

Russian New-Berliners

SPD reformists

support of war declaration

unease over Nazi election gains

See alsoAnti-Semitism

Jogisches, Leo

John, Otto

Johnson, Lyndon

Johnson, Philip

Johnson, Uwe

Jones, Douglas

Josephson, Matthew

June 17 uprising

Jünger, Ernst

Justi, Ludwig

KaDeWe (Kaufhaus des Westens)

Kafka, Franz

Kaiser, Jakob


Kaiser Proclamation in Versailles(Werner)

Kaiser Wilhelm Institute

Kaiser Wilhelm Society

Kaiserhof hotel

Kanal, Jerzy

Kandinsky, Wassily

Kant, Hermann

Kapelle, Heinz

Kapp, Wolfgang

Kapp Putsch

Karajan, Herbert von

Kardorff, Ursula von

Kástner, Erichߞ

Der Kaufmann von Berlin(Mehring)

Keilholz, Wolfgang

Keitel, Wilhelm

Keller, Helen

Kelly, Petra

Kempinski Haus Vaterland

kennan, George

Kennedy, John F.

Kerr, Alfred

Kessler, Harry

Keβler, Heinz

KGB (Soviet state security committee),

Khrushchev, Nikita

Kiesinger, Kurt Georg

Kinkel, Klaus

Kippensammler(butt collector)

Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig

Kirsch, Sarah

Kirschner, Martin

Kisch, Egon Erwin

Klar, Christian

Der Klatsch: Ein Roman aus der Gesellschaft


Klee, Paul

Kleeberg, Michael

Kleeman, Siegbert

Kleiber, Erich

Kleihues, Josef Paul

Kleiner Mann, was nun?(Fallada)

Kleist, Heinrich

Klemperer, Otto

Klotz, Heinrich

Kluge, Alexander

Knapp, Gottfried

Koch, Robert

Koestler, Arthur

Kohl, Helmut

Bonn versus Berlin

commemorative monuments


Kokoschka, Oskar

Kollhoff, Hans

Kollwitz, Káthe

Kolpe, Max

Komitet gosudarstvennoi bezopasnosti. SeeKGB

Kommune I

Konev, Ivan

Koolhaas, Rem

Kopenick Blood Week

Kornblum, John

Kortner, Fritz

Kotikov, Alexander

KPD. SeeGerman Communist Party

Kracauer, Siegfried

Kramer, Jane

Krebs, Hans

Krenek, Ernst

Krenz, Egon

Kretzer, Max

Kreuzberg district KreuzzeitungKrier, Rob

Kristallnacht (Night of the Broken Glass) l

Kroll Opera

Krug, Manfred

Kruger, Paul

Kruger Telegram (1896)

Krupp, Friedrich

Kübler, Stella

Kühnen, Michael



Kunze, Reiner

Kupfer, Harry


La Belle Discotheque


Lafontaine, Oskar

Laforgue, Jules

Lampugnani, Vittorio

Lang, Fritz

Langbehn, Julius

Langgásser, Elisabeth

Langhof, Christoph

Lasker, Edward

Lauder, Ronald

Laue, Max

Layard, John

LDP SeeLiberal Democrats

Le Carre, John

Leagué of Nations

Lebor, Adam

Lehmann, John

Leistikow, Walter

LeMay, Curtis

Leno, Jay

Lenya, Lotte

Leonhard, Wolfgang

Leopold II

Lewald, Theodor

Lewis, Wyndham

Liberal Democrats (LDP)

Libeskind, Daniel


Lichtenberg, Bernard

Lichtenberg district

Liebenberger Circle

Liebermann, Max

Liebknecht, Karl


Lightner, Allan

Lindbergh, Charles

Lindenberg, Udo

Lippert, Julius


Auden and Isherwood

denazification by Soviets

East Berlin dissidents

Nazi control of


Russian plundering of

Stasi collaborators

Weimar era

West Berlin renewal

Litfass, Ernst

Litfin, Gunter

Livingstone, David

Lloyd George, David

Locarno Pact (1925)

Loos, Anita

Lorenz, Peter

Lorre, Peter

Love Parade

Lowenthal, Leo

Lubbe, Marinus van der


Lueger, Karl

Luft, Friedrich



Lummer, Heinrich

Lunn, Peter

Lusset, Felix

Luther, Martin

Lüttwitz, Walther von

Luxemburg, Rosa

Lynch, Pat

McAlmon, Robert

McClure, Robert

Macmillan, Harold

Mahler, Horst

Maier-Witt, Silke

Maizière, Lothar de

Malik, Yakov

Malik-Verlag Malraux, Andrè

Manifesto of the Ninety-Three

Manifesto to Europeans

Mann, Heinrich

Mann, Klaus

Mann, Thomas

Mann auf der Mauer(film)

Mann ist Mann(Brecht)

Markovits, Andrei

Marne, Battle of the

Maron, Karl

Marr, Wilhelm

Marschall, Adolf von

Marshall Plan

Martin, Karlheinz

Marx, Karl

Marx, Wilhelm

Die Massnahmen(Brecht)

Mathis der Maler(Hindemith)

Mauriac, Frangois

Maximilian, Prince of Baden

Maxwell’s (restaurant)

May Day demonstration

Mayer, Helene

Media. SeeNewspapers

Mehring, Franz

Mehring, Walter

Meidner, Ludwig

Meier-Graefe, Julius

Meinhof, Ulrike

Meins, Holger

Meister Timpe(Kretzer)

Memory, official

Mendelsohn, Erich(fig.)

Mendelssohn, Peter de

Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix

Menzel, Adolf



Metzel, Olaf

Michaelis, Georg

Mielke, Erich

Mietskasernen(rental barracks)