Выбрать главу

Stocker, Adolf

Stolpe, Manfred

Stoph, Willi

Stormtroopers (SA)

anti-Communist violence

anti-Semitic violence

headquarters in Berlin

neutralization of enemy factions

Olympic Games

struggle with SS for power

Strasser, Gregor

Strauss, Franz Josef

Strauss, Richard

Stravinsky, Igor

Stresemann, Gustav

Strikes, labor

for peace talks with Russia

general strike against Weimar deliberations

KPD-Nazi general strike

labor strike against military putsch

over Weimar-era conditions

support of Lenin coup

support of republic

Strousberg, Henry Bethel

Student protest movement

Stüler, Friedrich August

Sturmabteiling. SeeStormtroopers


“Submarines” (underground Jews)

“Subversive Action,”

Suddeutsche Zeitung

Suhr, Otto


Süskind W. E.

Süssmuth, Rita

Symphony of Psalms(Stravinsky)

Tacheles Art Center

Tannenberg victory

Taut, Bruno

Technical University


Ten-Point Program, for unification


Tessenow, Heinrich

The Texture of Memory: Holocaust Memorials and Meaning(Young)

Thälmann, Ernst

Thatcher, Margaret


Theater am Nollendorfplatz

Theater am Platz der Republik. SeeKroll Opera

Theater am Schiffbauerdamm


Thierse, Wolfgang

Third Reich

air raids

cultural control and exploitation

early ethnic cleansing

Hitler’s negotiations for power

last weeks of

moral reforms

Olympic Games

plan for genocide

preparations for war

rebuilding of Berlin

suppression of Nazi enemies

See alsoNazis; World War II

Thoma, Ludwig

Thorak, Josef

Three Emperors’ League

Three Emperors Meeting

Threepenny Opera(Weill and Brecht)

Tietjen, Heinz

Tietz, Hermann

Tingel-Tangel Cabaret

Tirpitz, Alfred von

Tissot, Victor



air traffic

Bahnhof Friedrichstrasse

effect of war on

post-war isolation of East and West


Soviet restriction of

Weimar-era public transportation

Treaties and pacts

Basic Treaty

Locarno Pact

Nazi-Soviet pact

nuclear nonproliferation treaty

Treaty of Algeciras

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Treaty of San Stefano

Treaty of Versailles

Two Plus Four Treaty

Unification Treaty

Unity Treaty

Warsaw Pact

Treaty of Algeciras

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Treaty of San Stefano

Treaty of Versailles

Treitschke, Heinrich von

Treptow Park

Tretiakov, Sergei


Trevor-Roper, Hugh

Triumph of the Will(film)


Trotta, Margarethe von

Troy (archaeological site)

Truman, Harry(fig.)

Trummerfrauen. SeeRubble women

Tschammer und Osten, Hans von

Tschudi, Hugo von

Tucholsky, Kurt(fig.)

Tulpanov, Sergei

Tunner, William H.


Turkish community

The Turning Point(Mann)

Twain, Mark

Twentieth of July movement

Two Plus Four Treaty

U spy plane

Udet, Ernst

Uhrig, Robert

Ulbricht, Walter

Ullstein, Hermann

Ullstein Verlag

Unabhängige Sozialistsche Partei Deutschlands.

SeeIndependent Social Democratic Party

Unemployment rate

Unification (1871)

Union of Female Socialists


United Nations

United States

African colonialism

as haven for émigrés

Berlin airlift


film industry

influence on German culture

investment in Berlin

1936 Olympic Games

occupation of Berlin

protest demonstrations against

reaction to Berlin Wall

response to unification

Soviet attempt to “reunite” Berlin

struggle over Venezuela

targets of terrorism

Wall Street crash

withdrawal from Berlin

Unity Treaty (1990)

University of Berlin

Unter den Linden

Der Untertan(Mann)

Unthan, Carl Hermann

Urbach, Peter

Urban, Rudolf

Urban renewal


beautification of Berlin

Berlin as Germania

federal buildings


Honecker’s restorations

of divided Germany

Pariser Platz

postunification Berlin




West Berlin

USPD. SeeIndependent Social Democratic Party

Van Lengen, Karen

Variations for Orchestra(Schonberg)

Varnbiiler, Axel von


Vasconi, Claude

Vassiltchikov, Marie

Vaugh, Harry

Veidt, Conrad

Vercors, Hélène

Via Triumphalis

Victoria, Princess

Victoria, Queen of England

Viertel, Berthold

Vietnam War

Villa Wannsee(fig.)


Nazi-KPD conflicts

Night of the Long Knives

student protests

Virchow, Rudolf

Vizetelly, Henry

Vogel, Hans-Jochen

Vogel, Wolfgang

Voigt, Wilhelm

Völkischer Beobachter

Volksbiihne Volksturm (civilian army)

Volmer, Ludwig

Von Brandenburg zu Bismarck(Hesekiel)

Vorstell, Wolf


Vossische Zeitung

Wagenbach, Klaus

Wagner, Richard

Waigel, Theodor

Walden, Herwarth

Waldersee, Alfred von

Waldoff, Claire

Walker, Jimmy

The Wall Jumper(Schneider)

Wall Street crash

Wallot, Paul

Walser, Martin

Walter, Bruno

Wangenheim, Fritz

Wannsee Conference

War bonds

Warsaw Pact

Was Bleibt(Wolf)

Wassermann, Jakob

Die Weber(Hauptmann)


Weidling, Karl

Weigand, Karl von

Weigel, Helene

Weill, Kurt

Weimar Republic

coup attempts

cultural life

decadent nightlife

economic destabilization

modernization and rebuilding

right-wing rioting

Weinert, Erich

Weiss, Berhard

Weiss, Peter

Weizsäcker, Richard von

Wells, H.G.

Weis, Otto

Die Weltbuhne

Wenck, Walther

Wender, Wim

Werfel, Franz

Werner, Anton von

Werner, Arthur

Wertheim (department store)

Wessel, Horst

West Africa Conference (1884-1885)

West Germany. SeeGermany, Federal Republic of

Weyland, Paul

Wiene, Robert

Wildenbruch, Ernst

Wilder, Billy

Wilhelm I

Wilhelm II

antipathy towards Friedrich

beautification of Berlin

Bismarck’s relations with

cultural capabilities

declaration of war

dislike of Berlin

dislike of Reichstag

effect on cultural life

first automobile

hotel construction

Industrial Exposition

labor strikes

naval spending bills

push into exile

relations with Great Britain, France, and Russia

resentment of Edward VII

sexual issues

on wartime morality

on women’s roles



Wilmersdorf Wilson
