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Evidently, I still hadn’t gotten the sweating under control in my humanoid skin.

Stubbing out my joint, I reluctantly rose from the cooling water and grabbed my giant towel. The space buns had fallen out after Kiti kept messing with them, so I’d thrown my hair up into a single sloppy bun while I bathed, seeing as I’d told Beryl we’d do hair masks together later.

It bobbed on my head as I padded into the bedroom. It still felt a little weird for me to spend so much time out of my true form, so I took the opportunity while I was in it now to curl up on the enormous beanbag that dominated the corner of my bedroom under the window, intent on taking a nap before I went to meet Beryl after her shift.

When I woke, it was pitch black outside. Pulse leaping, I scrambled up and lunged for my phone on the bed, sighing in relief when I saw that I wasn’t late to meet Beryl. But, shit, I only had ten minutes to get there.

After shifting into my humanoid form, I hurriedly dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt and raced for the door. The house was dark, but I wouldn’t have time to light all the candles if I didn’t want to be late. I stuffed my feet into my boots and was still tugging on my coat as I opened the front door, stopping when I saw two big boxes blocking my way.

Kicking them inside to deal with when we got back, I grabbed my keys and locked up, then jogged down the steps. It was a Thursday night, so the road was pretty quiet, but when I turned onto the main street there were far more people around, coming out of restaurants or smoking outside bars.

Stuffing my hands into my coat pockets, I hunched my shoulders and kept my head down as I walked as quickly as I could without making people look at me funny. Beryl was just stepping outside as I reached the bar, her freckled cheeks flushed from the heat inside.

Her eyes lit up at the sight of me, a grin stretching her mouth as she made her way over. My chest ached, and for a split second as I stood there, I felt out of control of my own body—like I was about to fall to my knees and confess that I was half in love with her already.

Luckily, she made the urge vanish as she reached me and teasingly said, “Hi, kushka.”

I immediately shuddered and gave her a mock glare. “You cannot call me that.”

She laughed as she fell into step beside me and we started walking back. “Why not? It’s cute.”

“It’s what my mother calls me, and you’re… you. It’s just wrong.”

“Okay, I’ll think of a different nickname for you then. Hmm, Greid… I mean, greedy is the obvious choice. You are pretty greedy. Ooh, how about greedy boy!” She laughed.

My throat closed up.

“Uh.” I stared straight ahead as my mind took that in a very inappropriate direction.

I would be greedy with Beryl. So embarrassingly greedy and desperate for anything she would give me. And I’d beg for more. And more.

“Okay, maybe not that,” she said, sounding embarrassed. But her voice was strangely throaty in a way that made my whole body tingle. “Um, anyway… Have you eaten yet? Wait, stupid question.”

I managed a weak laugh, but it came out more like a dog barking in distress. A demiurgus couple in matching suits shot me odd looks as they walked past us arm in arm.

I cleared my throat, but my voice was still painfully hoarse as I asked, “What do you feel like for dinner?”

“I don’t mind. It’s your night to pick.”

“Hmm.” I pretended to be thinking very hard about it, but all I could really focus on was the way her arm brushed against mine as we walked. “Uh, how about Indian?”

“Ooh, yes.” She nudged me. “Are you gonna get the mildest curry on the menu again?”

I glared down at her. “I have a sensitive stomach.”

She snorted. “Greid, I’ve watched you eat actual chicken bones many, many times. Cooked chicken bones.”

“The bones are the best bit.”

“How do they not tear your oesophagus and stomach to shreds?”

“I dunno. It’s a demiurgus thing. Or I have really powerful stomach acid.”

She burst out laughing. “That must be it.”

As we turned onto our quiet road and left the busy street behind, I relaxed and stuffed my hands deeper into my coat pockets, but then I felt Beryl tuck her arm through mine and shift closer. My scalp tingled, wide eyes darting down to hers.

“Sorry. It’s cold.” She gave me a hesitant smile, holding my gaze. “Is this okay?”

“Yeah,” I said, cringing when my voice cracked. “Um, yeah, it’s cold. I’m freezing my balls off.”

I immediately cringed. Why, Greid? Why bring up your balls?

Beryl laughed. “Oh, right. Well, best get home quick then.”

“Do you…” My entire head was on fire, but I persevered. “If you’re really cold, you can, um, get under my coat if you want.”

Yes, great idea. Talk about your nutsack then immediately ask her if she wants to ‘get under your coat’ like a dirty old man.

“Okay,” Beryl said quickly, unlinking our arms.

Hearts pounding, I tugged my hand out of my pocket and awkwardly lifted the side of my coat so she could burrow underneath. Tingles raced over my skin as she slid her arm around my waist beneath my coat, and after a second I settled my arm lightly over her shoulders.

Clearing my throat, I hoarsely asked, “Warmer?”

“Yes. Thanks, Greid.”

“No problem.”

Was I sweating? Her head was basically in my armpit. Had I put on deodorant? Oh god, I hadn’t. At least I’d had a bath, but then I’d power-walked so I wouldn’t be late meeting Beryl. Did I stink? Should I ask her? No, that would be weird.

When we reached the house, I reluctantly lifted my arm so Beryl could slip out from beneath my coat and walk up the steps. Cold air rushed in and snuck through my loose-knit sweater, making me shiver as I followed her.

Beryl unlocked and opened the front door, but paused at the sound of something dragging over the floor as the door swung inward. “What’s that?”

Seeing as I hadn’t lit any candles before I left, I flicked on the main light and winced at the staticky hum from the lightbulb. Stepping inside after her and closing the door, I looked down and saw the boxes I’d kicked inside before rushing out. “Oh, some packages that got delivered.”

“What are they?” Beryl asked with interest as she tugged off her boots.

I shrugged, leaning down to do the same. “I dunno. I can’t remember ordering anything.”

She shrugged out of her coat. “Is it jewellery stuff?”

“Maybe. You can open them if you want.” I held out my hand for her coat, then turned to hang it up as she knelt down by the boxes.

As I took off my own coat, I heard the rip of cardboard followed by the crinkle of plastic. Then: “Scrub… Shoes?”

Gut lurching, I whirled around, staring as Beryl pulled out the ugliest pair of plastic shoes I’d ever seen. With scrubbing brushes for soles.

“Huh?” I said, deciding to feign ignorance.

Beryl pursed her lips, clearly fighting off laughter as she looked up at me. “Did you order these, Greid?”

“What?” I laughed unconvincingly. “Why would I… Maybe they were delivered to the wrong house.”

She immediately grabbed the box and peered at the label. “Mmnope, addressed to Greid var Rorik.” Pulling a coupon out of the box, she added, “This says you get ten percent off your next purchase for being such a loyal customer.”

“Loyal?” I let out a squawk that was supposed to be laughter. “I’ve maybe ordered, like, one thing from them before. I can’t even remember…”