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“I want all those things too.” She eyed me. “Do you want to talk about it more now or take a break?”

“I want you to tell me what you want, Beryl.” I squared my shoulders and looked at her. “It’s not just about me.”

“I know, but doing those things to you, being your Domme, that will satisfy me.” She cocked her head. “I always knew I liked being in control during sex, but I obviously never had a chance to look into BDSM before.”

Her eyes met mine, the green so dark under the pinprick lights far above us. “Being able to be in charge and boss you around a little, knowing you actually want that… Yeah. I’ll really, really like it, Greid.”

I gulped, holding her gaze even though a sudden bout of nerves made me want to hide away. My gaze slowly slid down to her mouth, plush and pink. Should I shift back to my humanoid form and kiss her? Or was that inappropriate when we were having a proper discussion about this stuff?

Before I could decide, Beryl spoke again.

“Are you interested in edging?” she asked, leaning forward slightly, still watching me intently.

I let out a slow breath as my balls tightened. “Um, I…”

All I could picture was Beryl bringing me to the brink again and again before backing off, until I was a sweating, begging, trembling mess. I didn’t care how she did it—with a toy, with her tongue, with her fingers. I wanted all of it.

“Yes,” I said, trying to ignore my cock throbbing against my hip.

She grinned, and in the soft glowing light, it looked almost wicked despite her blunt teeth. “Okay. Good. I really like that.”

“Oh,” I said faintly. “I… That’s great. Um, what… what else? Do you like, I mean?”

She cocked her head. “Well, I love oral sex. Giving and receiving. Do you like that?”

“Yes,” I said immediately, my voice hoarse. “I really like it. Giving, I mean,” I rushed to clarify, in case she thought I was just telling her how much I liked getting my dick sucked. Not that I didn’t.

Her gaze drifted down to my snout, intrigue sparking in her eyes. My tongue almost lolled out of my mouth as my breaths started to quicken. The thought of my mouth between Beryl’s legs, my tongue all over her… Okay, I was going to need a break from the conversation soon or I’d embarrass myself.

I’d only ever been with demiurgus women, obviously, but I’d seen some human porn—who hadn’t?—so I knew that human clitorises were much smaller and more hidden. In the same place, though.

I wanted to please Beryl and make her feel good, but the idea of her directing me while I ate her out, guiding me, telling me what to do…

A humiliating groan escaped my throat, which made Beryl smile. But her cheeks were flushed, and her gaze kept darting down to my snout.

“I think that’s enough for now, huh?” Her voice was huskier, which immediately made my balls clench again. Oh fuck, was she imagining it too? I was a split second away from begging to eat her pussy. Would that be pathetic or a turn-on?

“Okay,” I croaked, tensing my thigh muscles to try and will my erection to go down. At least it was too dark in here for her to see the wet spot on my boxer briefs when I had to stand up.

“Whenever you feel ready, we can talk more about it. Or even…” She trailed off, cheeks pinkening before she looked away and uncrossed her legs to stand up in the nest. “I got you a coffee on my way home. Shall I go heat it up, or are you going to be down here for a while longer?”

I held out a hand to help her as she carefully made her way to the edge of the nest. “No, I’ll come with you.”

But I didn’t move. For reasons. Well, one reason, which was still throbbing in my underwear.

Beryl smiled, then nodded at the door. “I’ll head up and see you there.”

“No, wait.” I scrambled to my feet, clutching the blanket over my lower half. Yes, real smooth, Greid. Not obvious at all. “It’s too dark on the stairs. Just give me a sec to get dressed and come with you.”

“Okay. I’ll go wait by the door.”

She made her way over and stood with her back to the room, studying some of the artificial gems in the wall. I dropped the blanket and ground the heel of my palm into the base of my erection, mentally screaming at it to deflate.

After shifting back to my humanoid form and getting dressed, I tugged my sweater down as far as I could and crossed the room to join her. “Okay, ready.”

She smiled up at me, then reached over and tangled her fingers through mine. I swallowed thickly, squeezing her hand and pulling the door open.

“Thanks for showing me your deeproom and your true form,” she said as I led her up the dark, winding staircase. “Both are beautiful.”

My face spikes twitched with pleasure as I cleared my throat. “That’s okay. Thanks.”

“Does your whole family have green colouring like you? I noticed your mom and Kiti did.”

“No, some of my siblings inherited my dad’s colouring. Blue. And then a couple of them got a mix.”

“Ooh, I bet that’s pretty. What are your siblings like? Are they all like Kiti?”

“What, assholes?” I said dryly. “Yeah.”

She snorted. “She wasn’t an asshole.”

“Was,” I muttered, then admitted, “They’re not really assholes, I guess. Just picked on me a lot when we were kids because I was the smallest. Stuff like that stays with you even if they didn’t mean to be cruel.”

I immediately felt my ears flutter from the admission. At least it was dark so Beryl couldn’t see.

She squeezed my hand. “I bet it was tough. You were so cute as a baby. Tiny compared to the others.”

I grunted. “Yeah. The runt. Grew up tall enough to fight Nuni off when he held me down to hock up loogies on my face, though.”

She tutted. “I wasn’t around other kids much, but it sounds like they can be assholes.”

“Yeah.” I paused. “Did you not, um, go to school before your dad—before Violet took you in?”

“Sporadically. Dad didn’t care if I went or not. I liked it, though. Violet worked herself into the ground educating me at the compound, but I still feel… I don’t know. Not ignorant, but naïve. Being book-smart is one thing. I’m catching up with everyone else for the rest.”

I glanced over my shoulder to give her a tiny smile as we reached the basement. “You’re super smart, Beryl.”

She grinned, tugging on my hand while going up on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek. “Thanks, Greid.”

“’S’okay,” I mumbled, flexing my fingers around hers as we made our way across the basement. She didn’t let go of my hand. “So, um, what are you doing for the rest of the day?”

“Just going to chill out. Might work out later before dinner.” She glanced up at me as we began to ascend the stairs. “Are you going back to work?”

I sighed, rubbing my eyes. They felt better after spending time in my true form, but the thought of putting those fucking goggles on and hunching over that damn headpiece again until my neck and back ached made me tired.

“Yeah, guess I should.” I perked up when we reached the first floor and the smell of whatever Beryl had put in the slow cooker reached my nose. “Hey, is the thing ready yet? In the slow cooker?”

She laughed. “It’s chicken stew. And no. It’s for dinner.”

I grunted. “Didn’t even know I had a slow cooker.”

“I found it in your Room of Shame.” Beryl was still holding my hand, making my palm sweat a little as she led me to the kitchen. “Want me to heat up your coffee for you?”

“It’s okay, I’ll do it.” I reluctantly released her hand to reach for the Deep Brew takeout cup on the counter. “You go relax.”