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When she came out, I almost did not recognize her. Underneath the layer of badly applied make-up she had the face of a schoolgirl. Hell, she had better not be under-aged. That would be all my plans down the toilet. I straightened and waited for her to come up to me. She was no longer crying. Her head was held high and those indescribably turquoise eyes were proud and flashing, and she would have walked right past me, too, if I had not raised a detaining finger.

An Interview With Blake Law Barrington

Q:  What were you thinking or feeling when you approached Rupert Lothian’s table where Lana was seated?

A:  Probably confidence. The plan was simple, guaranteed to succeed:  When dealing with a psychopath always appeal to the narcissist in them. It doesn’t work with sociopaths; they are a different species all together, but it never fails to fell the psychopath. Invite one to a party of his superiors and he will drop whatever plans he has to pander to his need to feel important.

Obviously, once I got him and the girl at the party I would play it by ear. There has not been a woman yet that I wanted that I have not had, so I was pretty certain I was going to bed that girl.

However, what I heard as I walked to the table made me smile. It wasn’t just going to easy. It was the proverbial candy from a baby scenario.

Q:  Why were you so determined to bid for Lana?

A: I told myself it was just sex, but I should have known even then. Who was I kidding? Just sex? With her? That would never be enough. Some part of me must have recognised that this girl was the siren, the temptress that my father had warned me about. The one specially chosen to bring me to my knees. But at that moment I was the moth flying helplessly towards the flame. I guess, I just wanted her light, more than I wanted anything else...

Q:  What went through your mind during that first kiss with Lana?

A:  Did you just ask me what went through my mind during that first kiss?

Q: Yes. Some readers expressed an interest in your thoughts?

A: Chuckles…Thoughts? My mind was blank. I’d never kissed any girl who made me respond the way her lips and body did. I had to struggle to stay normal.

Q:  Can you share with us your true feelings when you had sex for the first time?

A:  She’d pissed me off at the restaurant so I was determined not to go out of my way to be nice. I would simply treat her as one did a whore. I’d paid for her and we had an agreement and that was that. She’d said she didn’t want it sweet and flowery, so I’d give it to her straight. But then I found out she was virgin and you know the rest…

Q:  Do you remember your first impression of Lana’s best friend, Billie?

A:  I’d never actually met anyone like her, a woman with spider tattoos on her neck! Obviously, I’ve seen pictures of women like that, but I’d never met one in person. I was rather shocked though, by how level-headed she was…and her loyalty to Lana surprised and impressed me. She’s unique.

Q:  And what about how you felt when you were introduced to Jack?

A:  Straight off I knew that he was in love with Lana and I remember that I didn’t like it, but I also knew Lana held him in high esteem so I said nothing. Left it alone and waited to see what would develop.

Q: Could you describe for my readers what you felt when Lana arrived at Madame Yula?

A: The first time: pure excitement. Couldn’t wait to undress her. And when she came wearing that electric blue blouse and those leather trousers, I experienced in my body the powerful sensation of ownership. That was the moment she became mine. And the more I tried to fight the feeling the more deeply I wanted her.

That night I wanted brand her, with my lips, my body, my dick. I wanted to come inside her.

Q:  And the second time?

A:  Totally different. I was furious with her and I wanted my revenge, and yet even I knew it was more than that. Much more. As soon as she walked through the door, everyone else ceased to exist, I felt that invisible pull, and I all I wanted to do was grab her by the hair, drag her back to the apartment fuck her so hard walking was no longer an option.

Q: What did you really feel the moment you discovered Lana was a virgin?

A:  Shock. I was shocked. I’d never been with a virgin. And when she cried…I was confused.

Q: Confused?

A:  Yeah. I was overwhelmed by a strong totally foreign urge to hold and comfort her. And those kinds of emotions I didn’t want or need. This was meant to be sex thing. Three months, maybe four, tops six. So wanting to hold on to someone you’ve paid money to use: warning bells were clanging in my head.

Q: What was going through your head when you met Lana’s mother?

A:  She was sweet and well educated and she obviously loved her daughter very much. I liked her and I was very sorry when I heard she died. Something brave about her. Lana has that same quality. I rate it very highly in a person.

Q:  At what point did you realize your feelings had changed towards Lana?

A:  It happened almost immediately, but I was slow to recognize it, or more likely, I didn’t want to recognize it.

Q; The first morning, waking up together, what did you feel?

A:  The morning-after scene is always a bore, but seduced by the smell of her hair and the feel of her skin—he has the most amazing skin, like a baby soft and silky—I stayed.

Q: What went through your head when Lana first declared her love to you?

A:  If someone takes money to leave you while you are lying unconsciousness in some hospital and afterwards never bothers to contact you again, what would you think if they then claimed to love you. What would you think? Exactly. I thought she was a fucking liar and I hated her guts, but still I wanted her.

Q: Which emotion was stronger, anger or lust, when you met Lana again at the bank?

A:  To start with anger, somewhere in the middle of the encounter, lust. And then when she cried over her mother’s death, tenderness, and then it was back to fury. And as she rose to leave, pure triumph. I got her…where I wanted her.

Q: How did you deal with having to choose Lana over his father?

A:  Sometimes I have nightmares. In it I am in the plane with my father. He is in his thirties. His hair is without grey and he is slim and tall. He is calmly eating chateaubriand with béarnaise sauce and chips.

“You betrayed me,” he says, wiping his mouth on a napkin. “The same fate awaits you.”

And a hole appears in the side of the plane and he is sucked out. His expression is one of indescribable terror. “Your son will do to you what you have done to me.”

And I wake up in a cold sweat.

Table of Contents

Blake Law Barrington


















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