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“Sherriff Cooper has jurisdiction,” Brass explained. “He’s not allowing our teams very close, either. He believes he can talk the male into giving up without violence.”

“Fuck Sheriff Cooper!” Mary raged. “Those are my parents!”

“Mary.” Lash kept his tone low and tried to soothe her. “Let me get you something to eat.”

She spun. “If you suggest a brownie, I will shove it up your ass right now, Lash. Food? Really? As if I could eat right now!”

“Mary,” Mel whispered. “You need to settle down a bit. None of this is helping. Your face is turning all red and you’re acting like the crazy hillbilly you accuse me of being all the time.”

Mary started to cry again. Lash grabbed her and pulled her against his body.

“I just want to be there so they know I’m close. Why are they even home? They were supposed to be in Vegas!”

Lash felt helpless again, and he hated it. He looked over her head at Brass. “Take us to where it’s safe but close to her parents.”

Brass’ mouth compressed into a grim line. He shook his head.

Jaded stood up from where he’d been sitting on the floor near the door. “The area is secured by the deputies and our teams. The only danger is inside the house.” He held up his phone, showing something to Brass that Lash couldn’t see. “This is a satellite image of the area and the house her parents live in. They have no close human neighbors. We could at least take them to the team we have there. She’d be safe but could see the house.”

“It’s not a good idea.” Brass met Lash’s gaze.

Jaded walked to Brass and lowered his voice. Lash could hear the words, though. “It might make her feel better. Our team is set up near an old barn that her family uses for storage. Our males have a good view of the house and where the sheriff is staying behind his vehicle, talking to the male inside the house. She’ll be able to see that everything is being done. We can get her out of there quickly if violence breaks out.”

Brass lowered his voice, too. “You want us to take an upset female, one who is possibly pregnant, near all that? What if she were to run at the house to get to her parents? She’s unstable.”

Lash understood Brass’ concerns but they weren’t necessary. “I won’t let her run into danger.”

Both Jaded and Brass faced him.

“She’s my mate. I want to take her there.”

“Shit.” Brass reached for the radio attached to his belt. “I’ll put an escort together.” His gaze locked with Lash’s. “You watch her close and keep her with our people when we get there.”

Lash nodded and rubbed Mary’s back. He ducked his head. “We’re going, Mary.”

Her sniffles ceased and she lifted her chin. “Thank you.”

“I’d do anything for you.”

 “I’ll go too,” Mel announced.

“Fuck,” Snow growled. “Fine. We’ll all go.”

Brass walked out of the open doorway into the hall. Lash cocked his head, listening to the male arrange for a few more teams to assemble outside the hotel to drive them to wherever Mary’s parents lived. He also contacted the teams on scene to let them know more Species were coming with his mate.

Lash steered Mary toward the bathroom down the hallway. She tried to struggle a little but he just picked her up and carried her. Once they were inside, he used his foot to kick the door closed as he put her back down on her feet.

“Move. What are you doing? They said I could go.” She pushed at him.

He blocked the door. “Mary, you need to make promises to me.”


“You must promise to stay with me. No running at the house. I won’t allow you to get hurt. You must promise me you’ll let the humans stay in charge, and not try to rescue your parents.”

Her eyes widened.

“Don’t even think about it,” he snarled. “Promise me.”

“I promise.”

“Splash water on your face and use the toilet. I don’t believe you would like to pee outside.”

“I need some privacy. Remember what I said about that? You’re not watching me go.”

He sighed, annoyed. “Humans.” He opened the door and stepped outside before rushing to the other bathroom in the suite. She would probably get upset if he peed outside with her watching. Once they left Reservation, he wasn’t letting her get more than a few feet away from him. She was being unstable.

Not that he blamed her. She loved her parents.


Lash had thought it would be less stressful for his Mary if she were able to see her parents’ home. He’d been wrong. She stood within his arms, peering around the old building called a barn, muttering under her breath every few minutes. She did it again.

“Why is the sheriff and his deputy just sitting there doing nothing? It’s going to be dark soon, damn it!”

His gaze left her to stare at the house in the clearing a good distance away. The barn sat in a field to the side of the structure, giving them a view of the front and one side. It was a two-story human home. All the windows had material blocking the view inside. The sun was about to go down. It was growing dark fast.

The older white-haired male in uniform was crouched behind a vehicle with another younger human male in almost matching clothing. Sometimes Lash could pick up a ringing cell phone from their direction but not the words spoken. Timber had informed them that the bad human was the one calling the sheriff from time to time.

Almost two dozen Species males were grouped behind the barn with them. They were frustrated over not being able to do anything. Lash agreed with the males. Waiting around was boring. Though, they were making plans on how to breach the house if the human sheriff gave them permission.

Lights suddenly came on around the exterior of the house. They were attached to the building, near the lower floor.

“Damn,” Mary muttered. “I was hoping that asshole wouldn’t notice them.”

Lash lowered his head to hers. “Notice what?”

“My dad cut down all the trees around the house because squirrels were living in them, and tons of birds. Then we had some possums coming up to the house, trying to get into the trashcans. He added bright lights, since they don’t like them.” She clutched his arm. “He did it for me. I heard them at night from my bedroom and it would freak me out.”

Warmth spread in Lash’s chest upon hearing that. His mate was afraid of animals, and her father had cared enough to try to keep them away from her home when she’d been a child. It showed how much the male loved his Mary. “Lights are good. You’ll be able to see the house still. Humans don’t have good night vision.”

“I was hoping some of your people could sneak up once it was dark,” she admitted.

“The human hiding behind the vehicle said we can’t do that.”

“Hiding is right,” Mary mumbled. “All he’s doing is taking that dick’s calls. Why the hell doesn’t this town have a sniper?”

“What is that?”

“Someone who can shoot really well from a distance and hit a difficult target with precision. They could shoot that asshole inside my parents’ house.”

Lash stared at the home. “I have good eyesight and can’t see inside. All the windows are covered.”

“Fucking curtains,” Mary sighed. “How long is this going to go on?”

“I don’t know.” They’d been there for a good hour. “You should rest. Take a seat on the ground for a bit behind the barn. I’ll watch for you.”

Mary turned her head, glaring at him. “I will after I get to see and talk to my parents.”

More time passed. His mate sagged a little in his arms after the sun went down. Lash was frustrated that she wouldn’t sit down, but at least she wasn’t crying anymore. Being near the house seemed to make her feel better. He was glad he’d brought her.

Snow and Mel approached. His mate didn’t even seem to notice. The other female was frowning.