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“Brace yourself,” I whispered. He reached behind and gripped the counter. I swallowed him again, sucking hard, creating a vacuum. I lessened the pressure and went up his shaft, pumping up and down. I could barely hear him groan over the wet slopping sounds I was making. I wanted to remember this. I wanted Tyler to remember this. Halfway up his dick I wrapped one hand around the bottom of his shaft and pumped while I continued working the top half with my mouth. Slowly bobbing and pumping, I was getting used to the shape and curve of this cock, the arc of my movement taking on the curve of the shaft. I was perfectly aligned in a few strokes. I sped up, jerking my hand faster while my other one started giving his balls attention. I could feel a slight vibration as Tyler’s legs shook.

Now I focused on the cockhead, slowly rising and falling, coming completely off his dick to flick it with my tongue, running my tongue along the edge of the glans, swirling back up to his slit. My hands clenched his thighs, stroked his thrusting hips. His hands combed my hair while he dreamily murmured his appreciation. He wanted me to deep-throat him some more, but I wanted to tease him.

I moved my hands to where his thighs met his ass, my fingers brushing softly over his skin. I brought my tongue around his cockhead again and slid to the underside of the shaft, slowly, slowly lapping down to the base, to his sac, stopping between his balls. I lightly kissed them, licked a circle around them, then turned my attention to the underside of his cock until I was again at the slit in his cockhead. Tyler’s dick was beyond purple by now, completely swollen. I flicked the slit a couple of times and swallowed him again.

Tyler’s legs straightened and he stood up, pulling out of my mouth. I followed his cock, thinking he was teasing me now, but he put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up. He was beyond words, making the “time-out” T with his hands. He needed a breather. His cheeks were flushed and his breaths were long and quavering. I sat back on my heels and he slid to the floor.

“Dude. So good. But I need a sec. I almost blew.”

“That wouldn’t have been too bad.”

“Wanna save my load for your ass,” he said, smiling. I kissed him. I liked this pornified Tyler. “Let me take over,” he whispered.

I leaned back on my elbows as he ran his hands over my torso. He was slow, taking it all in, the feel of a new body type: a boy, not a girl; a man, not a girl. He tweaked one of my nipples. I sighed. He leaned in and kissed me. Sweat dripped from his shaggy hair onto my forehead. His hands tugged at my belt buckle. It finally came loose and he yanked the belt out, tossing it aside. He unzipped my pants and reached into my boxers.

“Let me get a look at your dick.”

He pulled it out. You could say I’m a grower, not a shower: ultimately not very long, but nicely thick with a big head. He slowly stroked me, his other hand back at my nipple. After a minute he sat back and raised his legs in the air, pulling his shorts and underwear from where they’d caught at his knees. I followed suit, raising my hips to take off my pants and boxers.

“Leave your shoes on,” he told me. “This is porn, someone needs to keep their shoes on, and I’m already totally naked.”

“The bottom traditionally keeps the shoes on anyway,” I said.

We were back to staring at each other now.

“So,” he said.

“So…” I said.

He leaned over me again, licking my nipple. I had an inkling he was copying my technique, but I didn’t mind. He was learning. He kissed down my belly and stopped at my crotch, eyeing my dick. “I’m not so ready to dive right on that, bro,” he said. “Sorry.”

“Ah, no prob.”

He grinned at me again, then quickly kissed my cockhead.

“Hm, not bad,” he reported. “Now what?”


He kissed me again. I was in front of the table, so while our tongues were busy, I reached up and blindly grabbed for the bottle of lube. No luck. I pulled away from Tyler and turned around as I got on my knees. I leaned to reach the lube and the condoms and Tyler smacked my ass and spread my cheeks. “Do I just… go in?”

“You need to get my muscles relaxed. A rim job, perhaps?”

“A wha?”

“Heh. Never mind. Take this and use your fingers.”

“All right. Let’s do this.”

That nervous shaking feeling came over me again. I lay down to relax and focus on not shaking. Behind me, I heard Tyler open the bottle of lube. I imagined him doing a one-handed thumb flick, taking expert care as he held his other hand out, open and ready for the lube. Except that’s not what happened. I felt a sudden blast of cold goo spurt into the crack of my ass. I inhaled through my teeth, “Sssssssssss…!

“What’s up?” he asked. “Did I… hurt you?”

“Too… cold… asshat.”

“Oh. Am I supposed to warm it up?”

“Erm, yeah.”

“How? Like in the microwave?”

“Well, you can shove the bottle up your ass and hold it there for five minutes. That’s standard procedure. Or, you can squirt some in your hands and rub it between your palms.”

“Like hand sanitizer.”

I snorted a laugh. “Yes. Like hand sanitizer. Have you never watched porn?”

“Up until about twenty-four hours ago, I was pretty set in my straightness. So no. I haven’t seen much porn involving lube.”

“Twenty-four hours. Wow. You’ve been thinking of doing this to me for twenty-four hours?”

“And just how many times have you jerked off thinking about me?”

“Never! And hurry up. The lube is drying.”

And with that he jabbed his middle finger into me. I wasn’t expecting it, so I gasped, then sighed. My dick, harder again, was trapped under my leg. I hadn’t realized it had softened. Slowly fingering me, Tyler asked, “Like this?”

“Mmm, yeah.”

And I experienced another one of those shivers. It dawned on me that this was really happening. Tyler was really here. He was naked. Not just naked, but behind me, learning how to fuck me. Lubing me up and readying my ass for his use. Really! I clenched. Tyler pulled his finger out.

“Everything all good down there? Or is it in there?”

“All good. Very, very good. I’m ready for another finger.”

He slid his middle finger back in. “Yeah?”


“You sure?”



“Just put it in!”

In went his index finger. My hole swallowed it, greedy. I groaned and lolled my head back, my pulse speeding up as he went deeper than before. Two fingers, two knuckles in. Now I was sweating. He was slowly going in and out, his knuckles rubbing the rim of my hole. My eyes were practically crossed by now. I wanted more. I wanted Tyler to fill me up.

In and out, repeat. He turned his hand, went in, turned it again and came out at another angle. He was getting good at this.

“Whatcha thinking about?”

“I can’t believe this is happening. Me. You. You in me.”

Yeah?” Did I mention he had the sexiest fucking way of saying that?

“Yeah. I also can’t believe this is your first time doing this. You’re really good at this.”


I sighed. “Yes. Surprisingly good.”

And in went three fingers. I gasped, clenched for a second, then relaxed.

“Tell me I’m good.”

“You’re good. Fucking awesome. At fucking.”

“Mmm, yeah, you know I fucking am.”

He chuckled. A low, satisfied chuckle. He knew he was good.

I started to slowly thrust my hips, keeping time with his fingers.