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“Hey, Buddy. Remember me? I think you do. Hot one, ain’t it? No, don’t get up.” She rapped her knuckles on the screen door and looked inside. It was likely LaTanya was in the pool with her housemate, Deni. She walked around to the backyard. The pool water sparkled in the sunlight, just as she remembered. The pool was empty save for a floating beach ball.

“Anybody home?” she called out. “LaTanya?”

The back door slammed shut. “Michelle. Hey, haven’t seen you in an age!” It was Savannah, LaTanya’s younger sister. Her hair was wet, as if she’d just gotten out of the pool and gotten dressed. Her shirt clung to her in a way that reminded Michelle of LaTanya when she’d first seen her at her own job, stocking cans at Winn-Dixie.

“Hey, yourself. Thought I’d pay a call. Is LaTanya home? Her car’s here.”

“No, I drove her to the bus this morning. She’s gone to Atlanta for a few days of training. I’m house-sitting and taking care of Buddy.”

“Where’s Deni?”

“She moved to Tallahassee. Didn’t you hear? She got a scholarship.”

“You don’t say. She was a smart one. Got out of here when she could.”

“I bought her Honda. Now I’ve got me some wheels.” Savannah smiled and raised her eyebrows in delight.

Savannah looked like a younger version of LaTanya, and Michelle caught herself staring at her. She shifted her gaze to where a mature pecan tree shaded part of the yard and the edge of the pool. Next to it was a lounge chair with a towel draped over the back and a small table holding a colorful tumbler.

“Would you like a glass of tea?” asked Savannah. “I was about to get a refill.”

“Thanks. That’d be nice.”

Michelle watched as Savannah retrieved her empty glass. The long grass brushed against the girl’s ankles. Her movements were springy, and the combination reminded her of an antelope bounding through a glade. Her body exuded a freshness Michelle found attractive.

“If you don’t mind my saying,” Michelle said, “you’re awfully light on your feet for such a hot day.”

“I just got out of the pool. You should go in.”

“I’d love to!” Michelle grinned and stopped herself from touching Savannah’s bronzed arm. “I didn’t bring a suit. And I don’t have a towel.”

“Just go in. Haven’t you ever skinny-dipped?”


Savannah put her hands on her hips. “Well, then it’s about time. Nothing feels better than being in the water nekkid. I only wear my swimsuit because LaTanya and Deni do, and they’re not here. Try it! You’ll never want to wear a suit again. I’ll go in with you.”

Savannah brought out their ice-filled drinks and a fresh towel for Michelle. They had a few sips of tea and made small talk. Savannah talked about her latest doings and classes coming up at the community college, but Michelle didn’t have much to add—she had the same job, same apartment, same life.

“You should take a class this coming semester,” said Savannah. “You’re good on the computer. You should go for your certificate.”

Michelle nodded. She was up for something new.

Savannah set down her drink and retied the rubber band holding her hair. “Ready?” she said, gesturing toward the pool. “Just go for it. Don’t worry. The nearest neighbor is a quarter mile off.” Savannah stood in front of Michelle and stripped off her top, followed by her shorts and underwear. She casually dropped her clothing on the lounge and stood “nekkid.”

“Now, you.”

Michelle gave Savannah a wide-eyed once-over. How could she not? Her lithe, young body with its enticing curves was there to be noticed. Without apparent offense at being ogled, Savannah climbed the pool ladder and Michelle watched as Savannah’s shapely butt edged into the water.

The pool was four feet deep with the sides a little higher. It was aqua blue with stiff white side supports that made it seem like a circus pool, the kind high divers drop into from the uppermost reaches of the big top. Savannah stretched out and glided over the water into the pool’s center.

“Come on, now. Don’t be shy.” She batted the striped beach ball toward the ladder. “We’ll have ourselves a private pool party.”

Moist from the heat, Michelle’s sticky body grabbed at her clothes as she rolled them over her arms and legs. As the little hairs on her skin detected a slight breeze, she felt cooler. She could especially feel how hot her pussy had become underneath her shorts. She liked the feeling of air against places that rarely remained unclothed and while she thought it would be pleasant to enjoy the sensation a little longer, she reached for the pool ladder.

Her foot touched the water on the inside of the pool and registered a perfect temperature. It wasn’t like the public pool. If there was chlorine, she couldn’t smell it, and she dropped her body in.

“I feel like nature girl!” exclaimed Michelle. She laughed as the water tickled past her privates, over her stomach and washed away the line of sweat beneath her breasts. “I can feel my skin.”

“That’s what makes skinny-dipping so much fun!”

Savannah draped her arms over the edge of the pool while Michelle swam in a circle.

“I know a fun game,” said Savannah. “Take your do-rag and put it over your eyes. Then try to tag me. You say ‘Marco’ and then I say ‘Polo’ so you can hear where I’m at, but I’m going to try to fool you and sneak around. Okay?”

“I know that game.” Michelle dipped her bandana in the water and squeezed it out before placing it over her eyes. Savannah swam off and after Michelle tagged her, they switched roles. On the second round, Savannah tagged Michelle’s foot while trying to escape. Savannah took off the blindfold and handed it back.

“I have a boyfriend,” Savannah said. “Junior Peyroux.”

“That’s nice,” Michelle said.

“We do it.”

Michelle hummed knowingly. Savannah wasn’t a kid anymore.

“You know what he does?”

“Well, I can guess,” Michelle said. “Are you sure you want to tell me?”

“I’d rather show you.” Savannah bobbed in the water closer to Michelle. “I mean, on me.” Savannah held her own nipples between her thumb and forefinger and gave them a twist. “See what happens there? Takes two secs and they’re standing up like nobody’s business. But it hurts! Did you ever do that to LaTanya?” Savannah’s tits were perky and higher than the water line where Michelle had an eyeful.

“No. Savannah, that’s kind of private.”

“The reason I ask, is I don’t have much experience. Junior’s not my first, but unless I know what to do to fix things, I’m ready to drop him. Show me, Michelle. Show me what to do so I can tell him.”

“You want me to show you?”

“Touch my breasts the right way. Please! I promise I won’t tell a soul you showed me, not LaTanya or Junior or anybody. I have to show Junior what to do.” Savannah took one of Michelle’s hands and placed it on her breast.

Michelle let her hand drop into the water. It was a simple response and a hard one to make. “I don’t know. I shouldn’t.” Savannah looked mighty good with her nipples twisting into hard points. Opportunity was knocking, begging for her to open the door… but this was LaTanya’s little sister. If she hoped to ever put something back together with LaTanya, she had enough common sense to know this wasn’t the way to do it.