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Thank God.

At least the touch was still working. I felt like myself again. Beat up and pulled apart, but still me.


Like, Where am I? Yeah, a totally cliché question, but it was reasonable.

He seemed to understand. “One of the wulfen, Andrew, has kin here. You’re in the safest part of the compound. It’s night now; by morning you should be all right to travel. Especially with me around.”

Oh, good. But I feel like sleeping in. “Travel?”

“Your loup-garou made a persuasive case for reaching the safety of the city. I’ll be able to bear the sun after tonight, when the aura-dark fades.” He let out a sharp sigh. The glimmer of his eyes vanished, and the shape of him slumped. “I thought Dylan, at least, would explain a little.”

I think he probably had other things on his mind, Christophe. And I think the history teacher was trying, too. “Tried. He tried. Look—” There was so much to tell him.

“Sleep.” He moved again, and I heard cloth sliding and the creak of the chair again. A breath of apple-scented spice blew across my face. “It’s the best thing for you now.”

It sounded like a good idea, but I wanted something else. “Graves.” I swallowed. My dry throat clicked. At least my mouth wasn’t tingling, and my teeth were regular and blunt when I ran my dry rasping tongue across them.

“I told you, he’s fine. The prince of the house, here.” Christophe’s eyes opened again. “You could ask me how I’m feeling. I’ve had a hard few days too.”

You know, when you put it like that I couldn’t care less. “Go. Away.”

“Charming as ever. I’m sorry, Dru.”

Then I felt like a bitch. He’d saved my life, hadn’t he? Run right into a burning building to get me out. And the fog, that had been him too. And the heat of him against me, a shameful memory that would have made me squirm if I hadn’t been so exhausted. “Don’t worry about it.” I coughed a little. The words scraped hard coming out.

“You think you want water, but it will only make it worse.” His tone was very soft. “Nothing will take it away, not even wine. It will fade in a little bit.”

The burning in my throat got a little worse. “Do you…”

“Me? Always, little bird.” Another small laugh. It sounded like it hurt him. “The stronger the nosferat strain in your blood, the stronger the bloodhunger. And if a Kouroi ever gives in to it…”

I waited. My heart beat hard, in my wrists and my throat. It was really dark in here, and I wondered whose bed I was lying on. We’d made it to safety. A wulfen house.

“If you ever give in, it becomes much harder to control. And if you’re raised to give it full rein, kochana….” He sighed again. The chair creaked a little as he rose and pushed it back. I saw the shadows of posters hanging on the wall, no windows, and the suggestion of a half-open closet sketched in charcoal. It was deathly quiet. “My father raised me to be a scourge instead of a Kouroi.” His eyes winked out, and I half-sensed him rubbing at his face. “Dylan brought me to the light, but it was your mother who ensured I stayed. If you don’t have a reason to fight it, the hunger will make you an animal worse than the ones we exterminate. Because we are born to be so much more.” The vague outline of the door was blacked by his darker shadow. “I’ll send in your loup-garou.”

He sounded so… sad.

“Christophe.” I couldn’t even prop myself up on my elbows. “Wait.”

The sense of movement faded. He stood in the door for a long second, then turned. The apple-scented breeze filled my face. He bent down, and the sudden irrational fear that he might bite me again stopped my breathing. His fingertips rested against the locket’s warm curve. I felt their weight.

Something soft and warm pressed itself against my mouth. It stayed there for a few seconds, my nose full of pie-smell. Before it even registered, he’d straightened and stepped back. His eyes glowed now, an unholy blue. “If I need a reason now, Dru, it will have to be you.”

The door filled up with his shadow, drained away. I moved fretfully. I couldn’t even begin to figure this one out. Sleeping sounded really good.

I closed my heavy eyelids again and was gone.

* * *

When I surfaced again it was even quieter and someone lay next to me. He was warm, and took up most of the bed, and I knew who it was even before I accidentally elbowed him and he lunged into wakefulness. He jerked like a fish on a line, half-sitting up and only relaxing once he figured out where he was.

“Jesus—” The word died. “Dru? You okay?”

I coughed. My skin crawled. “Peachy.” The starch had come back into my bones, and I felt a million percent better. Best of all, the empty riven places inside my head were no longer throbbing like something had been yanked out. I had a slight headache and I was still god-awful thirsty, but the world was back together again. “Hey.”

“There’s the floor.” He curled up to sit, and blankets moved. Sleeping in clothes always makes you feel bunched-up when morning comes. “If you, you know—”

“Why?” I pushed myself up on my elbows. It was a relief to be able to move. “I mean, we’re okay, right? Unless you feel weird about sleeping in the same bed as…”

Oh shit. I went from feeling pretty okay to feeling totally stupid.

“I thought you’d feel weird about it.” But he settled back down. There was only one pillow, and it was scrunched between us. “But, you know.”

“Yeah.” I didn’t, but I was okay with it. “How’s Shanks? And everyone?”

“They fixed Shanks up. He just needs some sleep now. It’s… weird here. Anyway. How are you really?”

I cleared my throat. He was still fully dressed, and I tried to push the pillow over to him but he was having none of it. We settled down, finally, and I breathed him in. Cigarette smoke, healthy young male, the smell that was uniquely his. I needed a shower and my teeth really wanted a good scrubbing, and I was suddenly afraid I had dragon-breath. So I stayed where I was, on my side with my arm under my head, trying not to breathe on him. We were quiet for a little while. The thunder was retreating.

“Some storm,” I finally whispered.

“Yeah. Christophe said it was because of messing with the weather system.” Graves moved a little bit, lacing his fingers under his head. He was tall enough that I had my face almost in his arm-pit. It wasn’t optimal, but at least he smelled clean and I wouldn’t be breathing anywhere he could get a faceful of it. “You should get some more sleep. We’re leaving in the morning.”

“We?” Meaning, Who’s this we?

“I’m going with you.” Almost sullen. He sighed. “Look, Dru—”

“I hoped you were coming along. Where are we going?” I edged a little bit closer to him. He didn’t move away. It was a relief.

“The city. Christophe thinks that if we get you to the central Schola, whoever’s trying to double-cross and kill you won’t be able to. Dru, I want to ask you something.”

The tension came back. “Okay.”

I expected something like, What was it like when he drank your blood? or What did you do to that helicopter? or even… I don’t know. Something about djamphir or wulfen. Something complex.

“Do you like Christophe?” It came out in a whisper. “I mean, really like him?”

It took me a second to figure out what he was really asking. Oh God. Awkward. “Not, like, that way. Jesus. No.”

As soon as I said it, I felt like I was lying. Christophe’s arms around me, his body hot through his clothes, the spiced-apple smell surrounding me. The broken roughness of his voice as he hugged me, and my lips burning because he’d pressed his mouth against mine.