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“Doubt it,” Eddie answered. “We know the rules. You have to approve our clothes before we buy.”

“And we wouldn’t have that rule if someone”-she gestured with her thumb toward the hallway-“hadn’t gone through that very unfortunate sweater phase.”

“I looked good in those sweaters!” Mick protested as he returned to the living room. “The layered look was totally right for me.”

“Sweetie,” Whitney said with a laugh, “take it from me. It really, really wasn’t.”

Eddie chuckled as he finished massaging her feet and let his hands slide up her calves. She hummed with enjoyment and settled back against the soft pillow.

“Don’t get too comfortable,” Mick advised. “We’re just getting started.”

“Oh?” Her glance fell on the black gift bag and towel in his arms. “What’s in there?”

He presented her with the bag. “Why don’t you find out?”

Whitney took the bag. Mick cleared a spot on the coffee table and sat down. Anticipation high, she peeked into the bag-and nearly died. “Sex toys? You bought me sex toys?”

“Happy very early birthday,” Eddie joked.

Mick picked up one of the anal plugs. “We thought you could use some toys of your own before we started to play. I picked out some of the beginner models.”

“Well, I mean”-she fidgeted nervously-“I have some toys but none of these kind.”

“I told you!” Eddie grinned triumphantly at Mick. He caught Whitney’s gaze and sought confirmation. “Bottom drawer of your nightstand, right?”

“Boy, there’s no hiding anything from you, is there?” she asked with a laugh. “Yes, I keep my vibrators in that drawer.”

“Vibrators? Plural?” Mick wondered.

“Yes, plural. Two of them. A simple rabbit-style one and a Hitachi wand.”

“Whoa!” Mick looked surprised. “You don’t mess around! That Hitachi is high-powered.”

She shrugged. “It works beautifully.”

Whitney started pulling out the items inside the bag and placed them on her lap. A silver egg-shaped vibrator. A very thin pink anal plug. A wider black plug. A glass anal bead wand.

Her mouth went dry as she stared at the selection of carefully chosen toys. There was no missing the message. The guys wanted to play with her ass. Her belly quivered. She’d never had anything back there, not even a finger. It wasn’t that she thought it was gross or weird. She was afraid of the pain. She’d heard real horror stories from girlfriends who had given anal sex a try and been sorely disappointed.

“We thought we could go slowly,” Mick explained. “Let you get used to a small plug or beads before we try to make love to you that way.”

She gulped nervously. “I want to try, but I’m afraid.”

“Don’t be.” Eddie reached forward to stroke her cheek. “We’ll go super slowly. There won’t be any pain.”

“We’ll use lots of lube,” Mick added, showing her the pump bottle concealed in the towel. “Trust us, Whit. We’re experts in ass fucking.”

She couldn’t help but laugh at that. Leave it to Mick to ease her fears with an outlandish claim. “Well, I mean, if you’re experts.”

They all laughed. Mick reached for her first. “Stand up.”

She stood and stepped into his wide-open arms. He undid the belt accentuating her waist and let it fall to the floor near the end of the coffee table. He spun her around and lowered the zipper on her dress. The fabric slid down her shoulders. She stepped out of her dress and watched Eddie pick it up and drape it over the arm of a nearby chair.

Both men stared at her for a few moments, obviously enjoying the sight of her scantily clad body. She’d chosen a simple set of undergarments that morning, a pair of comfortable cotton hipsters and matching bra. They weren’t overtly sexy but rather innocent and everyday in their look.

Eddie rose and pressed against her back. His muscular arms enveloped her waist. He nibbled her neck while Mick leaned forward and kissed her tummy. Mick slowly dragged her panties off her body. Eddie cupped her breasts, his hands molding to the firm cups of her no-nonsense bra.

“Sorry I’m not wearing sexier undies,” she said, a little embarrassed to be caught in such practical gear instead of the flirty bits she kept in her drawers. “I’d planned to change into something sexier before we went to bed.”

“Shh,” Eddie whispered as he removed her bra and tossed it aside. “I like these just fine.”

“Personally I prefer the no-panties look,” Mick said with a smile and nipped at her waist. She hissed at the sensation of his teeth teasing over her skin. His mouth moved across her lower belly and then even lower.

“Eddie!” she cried out with surprise when Eddie grasped the backs of her legs and lifted her right off the ground. He held her legs open, her knees hooked over his forearms. She felt the cool kiss of air on her hot pussy. Mick leaned forward and swiped his tongue through her cunt. She shivered at the wild sensation of being held and forced open for another man’s pleasure. She reached back and looped her arms around Eddie’s neck. Mick kneaded her breasts as his tongue swirled through her folds.

Whitney closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. There was something so intoxicating about being manhandled like this. The feminist in her protested such treatment, but she couldn’t deny the way it made her blood pound.

Mick’s tongue dipped inside her entrance. She curled her fingers against Eddie’s neck and moaned. Mick slipped his fingers inside her pussy and thrust in and out while flicking her throbbing clit with his flattened tongue. He sucked her clit between his lips and finger-fucked her pussy a little faster.

“Oh. Oh. Ahhh.” Whitney panted as arousal coiled low and tight in her belly. Like an invisible wire, it was wound tighter and tighter until it finally snapped. A flood of blissful heat pooled in her core. Climaxing, she rocked her hips and clutched at Eddie’s head. Fingers tweaked her nipples while Mick’s tongue stabbed deep in her cunt and went wild. Her first orgasm quickly escalated to a second even more intense explosion. “Mick! Mick! Oh, god. Mick!”

When he finally took mercy on her and pulled away, she wilted in Eddie’s arms. He chuckled and noisily smooched her cheek. The next thing she knew, Mick was naked and scooping her out of Eddie’s embrace. In record time, Eddie stripped down and threw the towel onto the couch. Mick plopped down and kept Whitney firmly on his lap, her widened thighs braced on his.

“Look at this wet pussy,” Eddie murmured as he knelt between her legs and petted her sex like he would a cat. “So pretty and pink.”

He bent forward and placed a soft kiss on her mound. Mick caressed her belly and breasts while Eddie opened some of the sex toy packages. She vibrated with anticipation as he laid them out on the sofa.

Eddie explored her pussy with his fingers. He held her labia between his thumb and forefinger and stroked up and down. He slipped a pair of fingers inside her channel and leisurely pumped. Her clit was still so sensitive from her prior orgasms she couldn’t even think about coming again. Eyes closed, she leaned her head back against Mick, tucking her forehead against his cheek, and enjoyed the wonderful feelings Eddie evoked.

When she heard the pump and sploosh of lubricant hitting Eddie’s fingers, Whitney’s eyes flew open. Her heart skipped a few beats. Like a cowboy calming a skittish horse, Eddie stroked her thigh and kissed her belly. “It’s okay, sugar. We’ll take it nice and slow.”

She nodded bravely but was wobbling inside. Mick’s warm embrace helped some. He brushed his lips over her ear. “It might be a little weird at first, but you’ll get used to it. And then you’ll start to love that feeling of fullness.”

Eddie’s slick fingers circled her anus. The thumb of his other hand settled over her clit and rubbed up and down. When the first finger breeched her tight ring, Whitney gasped. Mick was right. It felt so weird to have a finger probing her bottom. Her body rejected the idea and sent crazy signals to her brain. Intruder alert! Intruder alert!