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“Breathe in deep, and breathe out slowly,” Mick coached. “Relax. Accept Eddie’s finger.”

Whitney followed Mick’s instructions. By slow degrees she acclimated to the odd feeling of one digit thrusting in and out of her ass. Very carefully, Eddie inserted a second lubed finger next to the first. She instinctively tightened. His movements stopped as he waited for her to relax again. Whitney inhaled deeply and consciously willed her body to accept his probing fingers.

Mick’s skillful hands palmed her breasts. He kneaded the tender flesh and stoked the burning embers of her arousal. Eddie’s fingers plunged in and out of her ass. The slight stretching sensation felt surprisingly good. The rough pad of his thumb stimulating her clit helped.

When he replaced his thumb with the silver egg-shaped vibrator, she jumped. “Oh!”

Eddie grinned and slid the vibrator through her slick folds. The buzzing sensation made her pussy pulse with need. Eventually the vibrating egg found its way back to her clit. She clenched Mick’s thighs as the vibrator pushed her closer and closer to orgasm. Eddie’s fingers drove into her ass with more force and speed. It was the craziest feeling, and she couldn’t get enough.

“Faster, Eddie,” she begged, suddenly loving the way his fingers fucked her ass. “More. More.” Her belly wobbled as she approached orgasm. “I’m going to come. Oh, god! I’m going to come.”

Mick squeezed her nipples and let his lips dance over her shoulders and neck. His mouth was against her ear. “I want to hear your scream when you come.”

Mick’s words sent her over the edge. She yelled Eddie’s name as bursts of pure bliss rocked her body. Her asshole clamped down around Eddie’s thrusting fingers, making the sensation of being taken anally even stronger. The vibrator mercilessly buzzed her clamoring clit until she pleaded with Eddie to take it away and pushed it aside with her shaking hand. She groaned when his fingers left her ass, leaving her with a surprising feeling of emptiness.

“Put in the plug,” Mick said, his voice husky. “I want to fuck her pussy while her ass is stretched wide.”

Her eyes widened, and her belly clenched with fear. “No, wait. I’m not sure-”

“Trust us,” Eddie said as he stroked her face. “You’re going to love this.”

“I hope so,” she muttered. “If I don’t, you’re the one who’s going to get spanked.”

Eddie snorted. “I’d like to see you try.”

Her eyebrow arched. “Is that a dare?”

“Oh, god, I hope it is,” Mick said with a laugh. “I’d pay good money to see you spank Eddie’s ass.”

“Yeah?” Whitney glanced over her shoulder. “How much? I’ve had my eye on this pair of to-die-for suede pumps.”

Mick tweaked her nose. “Knowing your tastes in shoes? Not that much.”

She shrugged and gave an exaggerated sigh. “Oh, well. It was worth a try.”

“You’re stalling,” Eddie chided. He tossed the hot-pink plug back and forth between his hands. “The sooner you sit still and let me do this, the quicker we can get down to the really good stuff.”

Whitney rolled her eyes and huffed. “Fine. Whatever. Just put it in already!”

“Don’t sound so enthusiastic.” Eddie pressed the tip of the plug against her anus. The pink silicone glistened with the generous glob of lube Eddie had smoothed from one end to the other. She fought the urge to hold her breath and tried to remember how great Eddie’s fingers had felt buried in her bottom. Sure, the plug was wider and longer, but it would probably feel the same, right?

Not quite, she realized as the plug slipped into her ass. It was a different kind of fullness. There was a little sting as her anus stretched to take the increasingly wider base. She winced. “It hurts.”

Eddie stopped immediately. His big hand caressed her inner thigh. “Hurts or is uncomfortable?”

She started to snap back at him but hesitated. He had a point. There was ouchie pain, and there was annoying discomfort. This was more of the latter. “Uncomfortable,” she decided aloud. “It’s uncomfortable.”

“Give it a few minutes, and if you still don’t like it, we’ll take it out, okay?”

She nodded. “Okay, Eddie.”

And then the bastard leaned forward and licked her clit. All the weird discomfort of having a silicone plug shoved firmly up her backside was suddenly forgotten. His broad tongue lapped at her sex. He wasn’t trying to make her come again. No, this was all about teasing.

Her pussy seemed even more sensitized. Was it the plug in her bottom? Probably, she decided. Her nerves were firing rapidly. Everything tingled down south. “I’ve changed my mind. I think I like the plug after all.”

Eddie grinned smugly. “Knew it!”

Mick chuckled behind her. “You think that toy feels good in your ass? Let me show you something that will feel even better.”

She looked over her shoulder. “Okay.”

Mick pressed on her hip and urged her to shift until she straddled his thighs. His stiff erection had been sandwiched between their bodies. It stood at attention and begged for her touch. She let her fingers slide up and down his hot shaft.

“Put my cock in your pussy,” Mick ordered. “Take it slow, though. This is a new thing for you.”

New indeed, Whitney thought. Double penetration had been something she’d fantasized about for years. Actually doing it? Not something she’d ever thought would happen to her. Of course, this was just Mick and a sex toy, but if things progressed, soon enough she’d be taking Mick and Eddie.

At the same time.

She didn’t know whether to be excited or scared-or both.

Mick moaned as she clasped the base of penis and drew it back and forth between her pussy lips. Her slippery cream coated his skin and eased his entrance into her. She gave a little wiggle to get him in the right position and then lowered her weight. Inch by slow inch, she swallowed his cock. The anal plug firmly seated in her bottom amplified the sensation of Mick’s thick cock filling her up. When he was fully sheathed, she bit her lower lip. “Fuck,” she whispered in shock. “This is-”

“Amazing,” Mick finished for her. He sucked in a shuddery breath. His hands settled on her waist. He pushed her back and pulled her forward. The titillating movement stimulated her clit. The pink nub rubbed against Mick’s pelvis and sent little shockwaves of pleasure right through her core. She followed Mick’s rhythm as she rode him hard and fast. His hands slid down to her ass, his fingers digging into her plump flesh.

Whitney gripped his shoulders and bounced on his cock. Her thigh muscles burned from exertion, but she didn’t care. The incredible feeling of Mick’s dick thrusting in and out and the plug stretching her ass wide made her wanton. She tossed back her head and cried out when Mick sunk his teeth into the sensitive curve of her throat. He didn’t bite too long, just enough to mark her, as he grasped her hips and forced her to take a more rapid pace.

“Fuck! Whitney!” That was all the warning she got before he drove deep inside and shot his hot cum against the entrance to her womb. She swiveled her hips, milking his cock for all it was worth as he trembled and gasped.

No sooner had Mick spilled his seed than Eddie was lifting her off his friend’s lap and depositing her on all fours atop the coffee table. He slammed home with a hard thrust. Her knees squealed as they slid an inch or so across the table top. Whitney’s belly dropped. Her heart skipped a few beats as excitement took hold.

This, oh god, this was what she’d craved for so long. Whitney wanted Eddie to unleash his inner beast and fuck her senseless. He seemed to know exactly what she wanted. He wound his fingers in her long hair and pulled tight, tugging her head back and tipping her chin up. His other hand clasped her waist as he forcefully plunged in and out. Whitney grunted and scratched her nails across the coffee table’s surface as she reveled in the wild fucking.