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“Do you like that? You like it when I fuck you rough?”

“Yes! Yes!” She shoved back to meet his thrusts. Her pussy gushed, and her clit throbbed. She reached between her legs and strummed the needy pearl.

“Yeah, rub that clit, sugar.” Eddie’s hand slapped her ass cheek hard. She yelped at the sting. Heat blossomed on her skin. His hand cracked down a second and third time. With each smack, her pussy clenched around his cock. She was so wet their coupling was accompanied by an incessant and very noisy squelch. There was simply no hiding just how much she loved his kinkiness.

Eddie pounded into her. She panted and groaned and flicked her clit. So close, so very, very close…

“Eddie! Unnhh! Unnhh! Ah. Ah.” She shrieked like a banshee as she came. Pleasure bubbled over and consumed her. She convulsed atop the table, her nerves firing rapidly and sending delicious trills of pleasure up and down her body. So lost in ecstasy, she was only vaguely aware of the moment Eddie sunk deep in her cunt and filled her with his seed.

When Eddie pulled out, she slumped forward. Her jelly-like limbs refused to support her weight. Mick’s arm appeared from nowhere. He picked her up and cradled her to his chest as he joined Eddie on the couch. For a long while, no one spoke. They were content to caress and pet and enjoy the simple pleasure of one another.

Mick finally broke the silence. “I’m beat. I vote we hit the shower and then the sack. We can tidy up in the morning. All in favor?”

Whitney and Eddie raised their hands and answered in unison, “Aye!”

Chapter Seven

“Scoot,” Mick said as he bumped Eddie’s shoulder with his hip. He plopped down in the spot between Eddie and Whitney on the couch. “Popcorn?”

“Mmm!” Whitney took a handful and munched happily.

Eddie shook his head and lifted his bag of licorice. “I’m good.”

“Blech!” Whitney stuck out her tongue. “That stuff is so gross!”

“It’s delicious.” Eddie leaned over to give her a kiss. Whitney squealed and swatted him away, but he persevered and landed a smooch on her lips. “See? Yummy.”

“Ew!” She wiped at her mouth. “Yucky!”

Eddie laughed and popped another piece of licorice. Mick shook his head and reached for his soda on the coffee table.

“Do we have to watch this fight?” Whitney wrinkled her nose.

“Yes,” Mick and Eddie answered seconds apart.

“You can watch your vampire show in my room,” Mick offered. “My TV is better than yours.”

She pouted and sighed. “I’ll just stay here. I’d rather spend time with the two of you than watch my show alone.”

“Aww,” Mick playfully replied. “That’s sweet.”

“That’s called settling,” she retorted with a bit of sass.

“Ouch!” Eddie feigned hurt and clutched his chest.

She rolled her eyes and elbowed Eddie. “Hand me my phone.”

As Mick and Eddie enjoyed the fight, Whitney answered email and read blogs. He marveled at the way her nimble fingers danced over the touch screen. Even as a surgeon with well-skilled fingers, he often fumbled when typing on his phone. He preferred his laptop with its full keyboard.

“Which one of you is going to take me to Christy’s wedding in two weeks?” Whitney asked during a commercial break. “You’re both off so you can thumb wrestle or whatever for the privilege of escorting me.”

Eddie snorted. “Sorry, sugar, but I don’t do weddings.”

Mick frowned at Eddie. “Wow, you’re such a romantic.”

Eddie shrugged. “I don’t like them. They’re long and hot and boring.”

“Gee,” Whitney muttered. “Aren’t you just a peach?”

Mick chuckled. “So is it black tie?”

Whitney nodded. “Wedding and reception are in the same hotel. It’s interfaith, so it should be interesting.”

“Okay,” Mick said. “I’m game.”

“Chicken, beef or fish?”



He noted her leery tone. “What?”

“Catered fish at a big wedding? It’ll either be super dry or goopy with some weird sauce.”

Mick cringed. “Ugh. Never mind. Beef?”

“Much better choice.” She punched in their choices on the digital RSVP card and hit send. “Nifty, huh? Probably makes the planning so much simpler. I’ll have to make a note in my wedding folder.”

Mick’s belly clenched. Wedding folder? He shot a worried glance behind Whitney’s head to Eddie, who looked equally as stunned. He cleared his throat and tried to sound nonchalant as he asked, “Wedding folder, huh?”

Whitney’s gaze remained on her phone. “Yeah. I’ve been putting notes and pictures and fabric swatches in there for ages. You know me. I like to be prepared!”

There was a huge smile on her face when she looked up at him. Just as quickly, it faded. “What?” she asked, her voice a little tight. “Did I say something wrong?” She glanced at Eddie. “Is it weird that I have a folder?”

“Yes,” Eddie answered matter-of-factly.

“No,” Mick answered a bit louder. “It’s not weird. Just…unexpected.”

“Look, it’s just a folder. Seriously,” she added forcefully. “Please don’t think I’m trying to clue you two in or something, okay? I had the folder long before I had either of you.”

Mick sensed they’d hurt her feelings. “Whitney.”

“Just forget about it,” she grumbled and practically jumped off the couch. Mick barely caught the popcorn bowl before it dumped on the floor. “I changed my mind. I think I’d rather watch TV alone.”

Slack-jawed, Mick watched Whitney stomp off in a huff. He couldn’t help but wonder if she was nearing that certain time of the month. She had a tendency to get a bit testy when she hit the end of her third pack of pills. Or this was something else entirely and had nothing to do with a hormonal surge and the ensuing havoc it caused.

Eddie hit the mute button on the remote control. “I think we just stepped in it big-time.”

“You think?” Mick shot back sarcastically. “You don’t think she…you know…us?” He couldn’t even get the word marriage out.

“No,” Eddie said quickly. “Or…maybe?” He seemed just as uncertain. “But, I mean, it’s kind of quick, right?”

“Well”-Mick sighed-“we’ve lived together for a year. We’ve only been doing this relationship thing for a very short while, though. Whitney doesn’t do big life decisions on a whim. She thinks things through. She plans. So, I’m going to say no.”

“Oh, thank god.” Eddie slumped back in relief. “I care about Whitney. A lot. More than any woman before, but I don’t think the three of us are anywhere near ready to discuss the big ‘M.’

“Agreed.” Mick’s gaze remained on the empty hallway. “I think we should apologize again.”


“Big romantic gesture?”

“Yes.” Eddie switched off the TV, grabbed Whitney’s soda, his beer, and licorice.

Mick grabbed the popcorn and his drink and set off for Whitney’s bedroom. The door was ajar, and he could see the flickering blue light of her television. He knocked twice before pushing the door open and stepping inside.

Whitney narrowed her eyes at them. “What do you want?”

“To say we’re sorry,” Mick explained. “We shouldn’t have made a big deal out of your wedding folder.”

“And?” One perfectly tweezed eyebrow arched.

“And we wondered if there’s room for two more in your bed?” Eddie tacked on his best grin.

Whitney snorted and rolled her eyes. She patted her mattress. “Come on.”