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Mick and Eddie climbed onto her bed and rearranged pillows to make themselves comfortable on either side of her. Whitney snuggled up between them and turned up the volume. Mick tried to follow the supernatural show, but he was completely lost. Eddie didn’t seem to be faring much better.

“So…er…vampires in Louisiana?”

“And werewolves and witches and fairies,” Whitney said.

“Well, who the hell is that guy?” Eddie gestured to the television. “And that one? Is that her brother?”

“He’s her…” She stopped and seemed to reconsider. “You know what? Never mind.” Smiling, Whitney shook her head and changed the channel. “Half-naked men beating the crap out of one another it is.”

“Yes!” Eddie playfully punched the air. He sat forward as the men getting down and dirty mixed-martial-arts style popped onto the screen. “Hot damn! Kick his ass! Sweep that leg!”

Whitney snickered and nestled closer to Mick. He pressed his lips to the crown of her head. “I’ll make this up to you.”

She laughed. “I’m counting on it.”

Mick stroked her soft skin as they watched the fight. He and Whitney weren’t quite as interested in the bloody beating. He ached for her touch, for her mouth on his again, and set the bowl of popcorn on the side table next to their drinks. His fingers drifted along her cheek and jaw. He claimed her mouth in a sensual kiss. She sighed and moved closer, lifting her leg and hooking it over his hip. His hand followed the curve of her back to her pert backside. God, she had the finest ass he’d ever seen!

Whitney bucked against him as his tongue stabbed between her lips. She sucked the tip of his tongue in the same way she did his cock. An electric zing traveled right to his dick. Mick cupped her breasts through her thin tank top. Her hard nipples poked through the fabric. He pinched the pebbled peaks through the cotton and nipped her lower lip.

She moaned softly as his hand traveled down the flat plank of her tummy and dipped beneath the waistband of her black capris. His fingertips encountered bare skin. He smiled approvingly and nibbled her chin. His forefinger traced her labia. Up and down. Up and down. Her hips pumped, and she panted against his mouth.

Ever so slowly, he parted her with his fingers and let the tip of one of them circle her clit. His dry finger needed a little wetness to ease the friction, so he let his hand drift even farther south. Her pussy juice slicked her entrance. He swirled his fingers in the slippery cream before thrusting them inside her tight, hot channel. His thumb strummed her clit.

Whitney buried her nose in his hair. Her lips were against his ear. He let her staccato breaths guide the pace of his pumping fingers. She responded so beautifully and so quickly to his touch. In no time at all, she gripped the arm of his T-shirt and climaxed, her mouth open but no sound emanating from her throat. He licked that sensitive spot right there below her ear and enjoyed the feeling of her pussy fluttering around his fingers.

When she slumped back against the pillow, Mick caught Eddie’s heated gaze. He’d long since abandoned the fight on television. His fat cock tented the crotch of his grey shorts. Mick pulled his hand from Whitney’s pants. Eddie reached over and took hold of his wrist. He dragged Mick’s fingers to his mouth and sucked the honey from his fingertips. Whitney shuddered and moaned. “Kiss him,” she begged.

Smiling, Mick leaned over and pressed his lips to Eddie’s. Like a wild man, Eddie grabbed him by the waist and hauled him clear over Whitney and into the empty spot between the two. He laid back and enjoyed the sensation of his two lovers tearing off his clothes. In no time at all, he was completely naked. Whitney and Eddie ripped off their clothes and threw them aside before attacking his body.

“Fuuuuccckk,” Mick groaned as Whitney’s tongue slithered along his ball sac, and Eddie’s big hand stroked his erection. He’d never had two people playing with him like this. It was insane.

“Lift your legs,” Eddie ordered. Mick did as he asked. His belly trembled as Eddie took hold of his ankles and pulled his legs even farther back. He knew exactly what was coming but didn’t want Whitney to feel pressured to do something she didn’t want to do.

He lifted his head from the mattress and held her gaze. “You don’t have to do this if it makes you uncomfortable.”

She smiled impishly. “Oh, I definitely want to do this.”

Mick’s head fell back to the bed as Whitney scooted down the mattress. Her soft fingers gripped his inner thighs. When her tongue swiped the patch of skin between his balls and anus, he almost died. “Oh, god.” He sharply inhaled. “God!”

Whitney giggled, the vibrations penetrating his skin. Her pointed tongue circled his puckered hole slowly. For a first timer, she knew all the right moves. Eddie sat to the side and coached her while his hand moved at a torturously slow pace over Mick’s cock.

“A little firmer,” Eddie instructed. “Let your tongue push against his hole. Now nibble his sac. Back down again.”

“Oh, fuck.” Mick’s head thrashed side to side as Whitney ate his ass. It was seriously the most intense thing he’d ever felt. And so deliciously dirty.

“Do you like licking Mick’s ass?” Eddie’s thick voice betrayed his arousal.

“Mmmm-hmmm,” she hummed and enthusiastically swirled her tongue around his pucker.

“Fuck!” Mick’s entire body throbbed with need. “I want to come. I need to come,” he pleaded.

“Whitney, get the lube,” Eddie ordered, his inner Dom let loose.

“Yes, sir,” she playfully replied and hopped off the bed. She knelt in front of the bedside table and dug around in the bottom drawer. “Here.” She tossed a pair of condoms and a tube of water-based lubricant on the bed.

“Get out your vibrator, too. The wand,” Eddie clarified as he moved between Mick’s thighs.

She nodded and grabbed the massive vibrator with the tennis-ball-shaped head. After plugging it in, she scrambled back onto the bed and waited for her next instruction. Mick noticed her flushed skin. Man, she really got off on this bossing around business. Eddie’s need to dominate had found its perfect recipient.

A ripple of pleasure traveled through Mick as Eddie probed his asshole with two well-lubed fingers. Whitney watched in fascination and stroked his chest. He let his fingers drift up and down her thigh.

“Put the condom on me.”

Whitney took the small package and carefully ripped it open. She bent forward and slid the latex sheath on Eddie’s pulsing erection. Her hand slid down to cup his balls. Giggling, she pecked his mouth and then sat back on her heels.

“Oh, shit!” Mick’s entire body scooted a few inches toward the headboard as Eddie shoved his cock deep on the first thrust. His hole burned from the sudden invasion, yet all he could think was more. He wanted more. “Fuck, Eddie. Harder.” He pushed back against his lover. “Faster.”

“You want it harder?” Eddie snapped his hips. “Faster?”

“Hell yes.” Mick closed his eyes and reveled in the wild sensation of Eddie’s cock slamming in and out of him. It was the unexpected and incredibly wonderful vibrating along the underside of his cock that had his eyes popping open again. “Oh. My. God.”

“You like that?” This time it was Whitney’s sweet voice asking him what he liked. The little minx held the vibrating ball of the wand against the head of his cock. Her fingers gripped the base of his dick and stroked up and down the thick root.

“So good. Oh. Uhhh. Uhhh. So good.” He was nearly incoherent. His brain shorted out as Eddie and Whitney drove him closer and closer to orgasm. There was only pleasure. Unbelievable, mounting pleasure.

Mick growled as he came, his balls tingling as cum exploded from his cock and splashed Eddie’s naked chest. Whitney exclaimed at the sight and excitedly leaned forward to lick it off. Mick groaned at the delicious sight. His head flopped back to the mattress. A wild ache took hold as he tried to regain his breath and recover from that shocking orgasm.