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Whitney slid down beside him and nuzzled her nose against his cheek. “You okay?”

“Perfect, sweetheart.” He kissed her gently. “That vibrator is amazing.”

“I know!” She giggled and pecked his cheek. “It’s a little loud, though. I always turn on the TV or some music when I’m using it so you don’t hear.”

Mick chuckled and shook his head. “Understandable.”

He watched as Eddie, his raging erection no longer covered by the condom, crawled off the bed and headed to Whitney’s closet. He opened the door and stared at the over-the-door organizer holding a selection of belts, scarves, and hats. When he grabbed a pair of funky scarves, one pink with orange fringe and the other a busy blue-and-green print, Mick’s stomach tightened with excitement. He knew exactly where this was going and couldn’t wait.

“Er, Eddie?” Whitney warily eyed the scarves in the big man’s hands. “What are you going to do with those?”

He smiled devilishly. “We’re going to play.”

* * * *

Whitney’s tummy flip-flopped. She licked her lips. “Are you going to tie me up?”

Eddie put one knee on the bed. “Do you want me to tie you up?”

“Oh, god, yes,” she said, surprising herself with the enthusiastic tone that spilled from her lips. “I mean, uh…I’m interested.”

Eddie snorted. “Those dirty books have warped your sweet, innocent mind.”

She narrowed her eyes at both of them as she pushed herself into a sitting position. “How do you know about my reading choices?”

Eddie gestured to Mick. “Talk to Snoops-a-lot over there.”

“Hey!” Mick put both hands up in a defensive motion. “Look, I just picked up the wrong Kindle, okay?”

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever. It’s a free country. I can read whatever I like.”

“And do you like BDSM?”

“Maybe,” she said saucily. “Why don’t you come find out?”

“Honey,” Eddie said with a laugh, “you are playing with fire.”

“That’s okay.” She grinned mischievously and patted Mick’s arm. “There’s a doctor right here.”

Mick barked with laughter. “Careful, sweetheart. You’re riling the beast.”

Whitney tossed her hair. “Do your worst.”

Eddie’s eyes flashed. He pointed one finger at her. “On your back.”

A thrill of anticipation scuttled along her spine. She rolled onto her back and nervously waited for his next move. His fingers wrapped around her left ankle and lifted her leg high in the air. He took her left wrist and brought it forward. With the skill of a fast-roping cowboy, Eddie secured her ankle and wrist together and then repeated the process on her right side. Eyes wide, she stared at her bound limbs. The forced position strained her back a little, but the discomfort only heightened her excitement.

As if she weighed no more than a feather, Eddie picked her up and plopped her down in the center of the bed, close to the space Mick had vacated. She was now only a few inches from her headboard. Mick returned with a couple of belts and scarves from her closet. He handed them to Eddie, who made good use of them by hooking them around her bound limbs and securing them to the headboard.

“This feels weird.” Whitney struggled to adjust to the strange position. She felt like a human pretzel with her ankles pulled back and her wrists pulled forward. Her bonds allowed zero leeway. At first, she panicked, but then she reminded herself she was in good hands. Mick was a doctor, and Eddie would never do anything to hurt her. She trusted them both.

Whitney relaxed and discovered the belts and scarves connected to the headboard supported her bound ankles and wrists. She didn’t have to strain or flex to bear the weight of her legs. She caught Eddie’s gaze and smiled. “Thank you.”

He grinned back. “I didn’t want you to hurt yourself.” He stroked the backs of her thighs and placed a kiss on her heel. “Relax, sugar. I want you to enjoy this.”

“And what, exactly, is this?” Her heart raced as she wondered just how far Eddie would take this.

“Surrender.” He nibbled her arch. “Submission.” He bit her big toe. “Pushing boundaries.” He sucked her pinky toe. “Exploring new things.”


Eddie chuckled. “Part of the fun of bondage and submission is letting go, Whitney. I know how much you enjoy being in control and bossing other people around.” He caressed her calf. “Tonight, I’m the one doing all the bossing.”

Her belly quivered. She’d had fantasies that started like this. Living it was so much better. Her tied-up wrists and ankles and the sensation of helplessness made her pussy ache. Desire bubbled low in the pit of her stomach. She swallowed hard and nodded at Eddie. “Okay.”

“Okay, what?”

“Master?” She guessed.

Eddie grinned. “Sir is fine, but master is even better.”

“Oh, yes, master,” she said with a giggle.

Eddie laughed and shook his head. “You’re something else, sugar.” Eddie laughed and shook his head. “But no more talking. The only things I want to hear out of that beautiful mouth are moans, groans, and if you’re afraid or something goes too far, the word ‘red.’ Got it?”

She started to talk but caught herself. She nodded instead.

“Good girl,” he murmured. His attention turned to Mick. “You want to play, too?”

“No.” Mick got comfortable in the plush reading chair she kept in the corner closest to her bed. “I’d much rather sit here and watch the master at work.”

Eddie chuckled and placed his hand on her lower belly. Whitney’s insides wobbled like JELL-O. She shook with anticipation as she wondered what he would do to her. Powerless to stop him, she embraced the role of submissive and settled fully into her wildest fantasy.

Eddie’s hand stroked down over the slope of her belly to her waxed mound. She yearned for his fingertips on her clit, but he didn’t give her the satisfaction. Instead he let his fingers slide down the right side of her pussy. He opened the petals of her sex and gazed down at the dewy folds. She shuddered under the intensity of his hungry stare. His forefinger probed her wet depths. A second finger joined the first and thrust in and out of her dripping channel.

Just when the rhythm got good, he stopped and removed his fingers. He rubbed them through her folds but avoided her pulsing clit. The little nub was so swollen it ached. She tried to buck her hips, to lift up and force his fingers to touch her right there, but the position of her hog-tied limbs made it impossible. She was forced to endure his torturous ministrations.


“Yeah, Eddie?”

“Go get my bag.”


Mick disappeared from the room, leaving just the two of them. Eddie continued to manipulate her cunt however he saw fit. His fingers were inside her again. He found her G-spot and rubbed the raised bump there until she wiggled and squirmed. “Oh, please. Please!”

His fingers went completely still. “What did I say about talking?”

She cringed. “I’m sorry. Sir,” she added quickly.

He held up one finger. “You get one more warning.”

She nodded, uncertain whether responding to him would count against her. Mick returned to the room and tossed a red duffel bag onto the bed. Eddie kept his two unmoving fingers buried in her pussy while Mick unzipped the bag. Eddie dug around in it until he found what he wanted.

Her eyes bulged as he produced various clamps and clothespins. Fear lanced her belly. She wasn’t sure about this. Those metal clamps looked awfully pinchy. Painful. She shivered. No, definitely not.

Eddie’s fingers thrust in and out of her pussy again. For a moment, the pleasurable sensation overrode her fear. But when she felt the bite of a clothespin on her left breast, she clenched and tried to pull away. “No! I don’t like this.”