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Eddie held her gaze. He looked surprisingly steady. “Have you ever done this before?”

“No,” she admitted. “But I don’t like it.” She wiggled futilely. “It’s pinching me!”

“Does it hurt? Or is it just new and different?”

“I…well…” Whitney considered his statement. It didn’t hurt, exactly, but it wasn’t comfortable. “I don’t know. It’s not ouchie pain, but it’s not ooh-that-feels-great either.”

He leveled a serious gaze. “Do you want to use your safe word?”

“No.” The word was out of her mouth in a heartbeat. Oddly enough, she didn’t want to stop, not completely.

“Then be quiet and feel.”

Feel? Oh, god, she was feeling all right. She was feeling kinky and scared and aroused and all kinds of jumbled emotions. “Yes, sir.”

“Good girl.” He shook his head. “And that was your last warning, Whitney. Talk again and I’ll gag you.”

Indignation burned through her. He wouldn’t dare!

He gave her the look. Apparently, he would.

She gulped and nodded. Her head rolled back as Eddie’s fingers worked their magic in her pussy again. Her engorged clit, so swollen with arousal, begged for attention, but he still refrained from giving her the release she so desperately sought. Instead he added more clothespins to her breasts. Soon, there was a line of four across each one. The clothespins squeezing her nipples were particularly bothersome.

But Eddie was right. It wasn’t painful pain but more irritating. And, more importantly, they seemed to heighten her sensitivity. Each thrust of Eddie’s fingers in her pussy or swirl through her juicy folds felt a thousand times stronger. With every sensual movement of his fingers, little sparks of electric goodness skittered across Whitney’s skin. She tried to lift her hips again, her need for his finger to brush against her clit so very strong, but she couldn’t. Those damn scarves and belts!

The surprising pinch of a clamp on her right labia startled Whitney. She yelped and tried to pull away from Eddie. “NO! I don’t like that.” She wriggled like a fish. “Take it off!”

“That sure doesn’t sound like the word red.”

Whitney swallowed hard. Oh, shit. “No, wait,” she pleaded. “I didn’t mean red. I just-”

“Clearly, this is too much for you to handle this first time.” Eddie’s fingers abandoned her aching pussy. He jumped off the bed and strode to the closet. He snatched the first scarf he saw, her beautiful baby-blue Hermes scarf, and came back to the bed.

“Hey! Wait!” Whitney protested as Eddie knotted the center of the ridiculously expensive scarf and prepared to use it as a gag. “That’s an eight-hundred-dollar-”

But she never got the rest of it out. With shocking speed and finesse, Eddie gagged her with the scarf, securing it behind her head. The knot was firmly fixed between her teeth and pressed against her tongue. She snapped at him, but her tongue was impeded and only muffled sounds came out. With no other recourse, Whitney glared at him and hoped her eyes were telegraphing her message.

Eddie snorted. “You don’t scare me, sugar.” He patted her head. “Now, since you can’t say red, grunt three times in a row, and I’ll know to stop immediately.”

She tried to yell an obscenity at him, but it came out mangled. She huffed and stopped fighting. Fine. Whatever. If he wanted to gag her, she’d just stop participating in this little game of his.

Eddie settled back between her legs on the mattress. He started to touch her but stopped to stare at her. “You spent eight hundred dollars on a scarf?”

He seemed so scandalized she couldn’t help but roll her eyes and laugh. “Eight hundred dollars,” he muttered. “That’s outrageous.”

“It’s beautiful,” she tried to say, but her words were indecipherable. Instead she shrugged and let her head drop back to the mattress. Right. No enjoyment. Just lay here and let him see that she wasn’t the least bit interested in this gagging business.

Only…she was. Whitney couldn’t believe it, but the idea of being bound and gagged had made her unbelievably wet. She’d felt the little gush of pussy cream when Eddie slid the gag in place. For a woman who liked to talk and tell other people what to do, having her words taken away from her was truly humbling. All at one time, she felt annoyed, angered-and aroused.

Eddie placed a clamp on her left labia, too. She hissed at the painful squeeze. Just as quickly, his fingers were inside her again. He prodded her G-spot, and her body hummed. When he leaned forward and blew on her clit, Whitney moaned. The forced air gusted across the throbbing nub again, and she thrust her hips forward. “Please,” she begged around the gag. “Please. Please.”

“What?” Eddie blew side to side over her clit. “You want this?”

She shook her head and groaned no around the gag.

“Or this?” His tongue slithered across the pulsing pearl.

Whitney cried out and tossed back her head. The ceiling looked almost fuzzy as blood pounded through her veins and made her dizzy. “Yes!”

Like a cat lapping milk, Eddie licked her clit fast, his curved tongue hitting just the right spot. Those wonderful fingers plunged in and out of her wet cunt and brushed over her G-spot again and again. The movement sent delicious shockwaves through her core and made her knees weak. The coiled energy of her orgasm turned and turned, growing tighter and tighter until finally, the trap sprung.

She howled around the gag as Eddie’s tongue flicked her clit at the same speed as his fingers pumped against her G-spot. Just when she thought she couldn’t take another moment of the climax, Eddie slowed the flutter of his tongue and the thrust of his fingers. He brought her back to earth and sat back on his heels.

Before she’d fully recovered, Eddie took hold of the vibrator she’d used to torment Mick and placed the ball-shaped head of the wand against her still-sensitive clit. He didn’t mess around with the lower setting. He went right for the powerful, pussy-rattling speed of the higher setting.

“Unnnnh! Unnnh! Unnhhhh! Ahhh!” Whitney screamed around the gag as Eddie’s two fingers became three in her dripping passage. Her slippery cream flowed from her core and lubricated his thick fingers. She’d never been finger-fucked like this. It was insane-and so damn good.

“Oh, look at your wet pussy, baby.” Eddie practically groaned. “So wet. So hot.” His nostrils flared. “You’re so slick I bet I could slide my other fingers inside your sweet cunt and fist you.”

Whitney’s gut clenched. Even the haze of pleasure wasn’t enough to mask her fear. That was a step too far for Whitney.

And judging by the amused look on Eddie’s face, he knew it. “Oh, don’t worry, sugar. Not tonight.” His eyes crinkled as he smiled. “Daddy’s just talking dirty.”

It wasn’t the dirty talk that scared her but the not-tonight bit. Yet Whitney sensed Eddie was just pushing her, feeling her out, and didn’t mean to ever take it that far. Not unless she asked for it, of course.

And, after the way his three big fingers felt sliding in and out of her pussy, Whitney couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to have all five inside her. Filling her. Stretching her. Pounding her.

But. No. Not tonight. Definitely not tonight.

Back in the present, the here and now, Eddie’s fingers seemed to know just how to rub her G-spot. The buzzing vibrations of the wand set her clit on fire. The strangest sensation took hold as Eddie’s fingers pumped inside her pussy. She tingled down south. Panic took hold. She needed to pee. Like right now.

Whitney tried to tell Eddie to stop, but the damn gag prevented it. She remembered his instructions to grunt and let two loose in quick succession.

“Whitney, let go.” Eddie ordered in his deep, dominant tone. “I know it feels odd, but just let go. Let it come.”