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D.K.M. Sea Lion

Statz heard the loudspeaker call out the first salvo over, but he wasn’t concerned because he was sure that the fire-control station would find the range, deflection, and speed of the enemy vessels and he would hear: Good Rapid — fire for effect.

He could taste the cordite and his ears rang from the explosion of number-one gun and he felt, as he always felt when they first fired the gun, a little dizzy. The breech swung open and the spanning tray clanked into place and Statz heard the distant rumble of the heavy shell as it sped up the hoist. The hoist door flew open and the shell, dull gray except for its brilliant yellow nose, dropped easily on the spanning tray, waiting impatiently for the rammer to slide it gently into the breech.

“Come on, boys,” Statz urged happily. “Don’t lag. Just like training. One foot in front of the other. One, two, one, two.”

“Now he’s got us in the army,” Wurst chimed in, pulling the rammer back.

“Not me,” Scholtz said, allowing three powder bags to roll onto the spanning tray. “I’m a sailor.”

“You’re a shit!” Manthey offered loudly, and the gun crew burst into laughter.

They worked like a machine, Statz noted proudly. They were happy because they were no longer training. This was not simply the routine of load, fire, load, fire with the 8.8cc subcaliber gun that was inserted in the sixteen-inch barrel for practice firing; this was battle.

When Bruno fired, it was the Fellow Upstairs speaking to them in a voice that shook not only the turret but also the entire ship. God in heaven shouting encouragement to them in words that traveled down to the shell flats where Bootsmanns-maats directed teams at each shell hoist to send the shells to the gun rooms. And each hoist team was supported by three Matrosenhauptgefreiters in the forward part of the shell room who replenished the shell supply on the inner ring near the hoists from the fixed storage area. They were big men, strong men who used lashing chains and bucklers, applying a snubbing rope below the shell’s rotating band so that they could slide the shell across the steel deck plates and into position.

Each step in the turret, each movement, each action related to another until the gun controller sitting on his tiny platform switched the indicator to lock, ready, shoot.

The firing bell shattered the interior of gun number one. Statz turned away from the gun, clamped his hands over his ears, and opened his mouth to lessen the chance of having his eardrums burst. Despite all of this, he still managed a contorted grin of satisfaction.

H.M.S. Firedancer

Things started getting very interesting for Firedancer when Sea Lion’s port secondary battery of 150mm L55 SK-C/28 and 105mm L65 SK-C/33 guns began to fire. The sea around Firedancer erupted in fountains of angry foam.

“Bloody hell,” Hardy shouted as cold sea spray rained across the bridge. “Are we the only bloody bastards out here? Shoot at someone else, won’t you?”

Land was guiding the ship through the voice tube to the quartermaster on a wildly erratic course to throw off the German gunners. So far they had been remarkably successful at dodging the shells. But the noose was tightening. Firedancer had to get close enough to Sea Lion to launch her torpedoes. Firedancer had to engage the enemy — Firedancer had to offer up herself as a tempting target.

Cole knew that it was a matter of percentages — X number of German shells fired in Y amount of time from Z number of German guns against an overage British destroyer darting about the ocean for its life, and each minute trying to get close enough to fire its torpedoes, equals. Equals…

“Well, Mr. Cole,” Hardy shouted to him above the crash of shells and the fiendish hiss of the towers of spray falling back into the sea, “fancy a transfer back to Coastal Command?”

“I’ll fill out the papers tomorrow,” Cole said.

“It’ll get worse, Mr. Cole,” Hardy said. “We’re not within range of their quadruple-mount antiaircraft guns yet.” He staggered back to the bulkhead, trying to keep his footing on the slippery deck, and cranked the handset. “Torpedo Station? Bridge. Captain here. Deploy your tubes to port. Repeat, deploy your tubes to port. I shall fire them from the bridge. Acknowledge. Right.”

“They haven’t fired their aft main batteries yet,” Land noted.

“Indeed,” Hardy agreed. “Some trick, I assume.”

“You’ve got to steer a relatively straight course in for the torpedo run,” Cole said, shaking his head with admiration at the patience and skill of the German gunners. “They’ll let go when we start our run because they know that we can’t vary our course.”

“Why, the bloody bastards!” Hardy said. “It’s not enough that they try and kill me with everything they’ve got. Now they want to trick me in the bargain. Well done, Mr. Cole. Well done, indeed.”

“Not at all, Captain,” Cole said, wiping the salt spray from his face. “I was once told never to assume anything. It makes an ass—”

“Go to Hades!” Hardy snapped.

It was then a 150mm shell landed close to Firedancer, peppering her with shrapnel. The explosion startled the little ship and she hove to, throwing the bridge party against the bulkhead.

Cole heard the splinters hit, a rapid barrage of thuds — some sounds thick where the splinters hit the hull, some quick, innocent rips where the splinters sheered through the thin steel of gun tubs, funnels, or deck housings. He felt his heart beating against the walls of his chest. It was the feeling that he had felt aboard N-for-Nancy. He was scared again.

Hardy pulled himself to the voice tubes. “Wheelhouse, Bridge. Port ten. Port ten, do you hear?” Cole could tell from Hardy’s voice that he wasn’t the only one who had been frightened by that close call.

“Can anyone see Prometheus, for God’s sake?” Hardy shouted.

“Here, sir,” Land said, blood streaming down a gash near his temple. Cole watched as Number One ignored his wound and trained his binoculars back to the smudge of smoke aft. “I’ve got her masthead, sir. She’s just coming around.” He scanned to the left. “Windsor and Eskimo are both turning to starboard. They’ve stopped making smoke.”

“Salvo from Sea Lion,” Cole called out at the telling flash, followed instantly by the rolling cloud of gun smoke that seemed to consume Sea Lion.

Three sets of binoculars trained on Prometheus.

“They’ll have her straddled this time,” Hardy said bitterly. “Or close to it.”

The six German shells hit within a split second of one another, far off Prometheus’s starboard quarter but close to Eskimo and Windsor. There were five fountains of yellow water thrown high into the air. They hung for a moment as if observing the battle and then fell lazily, harmlessly back into the sea. It was the sixth shell, maybe one of the first fired, or the last, maybe from Anton or Bruno; but it was the one that killed a destroyer. There was a huge explosion followed by a blast of smoke and debris that filled the sky.

“Who is it?” Hardy shouted. “Who got it?”

Land’s glasses dropped and he said: “Windsor. Direct hit.”

Cole found the stricken ship through the lenses of his binoculars. Black-brown smoke boiled from within her, fed by fierce yellow flames that raged from the bridge to the second funnel. She appeared distorted somehow and he was about to adjust the focus when he realized her back was broken. Her bow jutted out of the sea a good fifteen degrees and her stern only five degrees, but it was twisted to port, wrenched from the body of the ship by the explosion. She would not die slowly. The sea would claim her through shattered bulkheads and sprung watertight doors, or the fires would reach magazines and set off shells and torpedoes. There would be no survivors. If the explosions did not kill them, then the sailors of H.M.S. Windsor would die in the frigid waters of the North Atlantic, falling into a deep, comforting sleep that led to death.