While I prepared dinner, I could hear Nat quizzing Master on all of the video games he knew. I had to chuckle when Master started quizzing Nat back about some of the games. As started to set the table and I could hear the two laughing at each other. I had just started to place the food on the table, and nearly dropped a dish when I heard a scream from the living room. Running in there, my heart nearly stopped as I saw Master fall over and Nat laughing hysterically. "What's going on in here?" I anxiously asked, dropping down to my knees to check on Master. I was shocked to see him smile back up at me. "Everything's fine. Your son just completely demolished me in the game." He sat up laughing and shook a finger at Nat, "Just you wait, someday I'll learn how to play this and then we'll see who is laughing." I finally dissolved into laughter, realizing that the two were indeed playing around. Between giggles I said, "Okay you two, come on in for dinner."
Dinner was surreal to me. Everything looked and smelled delicious. We seemed like a perfectly normal family eating. Yet, we weren't even close to being one. All the feelings in my soul overwhelmed me and made the food taste bland and dry in my mouth, even though I knew it was not. I had to smile as Nat and Master competed with each other over who could eat more macaroni in one bite. The both looked dumbfounded when I beat the pair of them.
After dinner I cleaned up and put the coffee pot on and glanced at the clock. "Nat, your first day of school is tomorrow. You should get to bed early tonight." Nat gave me a grumpy look and was about to argue with me when Master spoke up, "If you don't do well in school Nat, your Mom will have to ground you, and then I'll have no one to play video games with." This made Nat grin and he ran up the stairs towards his room.
I hugged Master tight and whispered, "Thank You". He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. I followed Nat upstairs and got him tucked into bed. As I was kissing him good night, Nat asked me, "Mom, will he really come back to play games with me?" I smiled softly at my son and replied, "As long as that's what you want Nat, its okay with me." He nodded happily and snuggled against his pillow. I blew him a kiss and headed back downstairs.
Upon entering the kitchen, I saw that the coffee pot was half empty and that Master was not there. I walked around the house and finally found him sitting on the swing on the back porch. He handed me a cup of coffee as I curled up next to him. After taking a few sips of the bittersweet coffee, I sighed softly and cleared my throat. Master stopped me by placing a finger against my lips, "Its okay pet. I know that your son is the most important thing to you in the world. I wouldn't dare dream of interrupting your life with him." I shook my head and knelt down in front of him, looking up into his eyes. "Nat is the most important thing in my life. I do not want him to feel alienated having someone so new in his life. But," I took a deep breath. "But you are my Master. You always have been, and always will be. It would be foolish to deny my heart's desire. I've watched how you interact with Nat. He likes you Master. You will not replace him as a father, but with time, I know he will accept you as more than my friend." Master cleared his throat and cupped my chin in his hands. "What are you trying to tell me pet?"
I flushed bright red, and tried to lower my eyes, but he held onto my chin, forcing me to gaze directly into his eyes. "Master, I," I faltered, wishing I was anyplace else than there at that exact moment. My words came out in a rush. "Master I am saying that I wish to fully commit myself to you, heart, soul, mind and body." Master wiped the tears away from my eyes and though he whispered into my ear, the words went straight to my soul. "Thank you my little one. I will do my best to provide caring and love for not only you, but Nat as well. I know this process will take time, but knowing that you are mine, will make it worth the wait."
Master drew out a small package from his pocket and opened it in front of me. Inside the box lay a thin silver necklace looking collar. A small silver key lay in the center, between the coils of the collar. He picked the collar up from the box and encircled it around my neck. I could hear the clasp shut as my heart pounced wildly. He paused for a moment, watching me. I'd closed my eyes, feeling the cool metal encircling my neck and feeling as though the world finally made sense to me.
Master picked up the key and inserted it into the hidden lock on the collar, looking deep into my eyes. "Are you sure this is what you desire my pet?" I swallowed once before bowing my head and placing my hands behind my head. "I am yours now and forever Master." With those words, he turned the key in the lock and I heard a click as my future was sealed. Master kissed my forehead and as he did so, I could feel a few tears that had fallen from his eyes.
He removed the key from the lock and unfastened a small chain on his own neck. He slid the key onto the chain and fastened the chain back around his neck. I cannot tell how long I knelt there, our eyes fixed upon each other, sharing our love and commitment without a word. After what seemed like a thousand eternities, he leaned over and scooped me up into his warm arms, holding me tight, whispering into my ear, "We are both finally home my dearest little one."
Epilogue: Alone Again
Shannon quietly wiped away the tears that were streaming down her eyes with her sleeve. She quickly placed the old tattered journal away on her nightstand so that the ink wouldn't run on its now yellowed pages which contained tales and memories of her life as a submissive. Another sob rose into her throat, threatening to choke her as she allowed herself to fall face forward onto the bed. She sobbed, not caring if anyone heard her, but needing to release the pent up sadness and sorrow that filled her soul. As she cried her hands curled into fists around clumps of the blankets on the bed, her soul yearning to cling to anything and everything.
When at last the tears had slowed, and her stiff muscles began to relax, She gingerly forced herself to sit upright on the bed. She bit her lip, trying to be strong and force back the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes again. She stood slowly and cautiously took a few steps. Once she was sure of her own feet, Shannon picked up the journal from the nightstand. She gently brushed her fingers along the polished wood of the hair brush that had lain in the same spot since her Master had claimed her again. She moved over to the desk and slowly settled into the chair. As she sat there, Shannon ran her fingers along the delicate silver collar she wore, the familiar pain in her heart as her fingertips brushed against the small lock that kept it permanently around her neck. She opened the journal, its dusty smell permeating the room, and picked up her favorite pen beginning to write. As the tears brimmed in her eyes, she knew this would be the last entry ever made.
Today is a day I knew was coming for a long time. Today is the day I finally said goodbye to my Master. He is and was and always will be the Master of my heart, soul and body. I thought I had lost him once before, but he found me again. I would not trade any second of the thirty-nine years since that day. He loved me completely as a wife, a mother, a best-friend, a lover and as his submissive. He restored me so I was whole, and made life make sense again. He became a second father to my son, and loved him as though Nathan were his own. Someday I will meet him again, somewhere out in whatever afterlife there is waiting for two soul mates. It is our destiny to remain together for eternity. I will continue on here, knowing when we meet again, he will say to me, "Welcome home my pet."