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The mule company soldiers were ordered to dismount and move off to the side, opening up a space for the leaders to make an appearance. Demolition battalion soldiers kept their eyes riveted on the section of road, as did the hapless civilians who had been herded together with them. I had a premonition that these new arrivals would somehow be connected to the Shangguan family.

The sun had nearly disappeared below the sandy ridge, leaving only a rosy border around the dreary treetops. Golden-red crows flew rapidly back and forth above the mud huts of the outsiders, and bats put on a flying demonstration in the brilliant glow of dusk. The silence was a sign that the leaders were due any minute.

“Victory! Victory!” The mighty cry heralded the leaders’ arrival. They came from the west, riding up on camels festooned with red satin.

Sima Ku was wearing an olive drab wool uniform and, on his head at a rakish angle, a fore-and-aft cap, which we called a jackass cap. A pair of medals the size of horse hooves were pinned to his chest, his waist was circled by a silver ammunition belt, and he wore a holstered revolver on his right hip. His camel raised its head, turned its lewd lips inside out, pricked up its floppy-dog ears, and squinted its long-lashed eyes. Shaking its shod cloven hooves, twisting its snaky tail, and tightening its pared buttocks, it threaded its way through the mule company like a ship riding the waves, with Sima Ku its proud skipper. He flared his legs, in their fine leather riding boots, threw out his chest, leaned back slightly, and raised a white-gloved hand to straighten his jackass cap; his burnished face was hard beyond description, the red moles on his cheek looked like maple leaves after a frost. It was a face that seemed to have been carved out of a block of red sandalwood, then varnished with three coats of anticorrosive, moisture-proof tung oil. The horse and mule soldiers slapped the butts of their weapons and shouted in unison.

Right behind Sima Ku’s camel came another carrying his wife, Shangguan Zhaodi. She hadn’t changed much in the years since we’d last seen her; she was as fresh and beautiful, as gentle-looking as ever. A white, silky cloak was draped over her shoulders atop a lined jacket with yellow satin piping, and red silk, loose-fitting trousers. She wore tiny brown leather shoes. A deep green jade bracelet decorated each wrist, eight rings adorned her fingers. Lush green grapes hung from her earlobes – I later learned they were made of jadeite.

I mustn’t forget about my two honorable nieces. They rode up on the third camel, behind Zhaodi. Thick ropes between the humps connected two riding baskets woven from waxed boughs. The girl in the left basket, flowers in her hair, was Sima Feng; the one in the right basket, flowers also in her hair, was Sima Huang.

Next to enter my field of vision was the American, Babbitt. I couldn’t tell how old he was, but the light of life in his green, catlike eyes could only belong to a young man, a rooster barely old enough to mount a hen. He wore a dazzling feather in his cap, and though he swayed with the movements of his camel, his erect posture never varied, like a wood-carved boy tied to a float and tossed into a river. I was impressed. Mystified even. Later on, when we learned who he was, I realized that he rode a camel as if he were in the cockpit of an aircraft. He was an American Air Force pilot who had landed his Camel bomber on a main street in Northeast Gaomi at twilight.

Sima Ting brought up the rear. Even though he was a member of the glorified Sima family, he hung his head, dispirited. His camel, a dusty-looking animal, had a gimp leg.

Lu Liren pulled himself together and walked up to Sima Ku’s camel, where he snapped off an arrogant salute. “Commander Sima,” he said, “allow me to welcome you and your men as guests of our headquarters on this day of national jubilation.”

Sima laughed so hard he rocked back and forth until he was in danger of falling off. He smacked the furry hump in front of him and said to the mule troops beside him and the crowd in front and back, “Did you all hear the shit that just came out of his mouth? Headquarters? Guests? You poor country camel, this is my house, the land of my bloodline. When I was born, my mother’s blood pooled on this very street! You bunch of bedbugs have sucked dry the blood of our Northeast Gaomi Township, and now it is time for you to get the hell out of here! Go on back to your rabbit warrens and let me take my house back.”

It was an impassioned outburst, filled with a richness of sound. He emphasized every sentence by thumping the camel’s hump, and with every thump, the camel’s neck twitched and the soldiers roared. Also, with every thump, Lu Liren’s face paled just a little more. Finally, the camel, provoked beyond its limits, shrank back, bared its teeth, and sent something foul and sticky through its nose and into Lu Liren’s ashen face.

“I protest!” Lu Liren shouted in exasperation as he wiped the muck off his face. “I protest strongly! I’m going to register a complaint with the highest authority!”

“In this place,” Sima Ku said, “that highest authority is me, and I hereby announce that you and your men have half an hour to leave Dalan. If you’re still here after that, I’ll turn my weapons on you.”

“One of these days,” Lu Liren said coldly, “you’ll taste the bitter wine you’ve brewed.”

Ignoring Lu Liren, Sima Ku ordered his troops, “Escort our friends out of the area.”

The horse and mule companies closed up ranks and moved in from the east and the west. The soldiers of the demolition battalion were driven into the lane leading to our house. An armed sentry in civilian clothes stood every few meters on both sides of the lane. Others were in position on the rooftops.

A half hour later, most members of the demolition battalion were climbing soaking wet up the opposite bank of the Flood Dragon River, cold rays of moonlight shining down on their faces. The remaining troops took advantage of the confusion along the river either to escape into the nearby brush or to let the current take them far enough downriver to climb up onto the bank unobserved, wring out their clothes, and take off for home in the dark of night.

A hundred or more members of the demolition battalion stood on the opposite bank of the river like chickens dumped into the pot. As they looked around at each other, some were in tears, others were secretly pleased. After observing his disarmed and disheartened troops, Lu Liren spun around and ran back toward the river, intending to drown himself. But his troops grabbed him and wouldn’t let go. So he stood on the riverbank, deep in thought for several minutes before looking up and shouting across the river at the noisy crowd, “Sima Ku, Sima Ting, just you wait. I’ll be back one day with a vengeance! Northeast Gaomi Township belongs to us, not you! You may control it today, but someday, when all is said and done, it’ll be ours again!”

Well, let Lu Liren and his men go lick their wounds. I had my own problems to attend to. As to whether I’d drown myself in a river or down a well, eventually I chose the river, because I’d heard that rivers empty into the ocean. That year when the Bird Fairy had first displayed her powers, a dozen or more double-masted ships had sailed down the river.

I watched the demolition battalion soldiers struggling to cross the Flood Dragon River under the cold rays of moonlight. Splashing and tumbling and crawling, they stirred up the river, sending waves in all directions. Sima’s troops were not stingy with their ammunition. They fired their weapons into the river, churning the water as if it were aboil. If they’d wanted to destroy the demolition battalion, it would have been like shooting fish in a barrel. But choosing to intimidate them instead, they only killed or wounded a dozen or so men. Years later, when the demolition battalion fought its way back as an independent unit, every officer and soldier who faced a firing squad felt that the punishment did not fit the crime.