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“It’ll kill her.”

“No, it won’t. Things like this happen, to lots of people. You just have to find the right solution, whatever that is. That’s up to you and your mom. Do you want me to talk to her with you?”

“No. I think she’d be mad I told you first,” Amy said with a sigh, and took a sip of the water. She had calmed down. But she had some tough decisions to make. She was seventeen years old, and had a bright future ahead of her, without a baby. With one, it would be a lot harder. “Justin said he’d talk to her with me. He wants me to keep it, and maybe we can get married one day.” She looked sad as she said it. She didn’t feel ready for a baby, or marriage, but the alternative sounded worse to her.

Victoria jotted her cell phone number down on a piece of paper and handed it to her. “Call me anytime, at any hour. I’ll do anything I can to help. And if you talk to Mr. Walker, maybe I can help out there.” She didn’t want her to get kicked out or suspended. She wanted her to finish school, which was what Amy wanted too.

They left her office together a few minutes later, and Victoria gave her a hug before Amy went to find Justin in the cafeteria. And she saw them leave school together after lunch. She hoped she was going home to see her mother. And the following day she didn’t come to school. And then Amy called her. She said they were meeting with Mr. Walker that afternoon after school, and she asked Victoria to be there. She agreed to do it, and she was waiting outside his office when Amy and her mother arrived. Amy looked as if she’d been crying, and her mother looked bleak. Amy smiled as soon as she saw Victoria, and her mother thanked her for coming.

The headmaster was expecting them, and stood up as soon as they walked into the room. He looked surprised to see Victoria, and invited them all to sit down. He looked concerned. He hadn’t heard of any problem Amy was having at school, and he had no idea why they were there. He assumed it was something to do with the divorce, and hoped she wasn’t changing schools. She was an excellent student, and they would be sorry to lose her if she did. He looked startled when Mrs. Green told him that Amy was pregnant. He looked instantly sorry for her. It wasn’t the first time this had happened, but it was always a tough situation for the student and the school. Mrs. Green said the baby was due in May. And then she amazed Victoria and the headmaster by saying that Amy had decided to keep it. Her mother was going to take care of the baby when Amy went to college in the fall. She had applied to Barnard and NYU, and could stay home with the baby. Amy’s mother was being very supportive about it, and Amy looked less upset than she had two days before.

“What we need to know,” Mrs. Green said as calmly as she could, “is if Amy can stay at school here, or if we have to remove her from the school.” It was one of their biggest fears at the moment and would probably impact whether she went to college if her senior year were completely disrupted.

“Amy, how would you feel about being here?” the headmaster asked her directly. “Would that be too hard on you, with everyone talking and aware of your situation?”

“No. Since I’m keeping the baby anyway.” She smiled gratefully at her mother, and Victoria could see that it hadn’t been an easy decision, but she thought they had made the right one. She thought having the baby and giving it up would be a huge mistake and much more traumatic to Amy than the adjustments she would have to make now. And if her mother was willing to help, she could go on with her life. “I’d rather stay here,” Amy said honestly, and the headmaster nodded. He had never allowed a pregnant student to stay in school, but he didn’t want to destroy her academic career either. He had a responsibility to her as well as the other students. He was trying to figure out how soon it would show.

“I could put you on independent study, but the college that accepts you might not like it. When is the baby due again?”

“The first of May,” Amy told him.

“We have a long break in April for spring vacation,” he said, thinking out loud. “That will take us to the end of April. What if you stay until spring vacation, and stay home after that to have the baby? Then you can come back to school by the end of May to take final exams and graduate with your class in June. It won’t disrupt you too badly academically, and I think we can make it work here. I’ve had students stay out longer with mono. And I don’t want you to blow senior year. This will be a first for us, but we can live with it if you can,” he said, looking at both of them, and Amy nodded and started to cry again. She was so relieved. Victoria hadn’t said a word, but she had been there to support her. Amy’s mother thanked the headmaster profusely, and they left the room a few minutes later. Justin was waiting for them outside, looking worried. Amy smiled at him the minute they came out, and he put his arms around her as her mother and Victoria watched. He was very sweet to her and very protective, and Victoria was hopeful for them both. Maybe things would work out, with her mother’s help.

“They’re letting me stay,” Amy told Justin, beaming. “Mr. Walker was really nice. I’ll stay till spring vacation and come back after the baby for final exams and graduation.” Justin looked like a huge weight had been taken off his shoulders too. They were both really good kids, and everyone was committed to help them.

“Thank you,” Justin said to Victoria and Amy’s mother.

“I didn’t do anything,” Victoria corrected immediately, and Amy intervened.

“Yes, you did. You listened to me the other day, and helped me get up the courage to tell my mom. We went to see her right after I saw you.”

“I’m glad,” Victoria said quietly. “I think you’ve all made some good decisions, and some very challenging ones, I’m sure.” There was no ideal resolution, but this was the best they could all do.

“Thank you for your support,” Amy’s mother said to Victoria in a choked voice, and the three of them left the school a few minutes later to go home.

It made Victoria think of her sister. She was glad nothing like that had ever happened to her. She knew it could happen to anyone. And Mrs. Green was being particularly understanding about it. Amy and Justin were handling it well too, and being very brave. She was still thinking about them when she went home that night. Amy came to Victoria’s classroom to thank her again the next day. Justin was glued to her side, as he had been for two years, and Amy looked better than she had in days. It was going to be an interesting school year with a pregnant student in their midst. And as the headmaster had said, it was a first. Victoria couldn’t help thinking that there was never a dull moment with kids.

Chapter 19

As she did every year, Victoria flew to L.A. for Thanksgiving. It was going to be different this year because Harry had agreed to join them. It was a prelude to what it would be like when he and Gracie were married. And when Victoria got to the house on Wednesday night, her mother was in a flap setting the table with their best linens and Gracie was nowhere to be seen. She and Harry were out having dinner with his sister, who was going to her in-laws’ the next day. Their parents were away, so Harry was having Thanksgiving with the Dawsons instead. And her parents were acting as though a head of state was going to be with them. Their best everything was being used, which seemed silly to Victoria. But she helped her mother set the table as soon as she arrived. They were using her grandmother’s linens and crystal, and Christine’s own wedding plates.