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The man fired four bullets into Culundis’s chest, two of which completely removed his heart. As with all products supplied by Jimmy Culundis, the silencer worked perfectly.

The man from the Mossad closed the front door, walked back to the gate, past the security guard with the broken neck, and drove off into the night. Culundis’s family continued to sleep for three more hours.


At 5.15 on Tuesday evening, Rocq drove the Porsche down the ramp of the multi-storey car park behind Lower Thames Street, nodded to the attendant, and stopped, waiting for a gap in the traffic to pull out into the street. Even if he were looking closely, he would have been unlikely to have noticed the figure in the shadows on the second floor of the concrete buildings who watched the appearance of the car with interest, stop-watch in his hand.

The gap came, Rocq gave a light tap on the Porsche’s accelerator, and the car surged out into the traffic stream. Rocq was feeling extremely vulnerable; he had barely slept the last three nights, and Amanda told him she thought that he was cracking up. He wanted desperately to tell her what had happened in Switzerland, but he didn’t want to frighten her.

He had thought about the incident a million times, and each time he was no nearer a firm opinion. When gold had gone through the $700 mark, Elleck had called him up. He had watched Elleck’s face closely, and thought that Elleck looked strained, under pressure — but there was nothing Elleck did or said that gave him any possible cause to think Elleck might have been involved in an attempt to murder him.

Maybe, he wondered, the Range Rover driver had just been a nutter? Maybe he had accidentally carved him up somewhere around Geneva Airport and the guy had a screw loose and had come after him. He had heard of incidents like that occurring. But it had lasted for several hours — surely the driver’s companion would have calmed him down. It was a possibility and he felt a little comforted by the thought, but not much.

For two days, he had racked his brains backwards and forwards to think of any enemies he might have made. He knew there were people jealous of him, people in the office, but none he believed could be so jealous as to try to kill him. No, he knew each time, it came back to Elleck’s syndicate. It had to be them; and if they had tried once, he had little reason to doubt that they would try again. He thought about going to the police, but he dismissed that idea; he decided they would think he was nuts and, in any event, the British police would hardly be interested in something that happened in Switzerland.

He looked constantly in his mirrors, noting any car that appeared to be staying close behind him. He was paranoid, he realized; but he equally well realized he would have to be a fool not to be. He decided not to stay in his own flat tonight, but to stay at Amanda’s. He couldn’t relax in his own flat, and he knew he was going to end up as a basket case if he had to endure another night without sleep, listening to, and thinking about, every single noise.

It had altogether been one hell of a day, he reflected: gold had continued to rise all through the morning, hitting $700 just before noon. Elleck had called him up to his office and told him he was still convinced it must start dropping, and to hold on until two o’clock in the afternoon. At two o’clock, gold was at $712 and Elleck was a very agitated man. Between two and five o’clock, on Elleck’s instructions, through Johnson Matthey of London, Mocatta, Rothschild, and a number of commission houses throughout Europe, Globalex, Goldilocks Ltd and four other companies that Rocq had established on behalf of the syndicate bought 2,500,000 ounces of gold. The world gold market was not aware of the single buying entity and, by the close of the London market, the price of gold had dropped off to $707. Elleck had buzzed him every half hour throughout the afternoon to ask him how he was getting on, and the only thing that gave Rocq any satisfaction at all was listening to the squirming nervousness of his chairman’s voice. He remembered a couple of weeks ago how he had ventured an opinion to Elleck about the price of gold, and had been shot down in flames. If Elleck wanted to hang himself on gold right now, Rocq was more than prepared to give him all the rope he asked for. The thought cheered him up considerably: maybe, he thought, just maybe, no one was going to kill him after all.

Sir Monty Elleck had spent the most twitchy day of his life. The threatening words of Viscomte Lasserre had hung over him like a funeral shroud. It had never occurred to him that by mixing with those in the killing business he could ever be in a position where he could become a victim himself, and he didn’t like the feeling. He was annoyed with himself, too, for he had missed out on the chance to make a personal fortune on the rise in gold over the past few days. He had deliberately held back on buying for the syndicate because he had wanted to buy a few million pounds’ worth for himself first, to cash in on the rise he knew the syndicate’s buying and subsequent activities ought to have produced: but then, when gold had begun to rise on its own accord, on the strength of a whole mixed bag of rumours, he had held back, waiting for a drop. No drop had come, not until 4.15 that Tuesday afternoon; not until the full £1000 million committed by the syndicate had been spent.

Elleck had decided not to put money in himself after all. The rise was too high, far too high, for his liking. Even though he felt it probably would go higher still on the news that was to come from Israel and from Umm Al Amnah in the morning, he had been at the game long enough to know when to keep his chips off the table. He was going to make a handsome enough profit out of commissions from just handling the deaclass="underline" he didn’t need to take any risks himself. He smiled. Let Lasserre and Culundis be on the hook; they could afford it.

When Rocq had buzzed him to tell him the final amount of the thousand million had been spent, at 4.45, Elleck buzzed his secretary and asked her to get him Viscomte Lasserre.

Two minutes later she buzzed him back. ‘I can’t get through, Sir Monty,’ she said. ‘All the lines are engaged.’

‘Keep trying, will you, Jane?’

‘Yes, Sir Monty.’

The anger he had felt at the time the Viscomte had passed the thinly veiled threat to him welled up in him again, only much stronger now. He thought of the elegant but weak French aristocrat, and the greasy fat Greek pervert, and he was amused that his delaying had lost them so much money. He wasn’t going to be threatened by anyone. He was the king sitting on his throne at 88 Mincing Lane. When it came to money, God help anyone who tried to get one over him; when battles involved money, he won every time. He knew how to fight with money the way field marshals know how to fight with soldiers. His company client list didn’t read like an elongated version of Who’s Who for nothing: he was the best in the Commodity Market, not only in this country, but anywhere in the world. He wasn’t scared of anyone — he would take on all the best fighters in the world — as long as they fought with money.

His chain of thought was interrupted by his secretary bringing him in the evening paper, the New Standard, as she always did at five o’clock. He glanced at the headlines: ‘BLOODY END FOR THE MERCHANT OF DEATH.’ The photograph beneath it struck him like a fist between his legs: it was the contorted face of Jimmy Culundis.

Constantinou ‘Jimmy’ Culundis, billionaire international arms dealer, was found shot dead in his Athens home early this morning. A personal security guard was also found dead nearby. An Athens police detective said Culundis had many underworld connections as well as many international political connections; it was known that he supplied armaments to a wide variety of organizations ranging from right-wing governments to left-wing terrorist organizations.