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Supotnitsky M. V. Biological warfare. Introduction to the epidemiology of artificial epidemic processes and biological lesions: monograph. — M.: «Cathedra», «Russkaja panorama», 2013. 1136 p.: Il.

The author is a Russian scientist, a former military microbiologist, the colonel of medical service reserve. The purpose of the work is justification of the third section of epidemiology, epidemiology of artificial epidemic processes, which develop as a result of use of biological weapons or acts of biological terrorism. The monograph comprises three parts. The first one is devoted to the history of biological warfare and biological terrorism.

The second part of the book is the rationale properly for the epidemiology of artificial epidemic processes (termed by the author “incorrect epidemiology”). This part examines the object, purpose and objectives of incorrect epidemiology, provides a classification of biological threats which takes into account recent advances in genetics of microorganisms and the development of nanobiotechnology, and summarizes biological damaging agents. Further in this part, principles are considered of the epidemiological investigation of artificial epidemic processes and specific biological lesions. The methodology of detection of bioterrorist organizations is presented.

The third part of the book is devoted to the specifics of incorrect epidemiology in relation to epidemic outbreaks (poisoning) caused by micro-organisms (toxins) considered to be the most dangerous agents of biological warfare. The data are presented on the microbiology of these agents, their pathogenicity factors, taxonomy, origin, molecular epidemiology, ecology, natural epidemiology, infective (damaging) doses, distinctive features of genetically modified strains, and other information necessary to establish commitment of the use of biological weapons or biological terrorist act.

Diagnosis of artificial lesion by a biological agent is based on the comparison of the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, pathologic anatomy and pathomorphology that are characteristic of cases of the disease resulting from natural infection (poisoning) to those that may occur as a result of the deliberate introduction of the biological agent into the human body. Included are case records of people who were victims of natural or artificial infection (poisoning) and the results of simulating experiments on animals.

The book is intended for a broad range of scientists, physicians, health care and law enforcement officials, and is primarily aimed at professionals of the basic level, who are usually the first to face the consequences of acts of terrorism and sabotage.

Reviewer: S. V. Petrov, Ph.D., winner of the Lenin Prize in 1991, Colonel General in retirement. In 1989–1991, Chief of Chemical Troops USSR, 1991–2001 Head of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops of the Russian Federation (Moscow).

Рецензент: С. В. Петров, доктор технических наук, лауреат Ленинской премии 1991 г., генерал-полковник в отставке. В 1989–1991 гг. начальник Химических войск СССР; в 1991–2001 гг. начальник Войск радиационной, химической и биологической защиты Российской Федерации (Москва).