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Presently I saw that Tania's hips were moving in a hard, pumping kind of motion. She was about to have her "happy time," as they call it in French parlance. How she cried out, begging Shawn to love her, beat her, cherish her, enslave her-anything so long as they might spend the rest of their lives together on this divan in such a manner!

Tania's orgasm was accomplished with complete self-abandon. Shawn, to my surprise, was more controlled. There came a point when she thrust her hips out a little harder and when Tania had to use her tongue more energetically. Then with clenched teeth and a tense, quick palpitation of her brown thighs, our Caribbean beauty also came safe into the calm waters of love's haven.

Following this, they played with one another in the same posture. But there was a sense of calm now, as if they were merely a pair of schoolgirls curiously exploring one another's secret anatomies. This continued for about half an hour, until one sensed that excitement of a more adult kind was beginning to gather once more.

Judi spoke not a word. But, at this point, she returned suddenly through the door and caught the two culprits in the very act. The truth was that, though they must have heard her approach, this pair of lovers was now in a state where neither cared for the world or its reprimands.

"Undress at once!" said Judi sharply, "both of you! Tania has more than convicted herself of wanton behaviour. In your case, Shawn, you have proved yourself a most shameless accomplice!"

Judi stood there, a severe young woman with her short, blond plait, her riding breeches and blouse, the leather switch flexed in the firm grip of her hands.

"Since you are so eager for illicit passion with One another," she went on, "we will make the punishment fit the crime. On this occasion, however, your ecstasies will be tempered by the sharp sauce of chastisement!"

I vow, Charlie, I could scarcely believe my ears! In one afternoon I was to witness things which most men and women might wait a lifetime to see-and would often await in vain! There was no doubt in my mind that the scene about to be played out in that room was to be one of amorous punishment or of disciplined lasciviousness. It was that greatest of love's curiosities which you and I, in our familiar conversation, have often referred to jokingly as "Birch in the Boudoir." And yet, my sweet, often as we have talked about such things, it was not until this afternoon that I began to have some clear conception of the reality.

Alas, it grows late. I must save the remnant of my experiences for tomorrow's letter. You have no idea how the servants talk in such a place as this! Merely for the light to burn in the room of the envoy's daughter until 2 a.m. is sufficient to start all sorts of rumours. You know, my dear, that there can be no ground for them. Others might be less charitable. So I bid you a gentle and loving goodnight until tomorrow, when I will reveal the strange secret which I now share with Nabyla, Judi, Tania, and Shawn!

Your ever-loving Lizzie


Ramallah, 5 May 1904

My dearest Charles,

Before I continue my account of yesterday's female debaucheries, I must tell you of the great joy I have had in receiving all your dear letters by this morning's post. They came in a single batch, for you know the post is weekly here rather than daily. Oh, how happy I am at the improvement in your prospects by the legacy of your dear Uncle Brandon! How sensibly this must affect dearest Mama and dearest Papa in their estimate of your worthiness as a husband! How strange, my dearest, that families care so greatly for a man's wealth and nothing for his abilities in the bedroom, where a woman's true happiness is made or marred!

I am delighted that your apprenticeship is served in so diverting an establishment as Greystones. What stories we shall have to tell one another by the time we meet again! I am true to my bargain, Charlie. You may indulge in whatever indiscretions you please now, for it will make you a better and a steadier husband if that happy day should ever dawn. What a depraved young slut that Maggie of yours is, however! And how richly you rewarded Maggie and Noreen in their respective ways. I am surprised that you have not already whipped Noreen's bottom for her, as she richly deserves. Perhaps, though, by the time I have written this letter, you may have remedied that omission!

Let me tell you now of my own adventure, or rather of what passed when Judi returned to Tania and Shawn yesterday afternoon. Blond and severe in her riding costume, she flexed the switch between her hands and watched the two girls undress. She had, of course, released Tania from the divan, but, once the undressing was completed, she required each girl to wear a number of well-polished black straps. These adorned the waist, the wrists, the neck, the ankles, and the thighs just above the knees. You may be sure there was intense nervousness in Tania's blue eyes at what lay ahead, though Shawn's expression, darkly slanting and tight lidded, was enigmatic.

At first sight you might have thought Judi proposed to roast the two girls on a spit! I hasten to assure you that such was not the case. Yet she summoned two guards who brought in a strange apparatus, consisting of two supports with a long pole between them. The machinery showed clearly that this pole could be turned, if so desired, by the person operating it.

Tania and Shawn were attached tightly to the pole, pressed together and facing one another with the shaft running between them. Their ankles were strapped together at one end of it and then- wrists at full stretch above their heads to the far end. The pole, being metal, was thin though strong, so that their two bellies almost touched and their breasts kissed lightly under their own delectable weight. The two leather neck-collars were attached so that the girls' lips and tongues were in constant contact.

So these two delicious chickens were hoisted on their spit about three or four feet above the floor. Their lips and tongues mingled with promiscuous little meanings of desire. They smoothed their breasts firmly against one another's until four nipples stood hard as berries. At one end, the fingers of their cuffed hands entwined and tightened lovingly. Their legs and thighs were pressed tight to one another by the strapping. What a charming picture they made! Tania, with her cropped brown curls, her pretty little cherub face, firm, broad hips and muddy-white skin! Shawn with her Caribbean grace, high-boned elegance, long legs, and well-curved breasts and buttocks!

The pole turned, just as a roasting spit would. It might be turned by another person operating its handle, but the controlling wheel could also be urged forward by vigorous writhing of the girls attached to it.

Judi's face seemed sharp-eyed and expressionless as she took some hot-spiced paste on her finger, moistened it with saliva, and spread it on each of the girls' nipples. The hot irritant drove them into still more energetic writhing and mutual rubbing. Judi also smoothed the same erotic heat into each vaginal slit. Between each girl's legs, she attached to the pole a convenient dildo so aimed that it would move within their love-holes by the surging of their hips but could not be dislodged entirely. Writhing passionately against one another, each cunt riding its rubber penis, the two girls faced each other, side by side or one above the other as their struggling turned the pole. Tania's mouth swam with Shawn's saliva, and then as they turned it was Shawn who was flooded with the tastes of Tania's mouth. With torsos thrust out, they rubbed their nipples hard against each other. The ingenious dildoes enabled each girl to be simultaneously the lover and mistress of the other.