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I made her keep her head turned so that I could admire her features and the dark fringe of her hair. I now kissed her on the mouth and touched the knob to the dimple again. This time I felt Noreen's arse-hole swell as if trying to open for me. My kiss upon her mouth muffled her shrillness as I went forward with all my resolve. The tight

buttonhole yielded and I passed through the exquisitely narrow portals to my great pleasure.

"The full length of it up your behind now, Noreen," I said softly, and gave it her in one long steady plunge. With what alarm she cried out, feeling it so deeply, swearing that she could locate the sensation of the knob in her bellybutton.

"Turn over on your front a little more, Noreen," I said, trying to reassure her. "Let me slide a hand under your bare belly to support you there while I bugger you. Good. So responsive to the penis inside you? I believe you find some enjoyment in it already!"

Having turned her over a little, I found that Noreen wanted to arch her rump out more fully to ease the burden of the phallus. By good fortune, this enabled me to push even farther into her.

"Noreen, my love," my lips touched her ear. "Keep your face turned to me. That's better. Now join in the rhythm of delight."

I pulled her singlet hem well up so that I could look down and watch my erection plunging in and out between the pale cheeks of her bottom, her rear muscle stretched round its hard circumference. I rode with a firm, slow thrust while she lay there, still and tense. As the minutes passed, however, the shape of the penis naturally began to stimulate certain excitements in her, however unhealthy they might have been. There was a certain slight muscular movement. I caught her eye at this.

"Still too timid, Noreen? Are you afraid that you might damage yourself if you give your feelings free play? I can promise you that you will enjoy it much more if you join in the dance!"

And so she did, her seat rising to meet my thrusts and then drawing away slightly at the withdrawal. She begged me for a libation to be poured out quickly. I felt her anus tighten in small exciting movements on my shaft.

"We must not hurry our pleasures, Noreen," I said. Did I detect alarm or excitement in her brown eyes at this? After ten minutes I stilled her and made her lie quietly with my tool embedded while passion came off the boil. Then I allowed her to begin again. At last I could be denied no longer. For safety's sake I made her lie still and I steadied her with a hand each side of her hips.

"A vigorous finish now, Noreen," I said, smiling at her and brushing her straight, dark hair back to see her face. She was lying with the edge of the pillow clenched between her teeth! With long strokes I began to pump and suck the narrow way of her behind with my tool. I pressed the pale mounds of her backside hard apart, so that I might plunge farther and make her feel the explosion of lust as deeply within her bottom as was possible. She caught her breath several times as I touched one area then another of profound sensitivity.

"Do you want to feel the sperm in your behind now, Noreen?"

She nodded her head vigorously, without releasing the pillow between her teeth.

"Very well, you young slut!" My own teeth were set now in my passion. "The first squirt of it deep in your arse, Noreen! Ah! Does that make you quiver? Again! Noreen, my love! How I shall flood your young backside! There! And there! You young whore, Noreen! Delicious young whore! Ah! Tighten on the shaft again! Delectable! Noreen! Ah, Noreen! Noreen, darling!"

With passion spent, I allowed her gently to squeeze my tool from her bottom with slight muscular movements. Its weight lolled softly across her broad, pale seat-cheeks, leaving a final trail of passion. Then I lay there to recuperate.

I was busy with Maggie an hour later. This young, blond minx, with her firm stocky build, had quite enthralled me. Maggie was on her back, knees pulled up, legs wide, while I rode into her young cunt with renewed vigour. Noreen had, not unnaturally, been permitted to visit the stable closet. I was still toiling at Maggie when the other girl returned.

Maggie shook her blond fringe-a gesture like Noreen's-and turned her face from me, watching the other bed.

"Mag, you young bitch!" I said crossly, "pay attention to what I'm doing to you!"

She ran her tongue round her teeth in a suggestion of humour and looked away again.

"Look at her, then!" Mag whispered, in her light, lilting voice.

Noreen was lying on her side, half of her belly, in the familiar pose. What had Maggie seen? I disengaged, went across, and looked. What do you think? The sturdy cheeks of Noreen's bottom blushed deeply. Here and there they bore the muddy imprint of the hard rubber heel of a canvas gymnastic slipper. I could scarcely understand it. Could it be that, while she was in the toilet closet, Noreen had persuaded someone-a groom or even a stable-lad-to tan her hard with a gym-shoe? Either the heel was damp or had been spat upon for greater effect.

Maggie was standing beside me now. "Don't you see?" she murmured, "that's to say how sorry she is. Isn't it, Nor?"

Believe me, neither of those two girls left that same bed during the rest of the night. Mag sucked again first, then Noreen. Next I spread Noreen's legs and brought her to dumb ecstasy. After that I would have been envied by some of those who admired Mag's nicely rounded arse-cheeks as she bent in the stable room. Turning her over, one hand under her belly to support her, I spread Maggie's bottom-cheeks and buggered her in turn. The blond hair was presented to me, but the mirror showed her face, the hard pale features and predatory blue eyes under her fringe. I guessed it was not her first time.

You will believe me, dearest Lizzie, when I tell you that the early summer dawn lightened the gardens outside before our pleasures were concluded. Indeed, my letter was begun immediately I came back to my rooms in the house itself, and is now finished as the maid brings in my breakfast.

Will you be too jealous if I tell you that the maid is Maggie and that there is a note on the tray from Miss Martinet? On the breakfast tray there also lies a slim bamboo. My left hand, the one with which I do not write, guides Maggie to bend over the desk. She turns her head aside, the collar-length hair too. Such a hard and knowing young face with its pale oval and its darkly made-up blue eyes. The well-formed, tightly-rounded cheeks of Maggie's arse are so close I can scarcely move the pen. My hand shapes them.

"Take down your pants, Maggie! Miss Martinet orders you the cane!"

Now my hand fondles Mag's bare thighs and backside. I really must break off, dearest…

… And now, dearest, the sun is an hour higher in the sky and I may resume. Maggie's bottom is a sight indeed. She kneels in repentance before me, her blond fringe tickling my bare belly, her tongue moistening her lips as she unbuttons nimbly. Believe me, Lizzie, only my loss of you drives me to these wild resorts of passion! Such are the woes of the flesh!

Your own adoring Charles


Ramallah, 4 May 1904

My dearest Charlie,

Faithful to my promise, as ever, I write by the first post for England to tell you of the amusements which I have witnessed since our arrival in this place. Alas, my sweet, we must be separated for weeks-perhaps months-but I vow I shall entertain you with anything of a frisky nature which comes my way. Thus you may know that your adoring Lizzie still cares for you as fondly as ever, and longs only to keep your spirits up and your resolve stiff until our next dear embraces.

How shall I begin! A few hours after our ship docked, we were borne away in a regal carriage to the residence which my father enjoys here as Britannia's ambassador. Cool, white-panelled rooms awaited us behind a garden of palm trees and purple bougainvillea. All is gilt and embossed, fit for the king himself. And yet what tedium would this have promised me-so much empty ceremonial and dull diplomacy-had it not been for the kindness of the Pasha of Ramallah.