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“Sorry, I didn't mean to stare.”

“But of course you did. Aren't we all fascinated with the maimed, the damaged, and the twisted, if not consciously then subconsciously? It's not a character flaw, but a part of our common human nature to find the freakish of great fascination. Hence the geek shows, and their legacy, TV and film.”

Jessica attempted another apology, but he shrugged it off with a wave of the hand and asked them, “May I offer you tea, coffee? Anything to drink?”

Jessica replied, “Coffee sounds good,” while Parry declined.

“You live here alone?” she asked when he returned to the living room with two cups of coffee and a small pot.

“No, no! I have Evelyn, my angel of a wife, and my children, Beverly and Robert, six and seven respectively. They're off on a trip up to the country to see Evey's parents. Back soon, I expect.”

Jessica now saw the photos of wife and children atop the piano. She'd hardly had time to study them in detail when Locke asked if she played.

“No, not a note, but I love to listen. Do you play?”

“That's Evey's gift, not mine. She learned as a child, growing up in her homeland.”

“Oh, and where was that?”

“Austria.” After the initial shock of discovering Locke to be a short gnarled man with a glass eye, Jessica found herself fascinated by him. There was something extraordinary about the man. She wondered if he was not one of those people who, from birth, have to strive extremely hard to overcome what nature has done to them.

During the time she laid out the photos of the victims, and while Parry asked him the same questions they had asked of Dr. Leare, Jessica caught herself staring at the queer little gnome of a man. His face in the light revealed pockmarks, and he looked as if he'd had his features reshaped by a plastic surgeon after an automobile accident or a fire. His nose appeared to be the size of an onion. The look of a deformed cherub, she thought, her eyes going over the stubby, swollen hands, and yet at first sight he did not appear quite so grotesque. How could that be?

Locke caught her eye with his one good one, smiling. He knew she could not help staring at his physical shortcomings.

Embarrassed, she pulled her eyes away.

“I am somewhat familiar with these two, but the others, no. None of the others I've seen in my classes. They all have a similar emaciated look, though, don't they. Micellina Petryna, now she was a lovely, lovely young woman with a boundless spirit, although subdued. Caterina Mercedes quite the same, really. Loved poetry, everything to do with it, particularly the English Romantics.”

“And were they enamored of your work, sir?” asked Jessica.

“Not so's it would go to my head, no, but they were fans. Either that or both were smart in another way. Both flattered me by coming to my recent book signing at that strange little shop on Second Street-Darkest Instinct or something.”

“Expectations,” said Parry. “Darkest Expectations.”

“Yes, well, they came fawning for my autograph, ostensibly, but it would be more accurate to say they came hoping to improve their grade, I'm quite sure.”

“Did it work?” asked Jessica.

“Flattery to a gnome like me always works, but it's never believed, my dear.”

Jessica could not for the life of her fix the man's age, but his speech and manner and formality suggested he was Donatella Leare's senior by at least a decade. He led them to a screened-in pool that looked out over a lake. It was a beautiful setting. “My little slice of heaven on earth,” he said, shrugging. They each found seats. Locke's backyard lights lit up an array of plants and a flower garden as well as a children's toy land. A lantern-styled fixture hung on the dock, revealing a small boat.

“Is there anything you can tell us, anything at all, that might shed some light on who might have, so to speak, 'written' these people into early graves?”

“I wish I could help you, but no. Not a thing useful comes to mind. Such a waste, I know-first these children's lives, and now you're coming all the way out here to talk to me-just as much a waste. I do wish I could be of more help.”

Jessica once again collected the photographs. She and Parry stood to leave.

“You've got to do whatever you can to stop this monster, Dr. Coran, Chief Parry. It's horrible, and I can only imagine the enormity of the pain inflicted on the families of these children. I mean, if such a death came to one of my children… well, I would simply go mad.”

Jessica's eyes fell on a photo of Locke with his two children on his lap. Neither child looked like their father, and one was clearly Oriental. Jessica guessed that Locke and his wife had adopted the children. She wanted to ask, but she felt it too prying a question, and it had nothing to do with the investigation.

On the ride back to the hotel, Parry told her, “I can't imagine such a strange little man as Locke capable of convincing a tortoise to move, much less convincing young men and women to lay down and die.” He then told her that Sturtevante's people had been all over everything they had gathered from each victim, and his own time spent on Maurice Deneau's diary had “netted nothing specific; certainly no rendezvous dates with any mysterious poets.”

“Are we continuing to watch the pubs and coffeehouses along Second Street?”

“They arrested a number of perverts and mashers in and around Second Street, and we've had half a dozen so-called confessions to the murders-none of which can be given credence-so no one has been held for long.”

Jessica said good night to Parry and retired to her room. She imagined that Kim had probably wondered where she had gone off to, but it was far too late to knock at the other woman's door. She went directly into her room, stripped and showered, allowing the hot spray to relax her and free her mind of all but this moment's experience. Her shrink had always said, “Live the moment.” Easier said than done, she now mentally chided herself.

After showering, she wrapped herself in one of the thick terrycloth hotel robes, curled up in bed, and began reading Lucian Burke Locke's volume of poetry. She skimmed most of the selections, just getting a feel for the voice and style. Then she settled on one or two poems, slowly reading them through after being enticed by their titles. Locke's work was grim and passionate in the depth of its dark and brooding imagery, she felt. She mentally compared his work with the killer's. There was an odd sort of fit, but she refused to consider Locke a suspect just yet. She next lifted Donatella Leare's volume. She skimmed it as she'd done Locke's, and becoming intrigued by certain titles, she read a few in their entirety, but soon her eyes could no longer focus, and her mind ceased to process the language. She didn't know when she fell asleep.

Now her experience of the moment became a dream-and a dream to run screaming from. She found herself, figuratively speaking, in bed with both Locke and Leare, finding both poets equally disturbing in appearance and actions. Each reached out at her, tearing at her with clawed hands in vulture fashion. Each poet, dwarf and lesbian, spouted words as meaningless and confused as any jabberwocky she had ever heard until the words crystallized into somber, grim, dreary, and scary. Although it was Locke who had won the more prestigious awards, Leare's haunting look and work proved to be the darker and more sensual of the two poets.

Marc Tamburino, the store-clerk-turned-owner, a fan of both “artists,” as he'd called them, now stepped into Jessica's dream to say, “I find that Leare is, in the end, the stronger of the two poets. Leare's images… they don't go away.” Jessica felt a disturbance at her core, and images of a dark, empty world filled her mind, but the images both poets had created were not of another world-they expressed the awfulness of this world-in the past, present, and future. While horror writers and poets of horror generally depicted the supernatural as frightening, these two depicted the real world that way. The surreal horror of reality, or, as Geoffrey Caine described his work, “reality-based horror.”