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  "Black warrior, I am very calm,

  Black warrior, his fate pleased...

  Black warrior, cool result -

  Elf troops-plunge into hell!

  Although, of course, in strategy, you played dishonestly, using against forty first year adversary, weapons of the late forties. But to lose the elf and the chief sorceress did not want to. There was no telling what she would think of herself in that case.

  Or whatever it takes. Arnold, launched in move and tank E-50. It may not be as well protected from the sides as the heavier mastodons, but it is nimble. And when large masses flow around the position of the army of the sorceress, it is very effective.

  And that the Sherman was tall, with little protection and a very mediocre gun. Far him against 88-millimetrovov with - length trunk in 100 MM tools E-50, and those more 128-millimetrovogo E-75. As this steel host all without ceremonies sweeps away.

  And the infantry also dies under tanks, without any benefit. Arnold gained confidence. His front came, not allowing gaps and lag. And there were no gaps in them. So the sorceress's tactics didn't help.

  Arnold captured a large part of the territory of the United States, and already his Armada came to new York. Of course, usually the black giant himself played for the Americans, but the sorceress was ahead of him in choosing the country. It is evident she is well liked stars and stripes.

  And German tanks and aircraft, perhaps, the strongest. And the mighty African giant was about to triumph.

  . CHAPTER 3.