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  Butterflies are so beautiful, and their wings are meter long. And the scents of the forest are so pleasant, as if the air is saturated with honey. Here's a ladybug crawling, the size of a beer barrel.

  Flies a major dragonfly, a long with racing car and with silvery wings.

  Wow, berries, like strawberries, but the size of a very large watermelon. That's interesting. Arnold, of course, had brought with him such a trifle as a miniature toxin analyzer. So you can check for edibility.

  Grows here blueberries-large as a melon.

  The giant commando glanced up at the sky.... Maybe each of them is a little smaller than the Sun, but all together they give the heat of Equatorial Africa. Well, it's even better. Arnold doesn't like the cold much. And in the winter in the mountains of Afghanistan, snow unnerved him. Although on the other hand every trace is visible.

  And here, it seems, warmly, that so pleased warrior with African roots.

  Arnold moved silently, surprisingly for such a carcass, through the forest or jungle. It is clear that soon, he should go to the village. Scouts, appearing in the world of fantasy and, already compiled a rough map of the planet.

  In the village is sure to be your the wizard and the witch. And much of population this the bright elves, and mostly girls. There are about twenty times as many of them as there are men. But the main thing is still a male sorcerer.

  Arnold winced.

  Elves differed greater physical force, agility and reaction than people. Ordinary I would've kept their breed, could a hundred points give odds, even such warrior as captain Angela. Especially if she has some simple magic skills.

  So you better like the girls not to tease. In this world you will not slip neither the tank, nor the plane, nor a large military unit.

  And you can't take the locals by brute force. There are a dozen different species on this planet. And people are probably at the lowest level. Although there is and half-breeds - that have yielded from Union with elves.

  But at all about this world learned little. Several scouts did not return. And the rest were extremely cautiously.

  Perhaps, best in intelligence proved themselves women. They were able to scout something.

  Arnold walked slowly. Look back. Here are the snakes. Like terrestrial pythons, only skin is very bright and spotty, but the big heads. One of them suddenly raised his head and...

  Arnold heard in his head:

  "What do you want, man?" Why, you came with weapons to us!

  The black giant said aloud:

  "I come in peace!"

  Snake in color guise, became approach to spetsnaz. He did not open his mouth, but he seemed to be telepathic, so he could be understood:

  - With weapons go to war, not peace!

  Arnold answered it:

  "If you want peace, prepare for war!"

  The serpent stopped. It was very large, as thick as an oak, and as long as a drill pine. A head the size of a Dolphin.

  The magical beast sent a signaclass="underline"

  "You are a wise warrior!" Your skin is black, but your mind is bright!

  Arnold answered logically:

  - The mind enlightened not color skin, and fire in heart of!

  The snake noticed:

  "The mind is in the service of war, the logic of passion, and the fire of the gun!"

  Arnold uttered an aphorism:

  "War requires great intelligence, but it is gigantic madness!

  Snake confirmed:

  "Crazy things happen with big minds!"

  The black giant remarked:

  "If it was a lot of madness, it wasn't much of a mind!"

  Snake confirmed:

  "With a small muscle you can move an army, but without a big mind, you can only move talent!"

  Arnold said confidently:

  - Laconic it is not for your mind, great things, not for hugolino considerations!

  The serpent summed it up:

  - The greatest wisdom-will be limited to a small number of words!

  Arnold went on wittily:

  - And still greater wisdom to limit the size of speeches, but to do things without borders!

  The serpent interrupted the flow of aphorisms:

  "You are a wise man! And I think, on stupidity not gonna use weapons! Go in peace! I'll warn the elves not to shoot you!"

  Arnold said laconically:

  "Thank you."

  The serpent added quietly:

  "There are more than a thousand warriors in the village, and each of them can shoot an arrow five, six miles, and with the phenomenal accuracy of the elves. So even your mechanical weapons may be powerless!

  Arnold said coldly:

  "My armor still needs to be pierced!"

  The serpent hissed:

  "There's a special magic to it!" In your world, I know you're a very strong man. But we have magic and your planes, tanks and even nuclear missiles can be a bunch of useless junk!

  Arnold answered with a calclass="underline"

  "Wit and wit may overcome magic, but magic will not overcome wit, so the most violent storm will not sink a sailboat with skilled sailors!

  The serpent objected:

  - And the sailboats sink and the special forces die! Be careful with your weapons, there are such magicians... That in your fairy tales such and can not imagine!

  Arnold grunted:

  - Tale of a lie, but it hint, good fellows a lesson!