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  Maybe orcs aren't all monsters and villains. Yes and elves, too,. Here is one scout executed, and is unknown for that. Maybe the girls were made, but there is such beauty that to understand it is possible for any male. Such perfection of beauty.

  The sorceress, meanwhile, began to outplay Arnold. The felt, as quickly has mastered an elf, and lose not like. Arnold decided that the scout and the scout to cheat and entered the code rogue. Then began to throw the infantry from the barracks in automatic mode and building a new one.

  However so forces routinely an elf not going to take. It is the capital have time to develop.

  Arnold felt brutal pressure, and regretted, that chose Cossacks, not tanks. There you can ID the crooks, even against the German T-4, "Ambrosi" and crease like skin.

  And then the maximum you can go from the seventeenth century to the eighteenth, that the decisive value is not.

  For some reason, the game "Cleopatra" and "Pharaoh"got into my head again. His last major problem was the peace mission twenty-four at Pharaoh. It was the first time he had gone the military route, and he did not face any special problems. Except for a little scratch at the beginning. But on a peaceful mission had a lot of time to spend on the construction of the pyramid. And his than you older, the less. And then there's the pyramid hovering! What a shame!

  Arnold waited a long time. But then he did. And began to build in a new way. But again it hovered a second time. And it is not clear why.

  And only the third time the pyramid was completed. Yes it was a long mission. And the more you grow up, the more expensive.

   This was the last significant problem in this game. And the rest went much easier.

  Arnold somehow felt something similar playing "Cossacks". The sorceress, who had so little experience, learned surprisingly quickly. However, what was the experience of the black warrior?

  Too small, when he was playing all these children's games. "Cleopatra" was memorable, and he went through all the missions in it before school. And everything else was a hat acquaintance.

  In addition, Arnold still became fascinated and writing stories on fiction.

  In fact, he was very fast at typing, and he could do a lot of things. Here is for example such narrative - terrorist attack 11 September not was, and as this affected history world and America's. In particular, Sadam Hussein in 2020 still rules Iraq, and Mubarak has just retired for health reasons.

  The most interesting thing is of course that Russia is now fighting in Afghanistan. And even in America, a film was made: "Black Rambo"! Who's fighting in Afghanistan. Although of course this is just a parody of Rambo Three!

  The story on alternative history, was printed in the magazine, and even attracted some interest.

  But then all was quiet. Arnold, however, thought, then, that one thing and the same write it is no fun.

  And now he had a story about the adventures of a boy from the twenty-first century caught in the Spain of the seventeenth. That's interesting. The boy changed places with the Prince of the Castilian Empire, then became king. And the real boy-monarch was in the twenty-first century!

  Something of course inspired by the famous masterpiece: "the Prince and the beggar." Where also changed two boys.

  But in this case the story was more modern and not bad. The new king even succeeded in governing and managed to regain control of Portugal and carry out the necessary reforms.

  But the boy-monarch was in a children's prison in the United States. And that's not fun at all!

  This story grew into a story. Then Arnold was asked to write a sequel, and a full-fledged novel turned out. In fact, both boys had even grown up.

  Spain became the greatest Empire, defeating Britain and France, regaining control of the Netherlands. And the boy-monarch after the colony entered the military school and became a naval officer.

  So in General well all ended. And then Arnold himself did not want to continue.

  Times for writers have come not the best, and it soon became Arnold's hobby, not a means of earning. However, in the elite special forces and a good salary with allowances, one-time bonuses for the job, for the destroyed opponents. And what you yourself will be able to capture. And here case sometimes that bad luck.

  For example, some of the treasures of the Mujahideen.

  Arnold wrote about Boxing. The story of a simple black guy who came to Russia, and there began to make a career as a boxer and fighter without rules. However, he had a hard time. Overwritten, did not press the victory on points, or profitable fights. But, of course, the guy became, in the end, the world champion.

  And it was a great happiness!

  Arnold especially liked that in the decisive battle, it was like in the movie about rocky - all against the Challenger, but he still won. And a knockout in the very last minute, the last round. Moreover, both boxers collapsed. And also the black guy got up a second earlier!

  Yes, Arnold Luger could show off his extraordinary intelligence.

  The enchantress, meanwhile, finally picked up, and the black giant moved on to another game.

  For example, the more modern world war II. Here the African-American used a hidden rogue code. And got on the enchantress a significant head start.

  Arnold has challenged the in battle tanks series of "E", and broke through defense adversary, destroying its barracks and division. Of course, "Sherman" against the e-75 tank is not a rival. He break through it from any angle is not able to, and the enemy gets from any distance.

  Arnold played very confidently. And this time beautiful girls-elf did massage his massive, bumpy from monstrously developed muscle inflammation backs.

  It was so nice...

  The black giant won one battle in world war II after another.

  His six-engine, jet-powered TA-400s were second to none. There are also thirteen aircraft guns on the machine. You can't touch it.

  It is seen as a spiral, the American fighters even able to overtake a similar car. And she drops bombs. So powerful, weighty, some weighing ten tons, at once demolishing the barracks.

  Arnold even sang: