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Finally, Adam leaves Skyler and her Little and heads for the portable bathrooms set up on the other side of the pit. I’ve watched him edge his way closer and closer to Skyler every minute, his legs touching hers eventually. She gripped tight to her cup with both hands as if it were hot chocolate and not beer, but he had one free hand that somehow seemed to always find her knee, or move her hair out of her face, or tug on the strings of her hoodie.

My blood is boiling.

“I’ll be right back,” I say quickly to Kade, cutting off Chesty McTitternips in the middle of a sentence. Kade grabs my arm and tries to stop me from going, saying something about keeping my cool or thinking it through, but my eyes are zeroed in on her now and my feet move whether I want them to or not. Before I know it, I’m standing over Skyler, her baby blue eyes looking up at me while everyone else stares at us, waiting. Erin has since taken Adam’s spot on the bench next to Skyler and I feel her eyes boring into me, waiting for me to look at her, too, but I keep my gaze focused on Skyler.

“Everything okay, Kip?” One of my brothers asks from nearby but I barely hear it.

“I know I’m probably supposed to say I’m sorry right now, but I’m not going to. I’m not sorry about what happened between us last Sunday, Skyler.” I see Erin’s eyes grow big in my peripheral, her attention turning immediately to Skyler, but I continue anyway. “I am sorry that I had to leave, that I couldn’t talk to you afterward, but you left me first. Remember that. I woke up and you weren’t there. I’m sorry for that, I’m sorry that I didn’t chase after you or call you or make sure you were okay, but I’m not sorry about what happened. I don’t regret it. I want to do it again. Right now, actually.”

I hear a mixture of giggles and sighs from the girls around us and the guys let out various encouragements, one of them punching my shoulder but I brush him off.

“I don’t care about what people think, Skyler. I know you do, but I don’t. I’m not sorry. I want you. I want –”

Suddenly, Skyler thrusts her cup into her Little’s hands and stands before grabbing my hoodie and pulling me into her, crushing her lips to mine. Everyone hoots and hollers as she throws her arms around my neck and I pull her into me tighter, tasting the lips I’ve dreamt about for the past week and a half.

She pulls back, smiling, and runs her fingers through my mussed up hair. “I’ve missed you. Take me to the dance tomorrow.”

And as happy as I am to hear her say she wants me to take her to the dance, something seems off. She’s smiling, but her eyes are hiding something. Erin is right here, so obviously that’s not what it is. I can’t figure it out, but something isn’t right.

“Like that was even an option,” I say, kissing her again. After a few more cheers and some guys yelling out for us to get a room, I take her hand and pull her away from the fire. She looks over her shoulder just as Erin storms off and I see her cringe. Maybe this is about her, after all.

“Don’t worry about that,” I say, pulling her chin toward me. “She’ll be okay.”

Skyler sighs, her eyes following Erin as she disappears, but when she turns back to me, that same smile comes. But it’s not her smile. Not the real one. I know that smile, I take pride in putting that smile on her face – but this? This is not it. Her eyes are soft, but distant – the light is missing.

Holy shit.

I think she’s giving me her poker face.

“Yeah, she’ll be fine,” she says, tucking her hands in the front pocket of my hoodie. She eyes the letters and looks back up at me. “So you’re officially a brother, huh?”

I know something is off with her, but maybe it’s just the distance. Even though it’s only been a week and a half, we didn’t talk at all. Maybe she’s just a little shy. Did she smile like this the first night we met?

“Nah, I stole this sweater from Goodwill. Don’t tell.”

She presses her finger to her puckered lips and my eyes follow. “Your secret is safe with me.”

I swallow hard, remembering the way it felt when she came on my fingers and wanting desperately to hear the sweet sounds that escaped her mouth again. I grab her face between my hands and pull her lips to mine, sliding my tongue in to take full advantage. She moans into my mouth and my dick hardens, anxious to be inside her.

Down, boy.

“Come home with me,” I murmur between kisses.

She kisses me back, hard, needy, but then her eyes open and I see the conflict in them. It’s the same wall of doubt from before, but it looks like the bricks I had chipped away at were now back and stronger than ever.

“I can’t.”

“Stop overthinking it and do what you want to do.”

“It’s not that easy.”

Suddenly, a bright flash catches us from the right and we both turn. I grab Skyler protectively and pull her into me to shield her from whatever the fuck is happening.

“You two are so cute together,” a voice says in the darkness. The fire is behind the person the voice came from, making a haunting silhouette as my eyes try to adjust. “New boyfriend again, Skyler? Will he be with you in Vegas?”

My heart stops.

What the hell is happening?

“Shit.” Skyler grabs my hand and yanks it hard in the opposite direction and before I know it we’re running. The photographer chases us for a while, still shouting questions before we lose him, hiding in the family bathroom of Hawthorne Hall. When we’re sure he’s gone, we sneak out and walk swiftly toward the sorority house.

“What the fuck was that?” I ask as we walk. I tried asking when we were hiding, but Skyler wouldn’t make a sound and kept shushing me when I tried.

She groans. “Probably a reporter. Or a freelance photographer low on funds. Or maybe there’s another Hottest Poker Players issue coming out from some played out magazine. I always seem to end up on those shitty lists.”

“What are you talking about?”

She sighs. “This happened last year before I played a pretty massive tournament in Atlantic City. My parents told me it would probably happen again and maybe be even worse with this one in Vegas, but I guess I didn’t think they would find me here. They’re not supposed to be allowed on campus, but technically the bonfire isn’t on campus, is it? Fuck.”

She’s rambling, so I stop her just short of her sorority house’s lawn and pull her into me, wrapping my arms around her. I kiss her hair and wait for her breaths to steady against my chest before pulling back to face her again.

“It’s all good, they’re gone now and we can talk to the Dean tomorrow about this. Or President Whittington. They’ll take care of it.”

She nods, but for once I see concern laden on her face – not the kind about sorority functions or fighting her feelings for me, but legitimate concern. “Okay,” she says finally, but she doesn’t seem convinced.

“Hey, look at me.” I wait for her to bring her eyes to mine before continuing. “The only thing you need to worry about right now is picking out a dress for tomorrow night, okay? I’ll handle talking to the president. Pick you up at seven?”

For a second she just stares at me, a look of what seems like pain washing over her face. Slowly, she smiles, but this smile is even worse than the one she’s been feeding me all night. It’s not fake – it’s forced.

“Actually, Adam and some of your brothers are coming in a limo to pick a lot of my other sisters up. Could we ride with them? It would be so fun!”

I chew my bottom lip, definitely not wanting to agree but realizing I don’t really have a choice at this point. “Okay, yeah. I’ll talk to Adam.”