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I scrunch my nose. “Huh?”

“The formula that your dad uses, do you know it?”

“Oh, yeah I know it.”

“Well,” he chuckles again. “What’s my lucky number?”

I smile. “When is your birthday?”

“April 6th, 1993.”

“Okay, so you do the number of the month plus the date plus the last two of the year. That would be four plus six which is ten. Then add nine, nineteen. Then three, twenty-two. Then you add those two together so two plus two is…” I falter, my eyes growing wide again as I meet his.


“Four,” I breathe, repeating him. “Holy crap, maybe that’s why it worked at Roulette. Maybe four is luckier for you than it is for me.”

“What happened to me being your good luck charm?”

I laugh. “Well, it’s all messed up now! I think you’re stealing my luck!” I shove him away and hold up my two index fingers in an “X”. “Stay back, luck-stealer.”

Kip bites his lip, smiling as he pulls me close to him again. “What if I’m giving you my luck? Ever think of it that way?” I swallow hard, my head going fuzzy with his body pressed against mine. “Maybe I should give you my luck all night tonight and every night from now until the tournament in May. You know, just in case.” He licks his lips, his eyes challenging as I try desperately to swallow again but find nothing left to do it.

An announcement calling all tournament entries rings out from the casino, breaking my trance. I lift up on my toes to kiss Kip one last time. “Well if that’s the way it works, you better wish me luck before I head in.”

He smiles against my lips and pulls me in closer, his tongue snaking its way inside my mouth. Kip kisses me hard, his hands in my hair and mine shaking against the bare flesh of his abdomen as his tongue works with mine. When he pulls back, I’m breathless, my head no longer focused on a card game.

“Feeling lucky?” He asks, grinning.

“Among other things.”

Kip laughs, pecking me once more before freeing me from his grasp. “Go kick their asses so we can celebrate tonight.”

“Deal.” I wink before turning toward the casino.

“And don’t cheat our lucky number! Have faith in it!” He calls after me. I look back and smile, offering a small wave as my stomach flips. I hate to admit it, I never get this way over a guy, but I’m totally swooning. Because he just said our lucky number. Not mine, not his – ours.

I really love the sound of that.

I just went all in on a pair of fours. At the final table. With only one other person left.

I think I’m officially crazy.

My eyes find Kip in the crowd and I smile, trying to appear confident even though I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little worried. He’s standing with all the girls, Bear, and Adam. They’re the only ones who showed up for the final table, but really the only ones I care about being there, anyway.

My palms are sweating, so I wipe them gently along the outside stitch of my jeans. I shouldn’t be taking this risk, but when I was dealt the pair, I couldn’t help but hear Kip’s words in my ear.

Have faith in our number.

Philip, my final opponent, calls. He pushes his chips forward and we flip over our cards. I can almost hear the laughter from those around us at my pair of fours, especially matched up against Philip’s hand. He’s got a Queen, King suited and there’s a Queen and King on the table already. With only two cards left to be dealt, there’s a slim chance things will work out for me.

But I have faith.

Philip is an older guy from Germany. He’s one of the pros and this isn’t the first time we’ve sat at a table together. The last time I played him, he beat me out of the last seat at the final table in a Nashville tournament. Now, he’s eying the table with a fat smirk on his face and I’m silently praying the cards will turn in my favor so I can smack it right off.

If he wins this hand, I’d still be in, but not with enough chips to do much. But, if I win, he’s out. Staring down at my four of hearts and four of diamonds, I can’t help but laugh.

Come on, black number four.

The dealer burns a card and then deals the turn, revealing a nine of hearts. No help for either of us. I let out a shaky breath and lock my eyes on Kip’s, refusing to watch as the river is dealt. He smiles, letting me use him as a distraction. I hear the flip of the card and I fight the urge to close my eyes, keeping them trained on Kip. When his move to the table, his mouth drops and I can’t keep focus anymore. I look, too.

Holy shit.

Four of spades.

Black number four.

Three of a kind.

The whole room claps and cheers but at a very polite volume as I shake hands with Philip. I can barely keep myself from screaming. I won. Holy shit, I won!

I shake hands with a few more people, the head of the casino and a few pit bosses before finally being presented with a large check. We smile for a few photos and once the flashes clear, I turn to find Kip again. But when I do, I falter, eying him curiously.

Erin is saying something to him and his face looks worried, his brows furrowed and his mouth pressed into a hard line. When he glances up at me, his eyes are cold, his chest moving quickly with heavy breaths. My heart races under my ribs as my eyes move between him and Erin, a tingling numbness spreading its way into my fingers.


No, no, no!

Erin isn’t smiling, she isn’t gloating, her eyes are hollow and sad, but I know what she’s done. Kip swallows hard before turning and making his way quickly through the crowd. I call out after him, my voice shaky in my throat but he ignores me and walks fast until I can’t find him in the crowd anymore.

I feel it, the same ache from the Valentine’s Day dance. It’s building in the pit of my stomach, climbing up through my throat, pounding in my ears. I storm over to Erin, tears stinging my cheeks as I try to rein myself in. “What did you do?! What did you tell him?!”

She swallows, but holds her head high, her chest back. “I told him about our deal, about everything. He needed to know, Little. It wasn’t fair for him to think what you have is real.”

“What the hell is wrong with you?! Why would you do this to me?!” I scream the words at her, not caring if we’re causing a scene. The tears come rapidly now and I don’t even bother wiping them away. “What we have is real, Erin. I’ve never felt anything more real in my life. It was real before I knew you dated him that summer and it was real the whole time I was trying to play your stupid game,” I spit the words at her, my body hot despite the shivering.

Her eyes soften and I see the tears gather in them, but they don’t fall. “He needed to know,” she repeats, just above a whisper.

I shake my head, backing away. “I hate you. How dare you call yourself my Big. A Big is someone who loves their Little, sets an example for them, cares for them, guides them.” I shake my head, disgusted. “All you did was use me.” She flinches at my words and I immediately regret them, but refuse to take them back. “Don’t ever talk to me again.”

Turning, I race toward my room, tearing through the crowd and ignoring the hands reaching out to stop me. When I find the elevator, I push the button repeatedly as arms wrap around me from behind. I thrash wildly, but they hold me tight, a calm voice soothing me.

“Shh, it’s okay, it’s okay, Sky. I’m here.”

I recognize Adam’s voice and stop fighting, letting him keep his arms around me until the door of the elevator opens. He lets me loose and we both climb in. When we reach my floor, Adam follows me to my room and as I fall face first onto my bed, my face buried in my arms, he sighs, sitting on the bed next to me. Slowly, he places his hand on my back.