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“Naw, I wasn’t scared. Can’t say it was the most comfortable I’ve ever been in my life.”

“You?” Red Bear’s gaze fell on Kevin.

“Nervous,” Kevin said. “The voice thing definitely made me nervous. Also, you have a lot of blood on you.”

Red Bear looked at his arms as if he had never seen them before. He opened his canteen and poured water over first one arm, then the other. It took him several minutes to get the blood off.

“Did you really kill a pig over there?” Toof said.

Red Bear ignored the question, or maybe he didn’t hear it. He was concentrating on cleaning the blood off his arms. “Probably my voice changed, no?”

“Yeah,” Toof said. “You went all fuzzy.”

“That is not my voice. That is the spirit talking. He doesn’t want to talk, so it’s a difficult thing sometimes. But what he told me …” Red Bear dumped the rest of his canteen onto the fire. Water hissed and steamed. “If what he told me is true, we are going to have great success.”

“When?” Toof wanted to know. “When does it start?”

“Three days from now. We’ll take a little trip together.”

“Where? Where are we going?”

“You ask too many questions. I’ll tell you where when it’s time to leave.”

* * *

A few days later, Red Bear had Leon round up the other two and bring them out to the Rosebud. Leon refused to tell them what it was about; it was supposed to be a surprise. Red Bear was waiting for them at his usual table.

“I have found us the perfect home,” he said, leaving a fiver on the table for his coffee.

Outside, he climbed into his BMW, and the rest of them followed in Leon’s Trans Am. The place turned out to be an abandoned summer camp on the south shore of Lake Nipissing. The collection of little cabins was slated for demolition, after which a hotel was planned on the site. Red Bear had some connection in the demolition company and had arranged use of the place for the summer. There was an overgrown baseball diamond, a big stone fireplace for cooking outdoors and a collapsed ruin of a dock.

“Man, it’s got a beach and everything,” Toof said. “Volleyball posts, too. I wonder if there’s a net anywhere.”

“Why, you wanna start a team?” Leon said. “There’s no net, no ball—there’s no supplies of any kind. There’s just the cabins.”

“What’s it going to cost?” Kevin said.

“Nothing at all,” Red Bear said. He smiled behind glittering sunglasses. “Our only costs are water and electricity.”

Within a day, all of them had moved in. Each had his own cabin and could come and go as he pleased. Cooking facilities at the camp were minimal, so they would have to eat a lot of their meals at the Rosebud, but Red Bear and Leon spent as much time at the camp as possible. Kevin and Toof, on the whole, preferred town life during the day, but you couldn’t beat the rent.

* * *

A couple of nights after moving into the camp, Kevin had found himself in the back of a small cabin cruiser that cut across the choppy north bay of Lake Nipissing. Toof leaned over the side, trailing a hand in the water. Leon was at the wheel, and Red Bear was in the big leather seat beside him. He swivelled slowly back and forth, a small smile on his lips. He still wore his sunglasses, even though it was well past sundown.

A stiff wind was blowing in from the west, and Kevin was wishing he had brought his jacket. They had pushed off from a private dock in Shanley and now they were scooting across the vast north bay. They were so far out that the car headlights looked like fireflies. A full moon lit the silvery spire of the cathedral and the blocky apartment buildings that form Algonquin Bay’s skyline. The Manitou Islands slid by on their left, the Anishinabeck reserve on their right. After that, lights on the shore became sparse. When the moon ducked behind a cloud, the lake went black as velvet.

Twenty minutes later, Red Bear pointed to a set of lighted buoys. “French River,” he said, yelling over the noise of the inboard. “Nearly there.” He stood up, placing a hand on Leon’s shoulder. He leaned down and said something to him, pointing through the windshield. Leon turned the wheel and the boat scooped around toward the shore. Three lights glimmered among the trees, a triangular constellation.

“That is what the spirit showed me,” Red Bear shouted above the noise. “That triangle.”

At a signal from Red Bear, Leon cut the motor and they drifted on the black water.

“From this point on, no one speaks. Leon and I will do all the talking. There may be no one there, or maybe one person at the most. Either way, it won’t be a problem. Toof, you stay in the boat.”

“No, I wanna come, too. Come on, Bear. Lemme come, too.”

“You stay in the boat. It’s important. You must be ready to take off at any moment. Can I trust you to do that?”

“Oh, sure, eh. I’d just rather go with you guys is all.”

A dock materialized before them in the dark. Red Bear leaped onto it and wrapped a rope around a cleat, then said to Kevin almost in a whisper, “Toss me that one.”

Kevin tossed him the aft rope, and Red Bear pulled the stern around so that the boat was facing out toward the lake. Then he took another coil of rope from the stern and hung it over his shoulder as if he were about to climb a mountain. Toof went up front behind the wheel.

Kevin and Leon jumped onto the dock. The three of them moved silently along the sand toward the triangle of lights. Kevin followed Leon up stone steps to someone’s backyard, a small bungalow all but hidden among tall bushes. He looked around and saw that Red Bear was no longer with them. There were lights on in the house, and the shifting cool glow of a television. Kevin’s heart thudded against his ribs.

Leon didn’t hesitate. He went right up to the door and knocked.

The TV went silent. Then a man’s voice, not friendly: “Who is it?”

“Peter Northwind sent me.”

There was the sound of something sliding and then a pinhole of light in the door. It dimmed, and the voice came again. “You’re not Northwind.”

“Well, no duh, asshole. That’s why I said Northwind sent me. You Wombat?”

“Never mind who I am. You’re early. Like four hours early.”

“We had a tailwind. What’re we supposed to do, float around your fucking lake for a couple of hours?”



“You heard me. What’s the password?”

“There isn’t one, cowboy. I got twenty pounds of passwords right here.” Leon held up the suitcase.

“Stand back from the door.”

Leon and Kevin stepped back a little.

“Make a move and you’re dead.”

“Don’t worry. We’re not moving.”

The door opened and a human immensity with a grey ponytail filled the doorway. A gun gleamed in the moonlight.

“No one fucks with the Viking Riders and lives to tell about it,” he said. “I hope for your sake you’re not trying to do that.”

“Hell, no,” Leon said. “We’re not about to mess up a great relationship.”

“I got no relationship with you. I got a relationship with Northwind. Put the suitcase down and step back.”

Leon put down the case, and he and Kevin moved back. Kevin had never had a gun pointed at him before and he was amazed at how effective it was. His kneecaps were doing a major shimmy and he badly needed a bathroom.

“Open it.”

Leon dropped to one knee and pressed the catches of the case.

“Hang on a second, I think they’re stuck.” He rattled them a little, cursing.

“I don’t like it,” the man said. “You can go fuck yourself.”

A soft thud. A blade was pressed against the man’s neck. “Drop it,” Red Bear said. “Or I’ll cut you another mouth.”