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Kosovo war (1999)

Kostov, Lyubomir

Kristol, William

Kroll Inc.

Kromm, Chris

Krongard, Alvin B. “Buzzy,”

Krongard, Howard “Cookie,”

Krueger, Alan

Krugman, Paul

Kucinich, Dennis

on impunity for private contractors

Kufa, Iraq

Kurdish Peshmerga fighters



Lacquement, David B.

Lafayette, Gilbert de Motier

Lafayette Park, Washington .C.

LaHaye, Tim

Laitin, David


Lapin, Daniel

Larry King Live TV program

Lasseter, Tom

Latin America

Law enforcement

domestic operations conducted by mercenaries


Blackwater 61 plane crash

Fallujah ambush

for Nisour Square shooting victims

for Watahba Square killing of Iraqi civilians

See also Immunity from prosecution and litigation

“Lawyers for Terror” (Waller) in New York Post

Le Mas

Leahy, Patrick

Leary, William M.

Left Behind novels (LaHaye)

Lekota, Mosiuoa

Lepaterique, Honduras, secret training camp

Letelier, Orlando

Lethin, Clarke

LeTourneau, Mary Kay

Levens, William

Levin, Carl

LeVine, Mark

Libby. Lewis “Scooter,”

Libi, Ibn al-Shaykh al-

Licensed to Kill (Pelton)

Lincoln, Abraham

Linker, Damon


Lobbying scandal. See Abramoff lobbying scandal

Lockheed Martin

LOGCAP contract

Lumir Corporation

Lynch, Stephen

Maass, Peter

Madfai, Muslih al-

Madrick, Jeff

Mafraji, Sami Farhood al-

Magazine Publishers of America

Mahajan, Rahul

Mahdi Army

Mahmood, Jamal Shaqir

Maliki, Nouri Kamel al-

Maloney, Carolyn

Man vs. Beast TV program

Mann, Simon

Manríquez, Roberto

Mansoor, Peter

Mansour, Ahmed

Margelov, Mikhail

Marine Corps, U.S.

and Fallujah

at Najaf battle

Marsh & McLennan

Martinez, Waldo

Masciangelo, Bill

Massoud, Ahmed Shah

Mathews, Bill

Mattis, James

Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw

Mayer, Jane

McBride, Kevin

McCain, John

McCarthy, Joseph

McClellan, Dale

McClellan, Scott

McCormack, Brian

McHenry, Patrick

McLennand, Francis

McMahon, Michael

See also Blackwater sixty61 plane crash

McQuown, Justin

McVeigh, Timothy


coverage of Fallujah

coverage of New Orleans

and Nisour Square shooting

and PKK weapon exchange

Meese, Edwin

Meet the Press TV program

Mehamdy, Abdelaziz Faisal Hamid

Méndez, Angel

Menische, John

Mercenaries, mercenary industry

expanding roles

massive deployment into Iraq

militia (see Private army)

motivated by religious zealotry

oversight of, by IPOA

profiting from New Orleans operations

prospects under future U.S. administrations


recognized as part of Total Force

as silent partners

as term

in U.S. history

See also Blackwater Security Consulting; Security contractors

Messner, J. J.

Mexico border security

Michigan Family Forum (MFF)

Michigan Prayer Network

Miers, Harriet

Miles, Marc

Military, U.S.

anti-Blackwater positions expressed

Blackwater described as extension

convoy intervenes in standoff (May 2007)

downsizing, privatizing effects (see Outsourcing; Privatization of military and government services)

investigates Nisour Square shooting

soldiers killed in Blackwater plane crash

unable to oversee private contractors

Military Professional Resources Inc.

Military-industrial complex


anti-immigrant in U.S.

Janjaweed, Darfur, Sudan

mercenaries as

See also Iraqi militias

Miller, Geoffrey

Miller, Harley

See also Blackwater sixty61 plane crash

Miller, T. Christian

Minuteman Project Civil Defense Corps

Mission accomplished statement

Modern Marine Expo

Moffitt, Ronni Karpen

Mogadishu, Somalia

Moonen, Andrew

Moore, Demi

Moral media

Morton, Joe


Mosul, Iraq

Moussaoui, Zacarias


Moyock compound



Mueller, Robert

Muhammad, Ahmed

Mukhabarat agents

Multinational corporations

Murphy, Christopher

Mushtaq, Laith

Myers, Richard


Naem, Assam Hussein Il,

Nairn, Allan

Najaf battle (April 2004)

Nance, Malcolm

Nantongo, Mirembe

Nantz, Eric

NASCAR racer sponsored by Blackwater

Nash, Steve

National Border Patrol Council

National Conference on Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

National Defense Industrial Association

National Guard

National Intelligence Committee of Iraq

National Public Radio (NPR)

National Republican Congressional Committee

National Tactical Officer’s Association (NTOA)

National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)

NATO operations

Natural disasters, domestic deployment

Naval Special Operations Unit in Azerbaijan [??]

Navy force protection training contract

Navy SEALs


Neff, Joseph

Negroponte, John


and Salvador option

Neidrich, Chris

Neoconservative movement

and Paul Bremer in Iraq

supports independent army concept

Nepalese Gurkhas


Neuhaus, Richard

Nevaer, Louis E. V.

New Orleans hurricane operations

New Paradigm

“New Risks in International Business” paper (Bremer)


Nickles, Don


Night Draws Near (Shadid)

9/11 Commission

9/11 conspiracy theories

See also September 11, 2001, attacks

Nisour Square shooting


Iraq’s attempts to prosecute Blackwater

and victims’ families

Nixon, Richard

Non-violence International

Norcross, Melissa

Noriega, Manuel

North, Oliver

Northern Alliance of Massoud

Northrop Grumman

Novak, Michael

NPR. See National Public Radio (NPR)

NTOA. See National Tactical Officer’s Association (NTOA)

NTSB. See National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)