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Oath, constitutional

Obama, Barack

Obert, Jason

See also Helicopter shoot-down (April 2005)

Obert, Jessica

Occupation of Iraq by U.S.

under Bremer

and Fallujah

funds unaccounted for

reconstruction projects

resistance to (see Anti-U.S. resistance in Iraq)

O’Connor, John Cardinal

Oil industry

in Azerbaijan

BTC pipeline

Caspian region project

of China in Sudan

in Kazakhstan

and mercenary army concept

multinational corporations

privatization in Iraq

Olympics 2004 in Greece

On Killing (Grossman)

Operation Troop Salute

Operation Vigilant Resolve

See also Fallujah siege (April 4, 2004)


Order of Malta Federal Association

O’Reilly, Bill

The O’Reilly Factor TV program

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

Osorio, Esteban


and Blackwater’s private army concept

under Cheney

of 80,500 Navy FTEs

of essential services

of soldiers flown in Afghanistan

of training of U.S. border agents

See also Privatization of military and government services


Pace, John

Pace, Peter

Pachachi, Adnan

Paglen, Trevor




Paratroopers as media event

Parenti, Christian

“Patterns of Global Terrorism” report (U.S. State Dept.)

Patton Boggs

Pauken, Kevin

Pelosi, Nancy

Pelton, Robert Young

Pence, Mike

Penn, Mark


and Blackwater 61 crash

and Halliburton in Iraq

and IG Joseph Schmitz

outsourcing questioned

and Perle scandal

privatization policy

recognizes mercenaries as part of Total Force

September 11, 2001, attacks on

Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)

Pere, Richard

Perle, Richard

Perry, Richard

Personal security detail (PSD). See Blackwater Security Consulting; Security contractors


Petelicki, Slawomir

Peters, Ralph

Petraeus, David

Philippines, Philippine commandos

Phoenix assassination program (Vietnam)

Photographs of Fallujah

Pike, John

Pinal Airpark, Arizona

Pinkerton Detective Agency

Pinochet, Augusto

The Pinochet File (Kornbluh)

“Pipeline to Peril” article (Simpson) in Chicago Tribune

Pizarro Ovalle, Jose Miguel “Mike,”

PKK Kurdistan Workers’ Party (Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan)

Plane crash in Afghanistan. See Blackwater sixty61 plane crash

Planned Parenthood v. Casey

Poland, Polish commandos

Political question doctrine

Pombo, Richard

Pope Air Force Base

Posse Comitatus Act

Potter, John

Potter, Kathy

Poulin, K. C.

Powell, Colin

Powell, Tom

Predator spy drone

Presidential Airways

See also Blackwater Aviation; see Blackwater sixty61 plane crash

Price, Jay

Priest, Dana

Prince, Edgar

Prince, Elsa Zwiep (later Broekhuizen)

Prince, Erik

and Apramoff lobbying scandal


and Blackwater operations, policies

and Bush administration

on Caspian project

and Chuck Colson

and CIA

on Cofer Black

at congressional hearings

on Constitutional oath

on contractor brigade concept

explores new markets

and Fallujah ambush

on independent army concept

and Iraqi victims’ lawyers

on Jordan counterterrorism training

and Joseph Schmitz

on mercenaries in U.S. history

on New Orleans operations

9/11 statements

on Nisour Square shooting

and recruitment of Chilean commandos

Prince, Joan Nicole

Prince, Joanna

Prince, Peter

Prince Corporation

The Prince Group

Prison Fellowship

Prisoner transport. See Renditions of prisoners

Private army

Private Security Company Association of Iraq

Private security forces

appointed to guard Bremer

deploy into Iraq in thousands

and lack of consequences for lethal actions

See also Mercenaries, mercenary industry; Security contractors

Privatization of Iraq’s oil industry by Bremer

Privatization of military and government services

as bipartisan

under Cheney

expansion of

expenditures to U.S. government

mercenaries benefit from increases

under Rumsfeld

See also Outsourcing; Privatized war

Privatized war

effects of 9/11 attacks

escalation of violence tied to profits

and private army concept

Rumsfeld Doctrine

War Crimes Act prosecution

See also Privatization of military and government services

Prohibition of Mercenary Activities Act (South Africa)

Project for a New American Century (PNAC)

Propaganda war

See also Sovereignty handover

Prothero, P. Mitchell

Psychological warfare

Public Citizen

Pybus, Sean



Quadrennial Defense Review (Pentagon)

Quick Reaction Force

Quinn, F. Patrick


R U Ready High School training at Moyock

Radyuhin, Vladimir

Rahman, Hussam Abdul

Ramirez Sanchez, Ilich (Carlos the Jackal)

Ramos, Daniel

Rangers, former

Ratner, Michael

on Nisour Square shooting

on use of paramilitary in natural disasters


Razzaq, Ali

Razzaq, Mohammed Abdul


Reagan, Ronald

Rebranding campaigns

of Blackwater as peacekeepers

of Greystone Ltd.

of mercenaries as legitimate, acceptable

of mercenary as term

Rebuilding America’s Defenses (PNAC)

Red Tactica

Reed, Jack

Reeder, Edward

Reeves, Phil

Regency Hotel and Hospital Company (Kuwait)

Reid, Richard

Reilly, Robert

Reiss, James

Religious right. See Christian conservative movement

The Religious Right in Michigan Politics (Bellant)

Rendition Group of CTC

Renditions of prisoners

by Blackwater

CIA program

by Cofer Black’s operations

to Guantánamo Bay

by private aviation companies

to Uzbekistan

Republican Party

See also Neoconservative movement

Republican Revolution (1994)

Rhyne, Jim

Rice, Condoleezza

Ricks, Thomas

Ritter, Scott

Rivas, John

Roberts, John

Robertson, Pat

Rochambeau, Jean Baptiste

Roche, James

Roe v. Wade

Rogers, Mike

Rohrabacher, Dana


Romm, William

Root, Elihu

Rowe, Melvin

See also see Blackwater sixty61 plane crash

Rubaie, Ahmed Hathem al-

Rubaie, Jawad al-

Rubaie, Mahasin al-

Rubaie, Raad al-

Rudy, Lisa

Rudy, Tony

Rules of engagement of U.S. military

Rumsfeld, Donald

on Al Jazeera

and Caspian project

and Cofer Black

and extensive privatization of military

and Fallujah

and IG Joseph Schmitz

on Iraqi death squads

and Perle scandal

Rumsfeld Doctrine

Running to Paradise (Bremer, Frances)

Rush, Mike

Rusk, Dean


and BTC pipeline

and the U.S. in Afghanistan

See also Caspian Sea region, Caspian Guard project