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Koros, Alexander Csoma de. "Notices on the Different Systems of Buddhism, extracted from the Tibetan Authorities." (JASB)

Koros, Alexander Csoma de. "Enumeration of Historical and Grammatical Works to be met with in Tibet." (JASB)


Hodgson, Brian Houghton. The Vajra-Soochi, or Refutation of the Arguments upon which the Brahmanical Institution of Caste is founded, by the learned Boodhist Ashwa Ghosa. (From Skt.)

*Koros, Alexander Csoma de. Analyses of the Gyut. (Asiatic Researches vol. XX, part II, p. 488)


Gogerly, Reverend Daniel John. "Buddhism: Damapadan." (The Friend) (Colombo)

Troyer, A. Raja Tarangini. Histoire des Rois du Kachmir, publ. en Sanscrit et tr. en Francais. 3 vol., 1840-52 (Paris)


Foucaux, P.E. Specimen du Gya-tcher-rol-pa (Lalita Vistara). Partie du chap. VII, contenant la naissance de Cakya-Mouni. (From the Tibetan) (Paris)

Wilson, Horace Hayman. Introduction to the Grammar of the Sanskrit Language. (London)

Saint-Hilaire, Jules Barthelemy. Le Nyaya. (Authenticite du Nyaya. Analyse du Nyaya. Appreciation de la doctrine de Nyaya.) (Paris)

Saint-Hilaire, Jules Barthelemy. Traductions des Soutras du Nyaya compose par Gotama. (Paris)

Spiegel, Friedrich von. Kammavakya. Liber de officiis sacredotum Buddhicorum. Palice et Latine… (Bonnae ad Rhenum)


*Abel-Remusat, Jean Pierre. Fo-thou-tchhing. (Paris: no date)

Foucaux, P.E. Le sage et le fou. Extrait du Kanjur. (Paris)


Morton, W. Vajra Suchi. (Bengali and English trans.) (Calcutta)

Schmidt, Isaac Jacob. Sutra on the Wise Man and the Fool. (From the Tibetan).


Bkah-hgyur-gyi-dkar-chag, oder der Index des Kandjur. Hrsg. von der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. (St. Petersburg)

Canstadt, Baron Schilling von. Bibliotheque bouddhique, ou Index Gandjour de Narthang. (Kanjur Table of Contents?)


Chitty, Simon Cassie. "The Sixth Chapter of the Tiruvathavur Purana entitled 'The Vanquishing of the Buddhists in Disputation." [Translation]

Gogerly, Reverend Daniel John. "Singalo Wada." (JCBRAS)

Gogerly, Reverend Daniel John. "The Discourse on the Minor Results of Conduct, or The Discourse addressed to Subha." (JCBRAS)

Stevenson, Rev. John. "Analysis of the Ganesa Purana, with Special Reference to the History of Buddhism." (JRAS)


Foucaux, Philippe Edouard. Lalitavistara. French, from Tibetan, with Sanskrit).


Low, James. "Gleanings in Budhism, or translations of passages from a Siamese version of a Pali work, termed in Siamese 'Phra Pat'hom,' with passing observations on Buddhism and Brahmanism." (JASB)

Stevenson, Rev. John. Kalpa Sutra and Nava Tatva. Two Works Illus. of the Jain Religion and Philosophy. Tr. from Maghadi with… remarks on the language of the original. (London)


Hardy, Spence. Eastern Monachism: An Account of the Origin, Laws, Discipline, Sacred Writings, Mysterious Rites, and Present Circumstances of the Order of Mendicants Founded by Gotama Buddha. (London)

Latter, Thomas. Selection from the Vernacular Buddhist Literature of Burmah. (Maulmain)


Bennet, Rev. Chester. Life of Gaudama. (From Burmese Ma-la-len-ga-ra Wottoo)

**Burnouf, Eugene. Le Lotus de la Bonne Loi. (French, from Hodgon's Sanskrit Nepalese MSS.)

Schiefner, Anton von. "Das buddhistische Sutra der zweiundvierzig Satze. Aus dem Tibetischen ubers…" (Melanges Asiatiques)


Hardy, Spence R. A Manual of Buddhism in its Modern Development. Translated from Singhalese MSS..


Fauboll, Michael Viggo. Dhammapadam.


Goldstucker, Theodor. Dictionary, Sanskrit, and English. (Berlin and London) [1st Sanskrit Dictionary]


Edkins, Reverend Joseph. "A Buddhist Shastra. Tr. from Chinese" 1858


Muir, John. Original Sanskrit Texts on the Origin and History of the People of India; Their Religion and Institutions. 5 vols. (London) (1858-70)

Schiefner, Anton von. Buddhistische Triglotte, d.h. Sanskrit-tibetisch-monoglisches Worterverzeichniss. (St. Petersburg)

Vidyasagara, Iswarachandra. Sarvadarsana Sangraha, or Epitome of the Different Systems of Indian Philosophy, by Madhavacharya. (Calcutta)


**Bigandet, Reverend P. The Life of Gaudama, The Buddha of The Burmese. (From Burmese)

Julien, Stanislaus. Les Avadanas. 3 Vols. (Paris) (From Chinese)

Weber, Albrecht Friedrich. "Die Vajrasuci des Acvaghosha. Eine buddhistische Streitschrift uber die Irrigkeit der Anspruche der Brahmana-Kaste."


Fowle, E. "Translation of a Burmese Version of the Nidikyam, a Code of Ethics in Pali." (JRAS)


Fauboll, Michael Viggo. Five Jatakas. (With Pali and trans.)

Foucaux, P.E. Kanjur. Tibetan MS. of the three following sections, made from the MS. of the Tibetan Kanjur in the Bibliotheque Nationale Paris. Sounyata-Dhatoubahoutaka-Parinirvana.

Scherb, S.E.A. "The Buddha and his Religion. The golden verses of the Buddha." Tr. from the Dhammapadam. (Chr. Register, Boston)


Beal,Reverend Samuel. "The Sutra of the Forty-two Sections, from the Chinese."

Beal, Reverend Samuel. "Comparative Arrangement of two Translations of the… Pratimoksha." (From Chinese and from Pali)


Beal, Reverend Samuel. "Text and Commentary of the Memorial of Sakya Buddha Tathagata by Wong Puh."

**Schlagintweit, Emil. Buddhism in Tibet, Illustrated by Literary Documents and Objects of Religious Worship. With an Account of the Buddhist Systems Preceding It in India. Schlagintweit, Emil. "On the Bodily Proportions of Buddhist Idols in Tibet." (JRAS)

Schlagintweit, Emil. "Uber das Mahayana Sutra Digpa-thamchad-shagpar-terchoi. Ein buddhist. Beichtbuch." (Sb. d. K.B. Akad. d. Wiss., Jg. 1863, I, S. 81-99; II. 4 S.)


Feer, Henri Leon. Tchandra-sutra, Surya-sutra, Tchatur Gatha . (Paris) Muller, F.M. and Bunyiu Nanjio. Ashta-Sakasrika-Prajna-Paramita, eds. (Oxford)


Beal, Reverend Samuel. "The Vajrachhedika, the 'Kin Kong King,' or Diamond Sutra." (From Chinese)

Beal, Reverend Samuel. "The Paramita-hridaya Sutra." Chinese)

Feer, Henri Leon. Exercice de langue tibetaine. Legende du roi Acoka. (Paris)

Feer, Henri Leon. "Etudes bouddhiques. Des Vyakarana et de leur place dans la litterature des Bouddhistes."


Beal, Reverend Samuel. "Brief Prefactory Remarks to the Translation of the Amitabha Sutra from the Chinese."

Beal, Reverend Samuel. "Confessional of Kwan Yin."

Feer, Henri Leon. L'Essence de la Science Transcendent (Prajna-Paramita-Hridaya-Sutra) en trois langues, tibetain, sanskrit, mongol. (Paris)